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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Julius listened to the three students powers and smiled thinking about there potential "Well i'm Julius the history teacher. And ill make this request once to you" He said pointing to the mimic of the group "Copy my powers and ill kill you myself" He laughed in his head after he said this since if the boy did copy his powers he would have temporary immortality. Julius didn't want the lad to know that it was an empty threat but it still made Julius feel happy being able to mess with the younger generations.

@Mistory1997 @Saruwatari Tomohisa @SecretRock
"A simple history teacher kill me." Threln laughed jokingly wondering what type of ability he had. He knew it was always active. He debated on doing at that moment the only one who eould know would be the boy who introduced himself to Nyo.
(Sorry I haven't replied in a long while. I was busy most of the week and weekend. I'm not sure where to begin.)

Quinn had been in room 101 that he shared with Nyo, unpacking and putting out some medicinal plants that the school had magically gotten from his home. He felt comfortable around the plants, the own poison in his body not moving. Heck, ever since arriving here he didn't poison anyone or make them sick or go into body convulsions. He smiled and placed some herbal remedy books out on his desk on his side of the room, which was the left, and then looked around. 'Hmm...I wonder where everyone is? I can't help but feel I missed some important information.' Quinn walked out of the dorm room and shut the door behind him as he went in search of everyone. He couldn't even feel vibrations through the floor. He kept his eyes peeled just in case he saw someone because without his hearing he would need to rely on his other senses. He walked down the stairs and past the Grand Hall, just by mere chance alone, he found Nyo and waved. 'An arena? Oh...combat skills? This...is not gonna be fun.' Quinn saw a teacher with Nyo and some other guy and he walked up to all of them, he pulled out his phone, texted something in notes and showed Nyo. "Hey what's going on?" The phone message said as Quinn looked back and forth at all the students and teachers around. Quinn typed another quick message "What did I miss dude?"

Quinn smiled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously feeling a bit left out of the exciting loop.

@SecretRock @CainMcknight @Saruwatari Tomohisa @Anyone in general Quinn is a lost deaf boy hahaha someone help him out by telling him what's up.
Raven sat in one of the many chairs. He sat their, with his piercing gray eyes looking like their seeing straight past everyone. He sighed, while he tried to think. Eventually he gave up, grabbed a book, and started reading.
Aiden looked up,stepping forward.

"Sir? Um...you wouldn't happen to have any...trinkets, that had held emotional value in the past,would you? A sliver of a blade that saw battle, a necklace that had been given and worn by an ancestor to another, anything of that nature?"

It sound odd,but these were the greatest weapons in his magic. The ones that held emotional value had the greatest energies

@Saruwatari Tomohisa @CainMcknight @SecretRock
Julius found the question odd and looked upon the boy trying to figure him out, "Depends...Would I get it back in once piece?" He asked feeling his old american civil war pocket watch the pocket watch was given to him by his eldest son. The picture inside had six people in total in the middle was Julius not looking any different then he was now, Behind him was two old men and in front was three younger children. All of them where his children since the civil war in america Julius didn't have any other children but he still kept track of his lineage and watched his great great grandchildren grow up occasionally sending them gifts.

@Mistory1997 @Saruwatari Tomohisa @SecretRock
(Good to have you back!)

Nyo caught movement in the corner of his eye and glanced, seeing Quinn. He waved back with a smile and looked down at the note the boy was showing him. He took a second to think.

"This is Aiden," he gestured to the newest boy, "Threlm," he gestured again, "And the history teacher, uh, Julius I guess. Sir do we call you that?" He didn't wait for an answer. "He just threatened to kill Threlm if he copied his power, which is what Threlm's power does. That might actually be illegal, but anyway. We were going to see the arena, get a feel for the layout and such." He paused and glanced at Aiden to listen to his odd request. "Oh hey, by the way, what's your power?" He asked Quinn.

@AceSpades @Saruwatari Tomohisa @Mistory1997 @CainMcknight
He nodded"yes yes sir. Little be fine. May magic has the item vanish upon use,and reforms once over. The only damage that can occur will be if I stress it to much, but I can gauge the limit fairly well..."

Julius squinted at the boy then he realized how could he be a good teacher if he didn't give students a chance to do what they do best, So he grabbed his old american civil war pocket watch and tossed it to the boy. Julius didn't care if the boys found out how old he really was so when he tossed the watch he opened it revealing the old picture of him and his family on the inside."Brake my watch ill break your nose." He said not meaning it but at the same time hoping he got his watch back.

@Mistory1997 @Saruwatari Tomohisa @SecretRock
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(Thanks! It's good to be back!)

Quinn carefully watched Nyo's lips as he talked, glancing at Aiden, Threln and then the teacher Julius, then back to Nyo. He took his phone back and typed something again then showed Nyo. "Arena? We're...fighting? I guess it'll be cool." He then typed something more onto his phone then showed Nyo again. "Poison Manipulation and Creation. I can create poisons and toxins onto my skin which can cause others to fall ill, nausea, body convulsions or even fevers. Depending on the type of poison that secretes from my skin." Quinn smiled and shook his head. "I'm not gonna fight anyone. I don't like seeing them go into body convulsion from my power. If in contact with my skin for long periods of time when I have poison on my skin...I don't like to think what could happen. I don't want to accidentally kill anyone. So far...I've only gotten people sick...I'd rather help. Not harm." He typed then showed Nyo before looking at the boy named Threln. Quinn typed on his phone. "Cool name...You spell it Threln..right?" He finger spelt Threln's name before giving a small and shy smile. He was grateful that Nyo let him know what was going on. Being deaf put limitations on being able to hear overhead speakers or announcements so he relied on fellow students to let him know what was said. "What's your power?" He typed on his phone and showed it to Threln. Quinn then typed on his phone. "The teacher. He teaches what exactly?" Quinn looked at both Nyo and Threln, looking at their lips quickly to see which one spoke first.

