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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

"Fine book if you want to be his mater I'll just be my little marshmallow's master" Ms.Reed cooed. She went straight into the nurses office and placed Aiden on one of the beds. "I hope that she'll recover soon" said Ms.Reed as she looked to the cot next to Aiden. "Poor Emily can't even control her flame" Ms.Reed continued. She sat next to Emily's bed and just admired the small girl and how one day she would become a marvelous student.
Alma heaved a sigh when the last remaining student simply walked out of the Arena without her. 'Honestly, children these days are so disrespectful.'
Raven stopped, just a bit away from the arena, and sighed. I wonder... Raven started to think to himself.
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Agirl1107 said:
"Fine book if you want to be his mater I'll just be my little marshmallow's master" Ms.Reed cooed. She went straight into the nurses office and placed Aiden on one of the beds. "I hope that she'll recover soon" said Ms.Reed as she looked to the cot next to Aiden. "Poor Emily can't even control her flame" Ms.Reed continued. She sat next to Emily's bed and just admired the small girl and how one day she would become a marvelous student.
Emerald walked into the nurses office (her second job here.) and looked at everyone then at the headmaster. She quickly bowed and started to tend to them. "Ms. Reed what happened to them?" She asked worried.
"eheheh nothing that bad but could you take care of them for a bit I have some business to attend to" Ms.Reed said as she began to exit the room. Her dress trailing behind her like a tail.
Julius followed Ms. reed into the nurses office and sat the book down in the bed next to the student then walked over behind Ms. Reed asking about the other girl "Who's she?" Julius asked trying to distract Ms. Reed and at the same time buttoning up his shirt and vest hiding his scars underneath. Then Ms. Reed started walking out of the room and Julius was following after her.
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After Jyn knocked at the door no one answered "I guess I knocked a bit softer...you know what I'll just go in" he said as he opened that door and he saw someone at the bed sitting down, he stared at him for a bit and he goes to the corner and placed his bag "so...you're my roommate?" he asked the guy "yeah it seems he's your roommate" the voice said to Jyn.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
Raven continued with the spell, and the darkness had completely covered him. He looked back at Alma, hoping she wouldn't look at him.
Quinn had made it outside and took a deep breath of fresh air. 'This is beautiful. Now I wonder if it would be near the trees...or maybe near the back of the house? There has to be a garden of some kind around here.' Quinn thought as he began walking around the house heading towards what looks like a broken down green house. It would have been elaborate at one point, stunning and exquisite he pushed open the door that was covered in climbing moss and took a look around. Most of the green house was covered in weeds but, there were still some hardy plants around. He walked in slowly gently brushing his fingers over the plant leaves. A birch tree was in the middle of the green house and he walked up to it noticing the Chaga mushroom. ' These mushrooms show great promise for their anti-viral activities, immune response stimulation and anti-tumor effects that inhibit the spread of cancer cells' He thought and looked around for more plants and such enjoying the peace outside of the mansion.

"Emily she had a fire accident earlier she needs to control it but she put herself out and needs time to heal" Ms.Reed said before seeing a glimpse of Julius's scars. "How did you get those scars Julius" Ms.Reed asked concerned for her comrades safety.
Raven finished, and the whole corridor was filled with darkness. Raven snickered. Maybe I could trick someone with this... Raven would have loved to play with someone with this corridor, but he thought he'd get in serious trouble.
(My bad I a like doing finals and stuff xD )

Threlm was spaced out thinking about the stuff that just happened. He looked up as someone entered his room. "Welcome roomate. I guess." Threlm offered a small laugh. He stood "sorry I was thinking about something." He stood and offered his hand to his roomate. "My name is threlm." He tried not to look up at the video gameish thing atop his head.

Julius thought back to his long life remembering most of it and only bits of the boring parts. He laughed when she asked what had happened with his scars "The earlier years of my live where not kind to me Ms. Reed" He said still following her.
Alma blinked once, then twice, when darkness suddenly shrouded the hallway. She then used her intangibility as she wandered through the hallway, trying not to bump into anything.
After afew moments of peace, the boy was woke by what seemed to be a terrible nightmare. He sat up, sweating,bis hand over his chest and breathing heavy.

"Calm down boy, your safe!"

Looking About,he found the book,and the woman at his side"...what...what happened?"

"I see I wont push you if don't wanna talk about it, but I must tell you Finnick is active again" Ms.Reed said in an unusually stoic tone. "I have some business to attend to so I will be gone for a bit done have anyone contact me" and with that said Ms.Reed left the room swiftly giving no reaction time for Julies. (Gonna go to bed night guys have fun rping without meh)
(It's okay)

"ahh okay now I know why" Jyn said and smiled "Introductions Jyn...basics" the voice said to Jyn, Jyn remembered what he said earlier first impression and he cleared his throat "My name is Jyn, nice to meet you" he introduced himself to the boy and hands out his hand for a shake "good one Jyn keep up the good work" the voice said to Jyn happily.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa

(nighty night @Agirl1107)
Julius turned back walking to the nurses office and saw the student was awake, "Wheres my watch" He said to the student in a cold harsh tone. Julius looked at the book also trying to think about his past and were he knew the book.
"I-I'm sorry for startling you. You were knocked when you got here and I'm just here to heal you." She said slightly scared of the bigger and stronger (physically) man.

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"Oh, well, that was a bit peculiar." Alma muttered to herself when the darkness subsided, but still continued to use her intangibility, just in case.

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