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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

You are going too far stop now. Ms.Reed blinked a couple times realizing that she was nowhere in the arena. She saw Aiden and two figures. "So you get your powers from them kiddo" Ms.Reed said in a oddly dull tone. She then said "Well you really shouldn't let those things control you kiddo it's bad for your health no to mention sanity". She tried to inch her way closer to the angry child.
Nyo nodded to David, still in shock after watching Aiden attacking Julius, then as the book spewed pages everywhere and they were gone. He blinked a few times before looking at the other teachers.

"Sh-should we be trying, uh, trying to help them in some way?" he asked, staring at the book. "That didn't look, um, you know, healthy. For either of them."
David's eyes widened after he saw Ms. Reed and Aiden disappear. He picked himself up He walked over to Julian "I think we should find Mr. S, he needs to know what's going on and he may know something about that book. I'll escort all of the students back to their dorms". He addressed all of the students in the room, "No need to worry Ms. Reed will be back soon but it would be safer for all of you to stay in your rooms until further notice!".

@SecretRock @CainMcknight @WeirdisFun @AceSpades @Raven Daniel
Alma slowly stood up from her seat, an unusually blank expression plastered on her face, while her mind was moving a mile a minute with her thoughts.

'This cannot end very well.' Alma thought as her eyes flickered over to where Miss Reed and Aiden once stood. 'I can only hope that none of them will get injured while they are gone from the arena.'
Mr. S listened and nodded. "I have worked most of my life to be nothing like my father. But one thing we will always have in common, I do not allow anyone to violate a family heirloom without punishment. My abilities, my powers, they are beyond your comprehension and control. And whatever your intentions, you copied my power without permission."

"Unlike other people's abilities, mine were given to me. They are the family heirloom I mentioned. And normally one doesn't just use their powers liberally with disregard for others." He glared harshly, a lot of memories being brought back about his own family. He took a breath, closing his eyes. He opened them, calmed down now, "I will allow you to use your power outside of the arena. But if I find out you copied someone's ability without their permission before my allowance of it, I will have you kicked out. Think of it as parole. The only other way for you to learn, clearly, not to disrespect me involves methods that would make Ms. Reed upset with me." He spoke in a serious tone.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
Julius was examining the book he remembered little about it but he knew they wouldn't be able to bring them back easily. "David go get Mr. S" Julius said while looking at the ancient book still trying to figure it out. They where most likely either inside the book or sent somewhere within the books power, when this was all sorted out Julius would need time to study the book.

The...voice of reason seemed to speak up.

Please forgive the boy. He doesn't mean it. He is very...emotional at the moment...

Emotional? The boy is simply angry! Wouldn't you be if you got your jaw busted like that

You DID bust my jaw like that.

But that's beside the point. Miss please, he's very upset, and the only reason he hasn't attacked is because I'm holding him back.

The dynamic here was becoming very clear. The softer voice,the one that carried the cackle, was a mentor of such here. The...other one,seemed to be an aggressor,instigating. Pushing Aiden to fight.

"Librom! Release me!"

Boy you listen! You know what these spells will do to you, and going i n like this you'll use one you really shouldn't! Magusar, leave him be!

The boy should get to vent every once in awhile. Its not good to get pent up like this

You know He can't. That's laws of sorcerers. No matter how hurt or upset you get, you can't let it affect your judgement. Something you seemed to be preventing him from learning. Now,boy, you must



The book began to shake,before forcing itself open. The pages began to fly again, freeing the pair back into their reality.

When the pages vanished,Ms.Reed was in her original position, and Aiden was unconcious,his arm bandaged and his jacket on and repaired.

The book closed itself,its features appearing again as it grimaced, licking its teeth

"Oi. That boy knows I hate the taste of humans. But I had to do something before he made a real mistake..."glancing about,its eyes locked on the one holding it." Julius, is that you? Little J!how have you been dear boy?"

The voice had a...slightly British accent. It obviously wouldn't be recognizable to Julius,but it seemed to know him

@CainMcknight @Agirl1107 @everyone
Threlm smiled understanding. "Thank you for the conversion. I can only imagine what type of connection you have witb your family since I have never made a real connection in my life but I have one more question. Am I allowed to copy peoples abilities that I fight against while in the arena? Kinda a stupid question but it must be asked."
Julius watched the book fly open back to life and spit the two out and then it talked to him calling him little J. The last time he was called Little J. was back before he reached his 1st billion years of age. "My friend i'm immortal not a camera, who are you?" He said looking at the book while looking at the student and Ms. Reed to see if they where okay.
"Hmmmm..." Raven watched all the chaos from the sidelines. Really impressive...but now I know how they fight... Raven went back to thinking to himself.
David nodded and turned to Alma, "Alma, could you escort the children?" Before waiting for an answer he ran down the corridor, quickly making his way through the house and reaching S' office quickly. He knew Mr. S hated it when people barged in but this was a special case. "Apologies for bursting in but something has happened in the arena that requires your attention. It appears Ms. Reed has been pulled into a book of sorts by the new student, Aiden. Alma is escorting the students back to their dorm and Julius is inspecting the book as we speak" He waited for Mr. S reply. When it came to situations like this, he was the least equipped to deal with the situation. He hated feeling so helpless.

