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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

(@Saruwatari Tomohisa @Aeshae Sorry for the late reply. I kind of went to sleep.)

Nyo couldn't help but laugh at Richard's inspirational speech about hot springs. He was so riled up about this. He looked up as the tiger-teacher approached.

"And I was hoping life here would be... uh... relaxing!" He exclaimed the word as he remembered it. He looked over to Threlm. Probably preparing already. He seemed like that kind of guy.
Raven walked to the arena, quietly, and trying to stay away from people. Raven knew he at least had a chance, hes already studied most of the students, and knows how to beat them. Thanks to my little minions. Raven thought to himself, while looking at the arena. Pretty impressive, but I didn't think we'd all be pitted against each other. Raven then continued to think quietly, hoping no one would interrupt.
Threlm smiled "Oh it is still going to be rather relaxing. It isn't like we are going to kill or maim each other. It is just a friendly sparring match between supernaturals." Threlm spoke in a kinda soothing kinda sarcastic tone of voice.

(Thats fine you always respond when we are asleep too xD @SecretRock @Aeshae )
Nyo hummed in quiet disagreement. Still, if they were looking forward to it he wasn't going to judge them. He shrugged slightly as he looked around, still not entirely sure about this.

"Well, may the best guy win." He told the others, putting a smile on. He crossed his arms and grinned at them. "Probably won't be easy to win, though."
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Raven took a last look at the arena, put his cloak over his face, concealing it, and left. Raven wandered around the mansion for a while, looking at everything, since it was his first day. This place is huge. Raven loved to think to himself, thats how he calmed down. I hope I don't get lost. Raven smiled, as he continued to adventure through the giant building.

The teen looked,her over,before swallowing. He stood, not taking her hand. He gave an apologetic look, not wanting to seem rude, before grabbing his bag.

"Where...would that be?"

After instructions were given,he hurried off. Eventually coming to the small group heading for the arena. He gave a sigh,stepping over.

If...they were heading for an arena, then they will most likely be combating each other...

He quickly looked through his Pouch, before pulling what looked like a glass eye. Clenching it in his right fist,he then pressed the knuckles to his left palm. The bandages began to glow slightly,before it died away. The eye was gone,however his left eye had changed. From its previous crimson,it was now an emerald green. He began examining each person from his place. He silently hoped nobody saw his use of magic.

Examing his fellow..."students", He noticed something. One of them, thier eye...was putting off an energy as he looked over the group. Now normally he would be able to see this,but his spell gives him the ability to see...not so natural energies. For a time.

Stepping over, He wanted to deceifer this kids magic. Figure out what he was looking for...

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
Raven decided to walk to the arena once more. But this time he saw Mr.S. "Hmmm..." Raven waited for the other student, he was also waiting to see what was going to happen.
Threlm felt eyes "Not with your abilities." Threlm laughed and then quickly glanced over his shoulder at the boy looking at him. His power would start to flow towards him gaining the power the boy was using. Threlm would start to understand the boys power when he starts to gain it. He usually gains the basic knowledge of how to use and what it is. He grins at the boy and turns back to his Nyo. "So how far do you think you will get?"

@SecretRock @Mistory1997
Nyo shrugged again and made and 'eh' like sound accompanied by a 'so-so' gesture.

"Probably not too far." He admitted. "But, despite what you seem to, uh... believe, my powers are not useless. I'll have you know that I once brought a frog back to life." He told Thrlem proudly, not noticing the other boy watching them. He didn't bother adding that it was an accident or that he had no idea how to do it again. "What have you done with yours?" he challenged.
He could see it,and grimaced, stepping forward and resting his hands on the boys shoulder "don't...don't do that..." he hissed.

It wasn't that he was intimidated. But he could see it. How his magic worked. But this...it's not exactly "safe" magic...

"What he's done, is steal abilities. Like being able to see how the energies flow right now. And I'm going to tell you right now. You don't want this"

@Saruwatari Tomohisa @SecretRock
Threlm felt the hand on his shoulder and turned laughing at the boy. "It is not stealimg it is simply copying." Threlm responded. "And I used my abilities to defend my self from the bullies and thugs. And if there is going to be a fight amongst super powers I would want to gain as many as I need wouldn't you think." He glanced at the boy.

