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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

"Eh...what?"He put a hand to his head,obviously confused"sorry I just...My !'ll heads...foggy right now..." He reached over,grabbing the speaking book.

"Sorry boss...I lost it..."

"It happens boy. Don't taken to hard"

He nodded, slipping it into his pouch.

"I'm...sorry miss...I had a...problem. I don't...don't think we've met..."

"Mister Daniel, correct?" Alma inquired of the younger boy that had warped out of the darkness, taking note of the fact that he was probably the one who had caused the strange blackout earlier.

@Raven Daniel
"Yes, I wanted to apologize for the strange darkness surrounding the corridor, I did it to release some pent up energy." Raven looked down. "Please forgive me."
Emerald bowed and offered her hand. "I'm Emerald, and yourself." She took notice of the book but decided against talking about it. She realized however that the boy was in no condition to be standing however and gently led him back to his bed. "Please lay down so I can help you." She insisted.

Julius looked at the boy, Julius was mad wanting to know where his watch was he walked and closed the door that led into the nurses office and walked back to the student. "My watch, Where is it." Julius asked more demanding this time while the nurse tried to get the student to lay down on the bed and rest.

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"No, it is fine, you had a valid reason to do what you did." Alma smiled warmly at the boy, looking at him straight in the eye, deep cobalt blue eyes staring into stomy grey ones. "Just try not to do it in the hallways, next time, is that alright with you?"

@Raven Daniel

Threlm smiled. "So have you looked at the tournament roster?" Threlm knew the first match was against him. "And whats your ability if you dont mind me asking?"
Emerald sighed and smiled at the new person. "May I help you? Are you hurt? If you're here to visit my patient then you'll have to wait, he needs to rest. So please wait in your dorm and I'll call you up when he's good." She said strictly.

When the nurse asked Julius to leave if he wasn't hurt he in one fast motion pulled out his revolver and shot a bullet clean through his arm then holstered the weapon while his arm was bleeding out, the gunshot rang out through the school. Julius then looked over the nurse to the student sitting in the bed "My. Watch. Now." Julius said coldly while looking at the student.

"I'll get you your watch later." She said calmly but firmly. "First that gun wound." She grabbed your arm and dragged you over to a table. She placed your arm on the table, removed the bullet and stitched up the wound after cleaning it.

@Mistory1997 @CainMcknight
"That must have been Julius. But why would he be using his gun?" Alma said aloud as she pondered, pacing around for a bit before her eyes widened a bit in realization. "He must be demanding for his watch."

@Raven Daniel
He went rigid at her words

So I can help

"I'm fine"He pushed against her,moving to get up. No,no, no he wouldn't just sit here like this.

Then he heard a voice.

"Mr...Mr julius?watch...right right."He shifted,pulling his pouch. He began to shift through, before pulling the trinket"here...here you are..."he set it on the bed,pushing it across the bed.

"Sorry. I appriciate letting me borrow It..."

"this guy will be your first opponent on the arena Jyn" the voice said to Jyn "yeah I saw it too so your Threlm huh..." he said while wondering why his first opponent is his roommate is it like this on other contestants?. "My ability? I want it to be a surprise so just find it out for yourself, unless you tell me yours first but that depends on you" he replied to Threlm's question, he avoids spitting out information about his ability but he keeps his promises and will say it if Threlm told his.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
Raven came out of the darkness. "Ok..." Raven looked around. "Is his gun special in any way?" Raven asked Alma curiously, it could be useful for the tournament.
After about a minute the stitches in Julius arm popped out and the wound was fully healed the few perks of being immortal. Julius grabbed the watch and opened it looking at himself and his children and made a sigh of relief he started to walk out of the room then turned to the boy and punched him in the face causing Julius knuckles to bleed after the punch "Control your anger next time or ill do worse then punch you." the worse thing Julius could do in his mind was that since he was immortal just back away from the person he was trying to hurt and then watch them grow old until they can do nothing and hurt all of the other persons loved ones. It wouldn't have been the first time Julius had tortured a family tree because one man made him tip over the edge.


He hissed,falling to the side. Ok,that hurts.

"...sorry,but you don't scare me. My temper has kept me alive. So I really don't give a damn"He pushed himself to a stand" your nothing but a man who has lived longer than I. Nothing more. And honestly, you but a child in my eyes. So you can back the hell off. There's nothing you can do that I truely fear"

@Hisan @CainMcknight
"As far as I'm aware, no, but perhaps it might be, at least to him." Alma answered his question smoothly, a tad bit confused as to why the boy wanted to know about it, before she came to a quick conclusion. "Do you wish to use it for the tournament?"

@Raven Daniel
Julius laughed and walked out of the room heading back towards the arena and yelled back "You have a long life ahead of you, hope you don't have kids. I may not be able to scare you but i bet i could scare them." He said. The one thing about Julius is that he was an extremely patient man he had all the time in the world. Julius pulled out a small notepad he had in his back pocket and opened up to the first page it was filled with names and there were X's covering most of the names, He pulled out his pencil and wrote the Students name in the notepad then put it in his back pocket. Julius kept walking until he finally got to the arena.
"No, not use it, just know how to counter it, but if it's a regular gun, that's fine." But, thank you for the information." Raven simply stated.
Emerald plopped onto a chair and sighed. She looked at Aiden and reached into the folds of her dress and pulled out a white stone. She tossed it to you. "Crush that in your hand, please. Then I don't care what you do, why should I? I'm just the nurse." She said tiredly as she put her face in her hands and sighed. @Mistory1997
"Really?well then tell me, how's it feel to out live everyone you love?!"he called after. He growled, pressing his hand to his head. He shook his head,sitting back down. The was bull. He hadn't mean to...He just...

"No...I'll...I'll rest abit...I'm Exaughsted...please...I'm sorry it's just been a bad day..."

"Well if you want to you could tell me what's wrong?" She offered as she pulled up her chair. "It'll be nice and I promise not to judge." She said as she smiled sweetly at you.

Mr. S blinked, hearing the gunshot. He stood up, setting his book down. The only one he knew who had a gun was Julius. He walked through a portal he made, coming out to appear beside Julius suddenly, walking beside him towards the arena casually. "Is everything alright Julius?" He asked. "I heard a gunshot, what was it about?" His hands were kept behind his back as he waited patiently. Dear god it never stops hurting. He thought to himself, referring to the usage of his reality doors.


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