@SecretRock @Saruwatari Tomohisa @CainMcknight
Threlm looked at the image inside of the watch. "So you dont age? Or are you immortal? Time travel? Oh I could really use your abilities." Threlm laughed and had already started mimicking. It is not like he could possibly know.
Mr S. was in the arena, having gone there to see if there were any students who might have wanted to fight. He watched the three students and the teacher, Julius. He listened to them speak, his eyes widening a little when he heard Threlm mention using the powers of others. Keeping his cool, he made a link to Ms. Reed. "Come to the arena, I wish to discuss something with you in person. It's urgent and involves the students." He waited patiently for her arrival, closing the link he made. They always gave him headaches if he used them for too long. He continued listening to them all, not really paying too much attention. The information would prove useful later on though. As to whether or not he would reveal himself, well he figured that his speaking to Ms. Reed would tip the others off of his presence.

He scrambled to catch it, holding it in his hands. His eye gave off a glow as he examined the watch

"Oh...so that's It...lots of love in this...lots of memories..."

He looked up,the glow fading

"I'll take good care of it,sir"

He closed the watch,and slipping it in his pouch.

"Thank you very much sir. If you have any other items,even a stone from the battlefield, it can be used in my spells."

Ms.Reed Fell through a portal that was close to the ceiling of the area. She was able to catch herself before any injuries were sustained but it was very surprising to everyone in the room. Wrapped only in a towel she yelled "Did someone call me cause I was in the middle of a nice bath". Looking around the room she tried to find the person who called her.

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Raven had been close enough to the four people talking, he heard the whole thing. Ability...to copy other abilities! He must be very strong... Raven thought as fret overcame him. Well, from what my minions told me...It was one of his eyes that allowed him to copy abilites... Raven then thought of another battle plan.
Mr. S moved over to Ms. Reed, seemingly walking on air before stepping onto the floor. He sighed and rubbed his temples, "Ms. Reed, I am the only one in the school who can communicate with you like that. Please just come with me so we can speak in private." He glanced at the others, turning his attention back to Ms. Reed. "Also perhaps you could get some clothes on while you're at it?"

He held out his hand towards the entrance, gesturing for Ms. Reed to follow him outside of the arena. "It will just be a moment of talk. Then you can return to your bathing." He reassured her. He looked at Threlm, glaring partially, "I will be needing a word alone with you as well, after I speak to Ms. Reed."

@Agirl1107 @Mistory1997 @CainMcknight @Saruwatari Tomohisa
"History? That's cool. My mother and my brother love history." He typed on the phone then showed it to the teacher.

"It's...not so bad...dealing with poisons. I love finding herbal remedies and drinks or salves to soothe aches and pains to help cure people from the poisons I secrete." He typed to Threlm. "Modern medicine is a great and powerful tool against poisons, but sometimes good home remedies help much more...I think." He laughed and typed quickly on his phone. "I have a question for you all." He signed then typed out. "How could I fight my opponent, if I can't hear my opponent?" He said looking at Julius, Nyo, Aiden and then Threlm.The vice principal then spoke to Threlm and Quinn kinda got a bad feeling. "He doesn't like you. Does he?" Quinn raised a brow and shrugged a bit.

@CainMcknight @SecretRock @Saruwatari Tomohisa @Mistory1997 @Tetro
"Ok, if you want to talk fine I go with you" Ms.Reed said as she distorted space around her. Her clothes replaced the towel in mere nanoseconds. Following her old friend off to a place to discuss this foreboding subject.
When they were both outside the arena, Mr. S looked at Reed, placing a barrier at the entrance so no one could hear their conversation. "With the new arena implemented, I would like to know your plans on who might be watching over the students as they fight. I wouldn't want our students to risk killing each other. There are some who have rather unstable powers." He spoke calmly. "Also I would like to inform you that I will be delivering disciplinary action to a certain student. He may have copied one of my abilities, and is copying the abilities of other students without their permission." He crossed his arms, obviously upset. "I know you are... busy... So I would like to take it upon myself to speak to him about his behavior. It may not be against the rules for him to do something like that but it puts others in dangers and it shows a complete disregard for their privacy." He added.

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Thrlem just smiled at the Mr.s, "If you want." Then he looked back at Quinn, "You could solve world problems with your ability. And I duppose not. Wonder what I did to offened him." The chuckled.

Julius frowned at the kid then smacked him in the back of the head in a way a friend would hit another "Show Respect Boy." He said towards Thrlem. Julius is an old kind of disciplinarian he personally believes the Spartans had it best with their kids.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
Aiden muttered,stepping back to the group,giving a swift smack to the back of Thrlem's head. Not so much to hurt,but enough to say "idiot" without speech, much like the teacher had

"Its probably something to do with you copying powers. A lot of us have worked hard to get what we have under control,but then you come along,see our progress, and then,having never done it before, are able to do the same with similar skill. Not only is it dangerous, its kinda a kick in the nuts to see for someone"

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
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David walked into the arena just catching most of the conversation, and smirked as Julius clipped a student across the back of the head. David himself then addressed the boy, "Yes, he certainly could solve many world problems but he could also cause them. Think about what North Korea could do with a mustard gas that couldn't be seen? Or what Islamic state could do with a nerve gas that would only target specific ? His power can work both ways, it's best the world solve it's own problems without us getting involved". He stood next to Julius "Afternoon Julius, not putting the students to sleep with more war stories are we?" He smiled at the other teacher sarcastically.

@CainMcknight @Mistory1997 @AceSpades @Saruwatari Tomohisa @SecretRock
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