@Tetro @Maiza Avaro @Saruwatari Tomohisa
"Pfft I'm not a human hell I not even from this planet ya stupid" Ms.Reed said childishly as she walked over to Aiden. She picked him up and put him on her back. "I'm gonna take the kid to the nurses office he needs some medical attention and a mentor which will obviously be me since I was going easy on the kid" Ms.Reed said. 'Maybe a little too easy' She thought to herself.
Julius while holding the book followed Ms. Reed wishing to make an inquiry about the book in his hands. Julius wished to inspect it and help train the boy since he was an immortal human he could withstand the damage done and still be able to survive after recovering from most attacks.
"It is not what you think..." He scoffed, rolling his eyes, not at Threlm but just in general. "Yes you can do that. Otherwise you will never learn how to use it to it's fullest potential. I expect great things from you." He waved his hand, a portal opening up that would allow Threlm to go where ever in the large mansion he wanted. "If you ever wish to speak to me about anything, or to simply talk, just open a door and think of this room..." He mentioned, reading an open book that appeared in his hands.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
"Ah, forgive me. You wouldn't know me in this life. Forgive me!"

Upon hearing her words,the book became very agitated

"Oi oi oi, I'm the boys master here and nobody else! For God's sakes I taught the boy how to cook when he was young. He simply has a temper, and we are working on it!"

The book seemed to whine about it, almost as childishly as she had spoke
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That...was chaotic...swallowed by a book... Raven have a audible 'Hmph' sacrifice magic....could be strong...or self destroying...my friend went insane from sacrificial magic. Raven started to think to himself.
"Ha a book as a master man brother must be really pulling my leg here to give me a kid with a freaking book master" Ms.Reed said in a sarcastic voice. Still holding on the Aiden and walking to the nurses office. "You are not that good of a master if you can't even control his stupid temper" Ms.Reed continued.
Julius thought back to when his kids used to argue and he was sad for a second then he remembered what was going on. "Ladies you are both beautiful but we have more pressing matters to deal with." Julius said following Ms. Reed to the nurses office. Julius wanted to hit the boy but he couldn't at the moment the last parts of his skin where still healing and it hurt to move sometimes.
(Sorry guys I was spending time with the family. A t.v. show caught my attention haha)

Quinn didn't expect to just go after the war veteran, so when the war veteran relaxed and started to watch and tease the other teacher. Quinn took the time to study movements, behaviors of the History teacher. He smiled as he took down the tiger teacher David down by his legs. He chuckled quietly as class was called to an end today. The history teacher was hurt, and he was heading to the nurses office so Quinn quickly went up to apologize and then leave the arena. "I'm sorry I didn't fight you." Quinn signed. He tilted his head as he looked at the book. "Hmmm what do you suppose happened when Aiden used the book?" He shrugged and looked at Nyo, "Hey Nyo. I'm going outside. Don't expect me to come to the dorm till late. Okay?" He smiled and waved at his friend then bowed his head at both Julius and David. "Good day Teachers." He signed, David asking Alma to escort the students out but Quinn had other plans. So, running off to go outside before curfew told them to be inside for the evening, he wanted to explore the grounds and see what type of plants grew here. There had to be medicinal plants and if not there had to be snakes or spiders that had some type of poison he could study.

@CainMcknight @Dafyddwilliams14 @SecretRock
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Wow...completely just...amazing, they were excellent... Raven let out a blast of darkness that covered the arena for a few minutes. "Hmmmm..."
Threlm smiled and atood up giving the teacher a slight bow. He thought of room 111. He wondered if his stuff would really be their. "Then until next time Mr. S." He stepped through and appeared in his room. He sat down on his bed and took in a deep breath. "What an eventful week." Threlm muttered to himself. With a sigh.

@Tetro (@WeirdisFun we have the same room)
(@Saruwatari Tomohisa oh yeah I almost forgot haha)

Jyn stands up and walks. "Hey Jyn you still remembered our dorm right #111" the voice said to Jyn while Jyn just finished eating his biscuits "I forgot actually but thanks for the heads up" Jyn replied to the voice he yawned and rubbed his eyes "I'm getting a bit sleepy I better go there and have a rest I guess" he said as he just arrived at the dorm "If I were not a voice I will smack damn head" the voice said to Jyn and he just laughed lightly "If only you were not a voice" he said as he knocked on the door to make sure if there is someone in there.
"For any of the students remaining in the Arena, please follow me to the dorms." Alma's voice sounded out loud and clear as she stood at the entrance of the Arena, ready to escort the few students left.

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