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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Nyo glanced over at Mr S as he basically threatened Threlm. Or that's what it felt like to Nyo, and he was glad he wasn't in Threlm's place. Mr S really unsettled him, something He looked over at Aiden.

"It's not like he can help it. It's like calling you're power cheating because you didn't work the advantages you got." He mumbled, half hoping that they didn't hear him. He sighed heavily and tried to focus on Quinn's problem instead. "The only thing I can think of is making sure you can always see them." He suggested unhelpfully.
Julius then smacked the other student in the back of the head for hitting another student he did this in the same manner not hitting the student to hard. "Don't Do My Job, that's what i'm paid for." Then David walked up and made a comment that made Julius feel old so he smacked David in the back of the head on the inside he felt like laughing i could do this forever...literally. "Your making me feel old David."

@Mistory1997 @AceSpades @Saruwatari Tomohisa @SecretRock
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"Well some people just get dealt better cards. And I had my fair share of painful and bad days as well." Threlm responded nodding to Nyo for having his back. While holding the back of his head and taking a step back so he couldn't be reached. "And I consider that unfare. Garhering all of us up here could potentially lead to world disaster as well. America or Russia or any religious groups who sees others as heathens could use any of us to their advantage. Just think of the salem witch trails. At any rate. You wanted to talk to me?" Threlm said in a blunt and defensive tone of voice. Why was everyone paying so much attention to him he just wanted to come to a place where he could possibly fit in more.
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Raven continued to listen to the conversations, while reading his book. Hmmm... Raven continued to think about all that's happening. I bet if he trained more with his power, he could even keep the powers! Or at least copy multiple at once. While eavesdropping Raven thought of the endless stuff you could do with that one copy ability.
Hmm Ms.Reed looked deep in thought. "Yes his power could cause a bit of a Problem but he will be taken care of if he misuses his power. And the students being watched over will not be a problem since all students will participate in a battle with two or more teachers present" Ms.Reed said as she paced back and forth.

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"You ARE old Julius" David retorted smiling trying not to show that the slap had stung. He turned to the students, "You're all incredibly powerful beings. Your powers comes with both positive and negative consequences, and it's up to you to control that power. Yes, Threlms power can be considered dangerous due to the fact he isn't used to handling the powers he copies, but taking someone's powers temporarily may prove useful when in certain situations". David paused and clapped his hands together, a wide smile spreading across his face "Anyway, enough boring chatter, who wants to train?" He stood there and waited for the students to speak up, still smiling.

@Mistory1997 @AceSpades @Saruwatari Tomohisa @CainMcknight @SecretRock
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Raven finished his book quite fast. "Now I need something to do..." Raven looked at everyone with a clearly bored expression. "Hmmm..."
Julius started mumbling after he was called old "I'm not old, your old, murmurmur..." He said following David. When David said that they should train he said to David "Im only good in hand to hand." thinking back on the days he trained in many different fighting styles over his long life.
Threlm smiled. "I could try and experience some of your cambat expertise. Sound slike fun I volunteer." Threlm laughed with a smile.

(I am almost home and my phone is at 6% lol close one xD )
Raven transported into the arena again, using his ability. He wanted to look at the art, the decor again. "It's quite beautiful..." He said to himself, as he studied the arena. "Everytime I look it's more exquisite.
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(Cutting it close.)

Thankful for the change of topic, Nyo smiled, looking around the group. He glanced at the arena, still just Mr S and Ms Reed, still cut off to them. He opened his mouth, then closed it again, looking for the right words before speaking.

"I could use training in that." He told Julius. "I mean, from what I've heard, I'm pretty in control of my power, or the violent part of it anyway. But, you know, I can't exactly fight well. Never had to before, and I'm rambling again. I don't usually do it this often, why am I doing it so much today?" The rest of Nyo's words were too quiet to hear as he tried to cut off the seemingly endless stream of noise.
Quinn nodded and stepped forward. He was willing to learn how to fight hand to hand, he didn't want to use his powers and he was sure that it wouldn't become a life or death situation. If he did start to become stressed out or nervous he would just be done for the day so he could calm down and not have his power get everyone sick here. He wouldn't mind being paired up with one of the guys here or even have Julius give tips and fighting moves while they trained. Quinn ruffled Nyo's hair, then gave a good hearty pat to Threlm's back. Quinn was a excited to train with fellow students who were all different in powers and skills. Quinn needed to learn if he wanted to defend himself someday.

@CainMcknight @Dafyddwilliams14 @SecretRock @Saruwatari Tomohisa
Mr. S nodded when Ms. Reed responded. "Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I must speak now to the student I was referring to." He dismissed himself, lowering the barrier and walking back into the arena. He stepped in the middle of everyone, "Allow me to interrupt." He pointed to Threlm, "You will be coming with me. I need to have a talk with you." He looked around at the other students and Julius and David, "Unless there is something more important he is needed for?" He was referring to Threlm's previous volunteering. The coldness of the question seemed to almost manifest itself in the room's temperature. It was more of his way of telling them 'Don't interfere', than it was an actual question. He held respect and appreciation for David and Julius, but with the students around he wasn't about to be soft or kind. He put a hand on Threlm's shoulder, "He won't be too long." Mr S. lead Threlm and himself through a portal, both of them vanishing from everyone's sight.

