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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

"I believe I'll be of use on that aspect, Mr. Daniel." Alma smiled brightly at the younger boy, her deep cobalt blue eyes gleaming in thinly veiled excitement. "After all, I am an expert on weaponry."

@Raven Daniel
Julius was sitting down on the ground at the arena he needed something to punch he was mad at what the boy said to him. Julius was cursed to fall in love then watch the person he loved wither away they would grow older and Julius would stay the same, He keeps falling in love with humans then they die. He stood up when Mr. S appeared asking about the gunshot "I was just fixing a problem" Julius said not elaborating on the subject anymore then he looked at Mr. S "Wanna box? Just punches no magic?" Julius said hoping to calm himself down after a good boxing match.
"Hm? Really? I've tried to learn a lot about weapons, but i'm actually best at hand to hand, or CQC." Raven looked quite astonished at Alma.
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"Well of course! Just because I am a lady, doesn't mean I am without fighting prowess, now does it?" Alma looked questioningly at Raven, an eyebrow raised up while her lips curved into a bright, and slightly playful smile. "But if you aren't that skilled at using weaponry, I can at least teach you how to counter them."

@Raven Daniel
Mr. S blinked, "I haven't been in a fist fight for.... almost a few hundred thousand years. But sure. No magic." He nodded. "I won't press the matter, but I sense it involves your immortality. I hope you know I can empathize, in a sense." He stepped back to the other side of the stage. He set his sword off to hang in the air to the side. "I have to warn you though, I hit quite hard so don't go crying on me." He mentioned playfully, a tiny smirk appearing on his face.

"What's the point. Nobody really..."

He paused,looking to the woman. He sighed,nodding

"Yeah...well...I'm hurt. Not physically...just..."He sighed,shaking his head

"I have a temper. And I know it...but...I wouldn't be sitting here right now if I didn't..."

He thought about it,r uhh inning a hand through his hair. "I never wanted to hurt anyone. But what do you do. I mean...it was just training, I know...but how do you get better if you don't go all out. Push past your limits...push..."his voice broke for a moment as he closed his eyes,trying to collect himself.

"...I need to take a walk...but...thank you. Thank you for...for caring. Doesn't seem anyone else here does..."

With the statement...everyone felt the chill. It was a mixture of despair and recognition.

He stood,and brushing himself off,headed for the door."really...Thanks..."

Threlm smiled. "If I tell you can I use my ability? I will wven tell you the downsides to it. Let's not be enemy's we are roomates after all. And it is just a friendly school compition there is no point in being aggressive with each other." Threlm pointed out matter a factly.

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"I'd love to learn that!" Raven exclaimed, excited for some more training. "I know how to use a scythe well, but that's about it." He said, sorta feeling weak when he said it.
"Yeah don't mention it. I'll be here or in my classroom if you need me. Anytime you need anything at all just come look for me." She said as she bowed to the man as he walked away. When he left she felt the loneliness creep back up her spine and into her core.

Julius laughed when Mr. S said don't go crying Julius took of his vest and shirt revealing the scars covering all of his torso his abs and arms. He wished his undershirt hadn't been destroyed Julius threw his clothes down next to him "Hit me with your best shot" He said playfully towards Mr. S while standing on one foot perfectly balanced ready to shift his weight in response to the attack and he held his arms up in a boxing motion.

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Jyn nodded and agreed to what Threlm said "yeah you're right...I guess we're getting along smoothly huh" he said to Threlm laughing lightly looks like there will be no problems at all "yeah I'm now curious of your ability what is it?" he asked Threlm "I should listen to them for a bit" the voice muttered.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
"No need to feel ashamed, child." Alma laughed lightly, her smile, which had morphed into a grin, brightening even more, if that was even possible. "That's better than nothing, isn't it?"

@Raven Daniel
"Yeah." Raven agreed with Alma, she seemed really nice, and not afraid to be bold, or to fight. She also seemed like she's fighting for something.
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Mr. S decided to remove his clothing, leaving only his pants. Fresh and painful looking scars covered his entire body and arms, almost as if they had been inflicted by a savage animal. The scars were red and deep, adding 'character' to Mr. S. He entered a southpaw stance, studying Julius carefully. He lunged forward with incredible speed, a few centimeters off the ground, switching the direction of his body completely in mid-air to an orthodox stance and leading his jab with his left side instead. His right arm moved as well, ready to catch or block Julius' counter. The entire attack happened within half a second.

Threlm smiled. "Well my ability is to mimic other peoples abilities for a certain ampunt of time. I can also store them for later use. But once I start to use the ability I cant stop using it. Now can I copy yours according to that small deal?" Threlm looked at the his new friend with a smile.
Julius could barely keep up with the fast movements but it didn't matter Julius took the punch he felt it hit his right side and it felt like a train hit him he coughed up a little blood and in reaction Julius brought his knee up into Mr. S chest and at the same time he locked his hands together and used his bodies weight to smack him in the back like a bear would attack its prey.

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Emerald walked out of the nurses station leaving her number in case of emergency on the door. She walked towards the arena where she saw Raven and someone else he didn't recognize. She walked up to the two and bowed to them. "Hi Raven." She said smiling.

@Raven Daniel
"I suppose I can give you a few lessons, let's say, every Wednesday?" Alma said to herself as she looked Raven up and down with the single minded intensity of a predator, before breaking out into another bright smile. "Does that sound good?"

@Raven Daniel
"Yeah, that's fine!" Raven smiled back and looked at Emerald "Hello, waiting to watch me win?" Raven joked, knowing that he was actually going to have a hard time.
Jyn thought about it and agrees "yeah sure so that's your ability huh" he said and before he says his he cleared his throat "my ability is Class System if you played RPG games you might know this but if you want me to tell you it's basically like an occupation but mine is special since it can be something weird or anything well...unless you have the requirements for that class I guess" he explained it to him "also it changes your outfit and some will change your personality...or gender" he added.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
Mr. S moved down to meet Julius' knee, using the free hand he prepared to cushion the blow, taking some damage but using the extra space to roll out to his right from the attack he felt coming at his back. He landed on a knee, snapping up halfway to wrap an arm around Julius' left side and push down with the attack Julius was already in the middle of to give himself enough leeway. He was aiming to pull Julius up suddenly then flip him onto his back into a quarter nelson. So far only about one second had gone by since they started.

Raven smiled back. "Well, if we may fight, good luck!" He looked around in the arena, looking at everyone.
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"You too. We might have to fight each other because I don't see anyone else." She looked around and only saw them and the people fighting already.

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