@SecretRock @Mistory1997
Raven sighed, he used his powers to transport his battle cloak-ish robe. Whenever he wears it, not even his face can be seen. Now to think, how am I going to fight everyone? Raven thought about his tactics. After he was done thinking about his battl plans he nodded in approval, to himsel.
Nyo squeaked at the other's kid's sudden voice, surprised by his approach. He managed to cut it off halfway through, but he felt his face started to burn again. These guys didn't seem to mind the noises he made, but he was always teased at home for them. He cleared his throat and looked at the guy.

"Makes sense to me." Nyo agreed, then turned to the boy who's approached. "My name is Nyo Dwyer, what's yours?" He asked the boy, extending a hand and trying to give him a warm smile.
He let his eyes glance over to the other male,before looking to the 'mimic'

"Aiden. Now,"he turned the teen, glaring at him" I really don't care about how it works. The powers your...copying...look. don't use mine. I'm serious. Your abilities don't tell you everything. And trust me,this is power you can't just use recklessly. You'll kill yourself before you even touch someone else"

He released him, readjusting his bag on his shoulder."I'm just warning you. Don't use what you get from me. You'll regret it."He cracked his knuckles,releasing a breath. He shook himself"I'm sorry. Let's try this again..."He finally took the man's hand,shaking it"Aiden Emore. Just showed up. Specialty is Sacrificial magic"

@SecretRock @Saruwatari Tomohisa
Julius walked down to the arena and saw a small group of three males conversing, one of them seemed new and had a tone towards one of the others. Its was times like this Julius didn't like being a teacher the students always like to fight so he walked to the group of students. In a cold tone he asked politely "Everything alright here?" He asked as they where introducing themselves.

@SecretRock @Saruwatari Tomohisa @Mistory1997
Raven stood in the arena and kept thinking. He didn't feel like doing anything, or talk to anyone, he just wanted to be alone with his own thoughts. But he couldn't it was like he could hear every, little single noise in the mansion. Raven sighed in defeat, he then walked out of the arena, trying to avoid everyone.
Threlm just smiled back. "I know what yours does and I have always been careful about the use of others powers." He reached his hand out to dhake but then a teacher walked up. "Yes everything is fine sir we were just discussing our powers woth one another nothing serious." Threlm said with a polite smile.

@CainMcknight @SecretRock @Mistory1997
"Quintessence." Nyo replied cheerfully, trying to process what Aiden had warned against. "I got here earlier, but don't worry, you didn't miss much." Nyo reassured him.

He glanced up at the arena door and was about to announce their arrival to the other two when a man (another introduced teacher? Ms Reed didn't seem to be very prepared with that whole thing) approached. He smiled nervously to the teacher. Why were they all so intimidating? He nodded in agreement with Threlm, trying to find his voice.

"Hunky dory, sir." He agreed.

@Mistory1997 @CainMcknight @Saruwatari Tomohisa
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Julius scanned the students when they said that they where discussing their powers, He thought that was kind of meaningless since in a combat setting you would be letting your opponent know what to expect. "And what are your powers?" He asked to all three of the young men standing before him.

@Mistory1997 @Saruwatari Tomohisa @SecretRock
The male paused, releasing his hand. Brushing his jacket free if dust.

"...sacrificial magic,sir."

His magic is one of the most self endangering types. Every spell could end up killing him if he wasn't careful.

"I take an item,and giving it up, I gain abilities from it."

@CainMcknight @SecretRock @Saruwatari Tomohisa
Threlm smiled and waited for the response of atleast one of the other students before responding. "My ability allows me to mimic exactly whatever ability I see." Threlm smiled he knew that it was a strong power and he intended to win the tournament.
Raven appeared here and there, out of the darkness he uses. Raven was still holding the robe. "This actually looks pretty cool, though I only used it once, everyone told me they were intimidated..." Yeah right. He thought to himself, he knew they were saying that to make him feel better.
Julius found Threlms power to be the most interesting, he could win the tournament if he used it correctly but he could also loose the tournament if he copied a weaker power then got attacked by someone stronger. Then again if Julius was in the tournament he could win just by surviving the longest which made him laugh, "Mimicry is only as strong as the opponent." Julius said to the young lad in front of him.

@Mistory1997 @Saruwatari Tomohisa @SecretRock
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"It also depends on how you use it." Nyo added to the teachers comment. Aiden's power sounded pretty cool. And useful. Imagine being able to do something like give up a shard of glass and get a weapon or something from it. "My power's quintessence force." He told the teacher.
"Indeed it is. But if you can store the essence of the power for a later date. I could collect the powers of everyone and use what is useful at that moment. Though once I start I cant stop until it runs out sadly. And yes I did just reveal my fault." Threlm laughed and smiled friendly at everyone there.

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