@CainMcknight @Dafyddwilliams14 @SecretRock @AceSpades @Agirl1107

Mr. S gestured to the chair across his desk for Threlm to take. "Sit." He plainly said. He walked over and sat down, scooting in and staring at Threlm. The room was cold enough for a person to see their own breath, and it was dark, holding no windows of any kind to let the light in. The fire place seemed like it hadn't been used in a long time. The energy of the room also felt off, like there was something wrong with it. It seemed rather old and rustic, almost like something out of a castle because of the cobblestone wall, floor, and ceiling. Moss seemed to be growing in certain parts as well. "I never did learn your name, what is it?" He asked.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
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Julius could have fun with this teaching students hand to hand combat. Since he had been alive for so many years he often learned things he wasn't good in magic fights but in hand to hand he was an expert, it had been a couple hundred years since he fought but he figured that should give the younger lad a chance. "Okay, hit me in the chest its two points if i block you get no points. Mess up my face ill mess yours up." Julius said to the boy in a sarcastic tone trying to lighten the mood while he said that he was unbuttoning his vest and laid it on the ground when Mr. S came in and kidnapped Threlm. Julius took off his outter shirt revealing only a black muscle tea shirt. Even though Julius was extremely old his body still stayed the same as it was when he was 25, He had scars running all up and down his chest and arms the scars were covering most of his muscles. "Who all is gonna train in hand to hand combat?" Julius asked trying to gauge how many students he would have to fight.

@Mistory1997 @AceSpades @Saruwatari Tomohisa @SecretRock
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Walking back into the arena Ms.Reed saw Julius offer to train with the students. "Oooo I wanna help train the students" Ms.Reed said in childlike happiness. She walked next to Julius to see who would like to spar. "So anyone wanna duke it out?" Ms.Reed Asked.
Julius looked down at the elegant Ms. Reed who stood next to him. He put his hand on her head and smiled at the students "Who wants to fight Ms. Reed?" he said looking at the students while whispering at Ms. Reed "Go Easy On Your Opponent." He said in a playful tone towards her.
With a sigh, Aiden glanced about,then looking to the teacher."actually, I would like to test... I would like to put Mr. J's gift to the test. "He pulled the watch free from the pouch, letting it swing freely.he then glanced to Ms. Reed"would you be willing"?

@CainMcknight @Agirl1107
Quinn frowned as Threlm was taken away by Mr. S. It seemed off...he then looked at Julius and nodded slowly, shrugging off his skeleton hoodie and having a black tank top underneath with a skeleton face on that as well. He signed to the teacher. " Me." His fist facing towards him with his thumb up. (The sign for myself) His different colored eyes focusing on Julius, his right red eye and his left grey one, both seemed eerily transfixed to every single minute detail. Quinn couldn't rely on his hearing being deaf, but his other senses were naturally heightened to help aid him. Quinn signed. " I will fight you or Ms. Reed, it doesn't matter." He then waited to see which teacher would spar with him.

@CainMcknight @everyone in this room
Nyo smoother down his hair, giving Quinn a slight nudge with his elbow, then used his raised hand in a slight wave goodbye to Threlm, the way Mr S was talking made it feel like it was the last time they would see each other. Once they disappeared into the portal he turned his attention back to the teachers, noticing Ms Reed approaching too. Now she was offering to fight as well.

"Well, I wanna try some hand to hand, but only one of you please." He looked over to Aiden as he said he wanted to test the watch he'd been given. Nyo was kind of curious to see what would happen, but he shook his head and looked back to the teachers to wait for their reply.

@Agirl1107 @CainMcknight
"Ah ok lets see what you all can do against me" Ms.Reed said in a oddly cheerful tone. Ms.Reed Cracked her knuckles and Began to size up her opponents. "Don't go easy on me I like a challenge" Ms.Reed added.
David's smile only got wider as all three of the students and even Julius volunteered to train. He nodded as S took one of the students away, best not to get involved in that. David smiled at the final student, "Nyo, was it?" the boy seemed nervous so he didn't want to intimidate him, "Nyo, I want you to hit me" David pulled out a bit of cloth and wrapped it around his eyes, "whenever you're ready" He stood with his arms at his side waiting for the boy to move.

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Julius looked over at the student who wanted to fight him "Well come on Quinn you don't got all day" He said laughing while getting in an odd stance where one foot was behind him the leg was straight while his other one was bent at a right angel while his arms where spread in a V shape in the air waiting on the defense "Remember two points if you hit me in the chest"

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Actually...to be honest, i'd like to test my strength against them... Raven continued watching. He was actually surprised to see that Ms.Reed would fight.
"Okay." Nyo agreed, raising his arms and looking up at the teacher. "Okay." he repeated to himself, taking a deep breath. He stepped forward and swung his fist towards David's shoulder, aiming to hit him just below his collarbone. He didn't want to hurt him if he did hit so the hit was quite weak and slow.

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