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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Clenching the pocket watch in his bandaged hand,He pressed his fist into his left palm,and with a quick flash,Aiden had vanished.

And his foot collided with the back of the teachers skull in the next instant,and was gone again. For anyone who actually could see,he wasn't teleporting,he was moving at incredibly high speeds. The watch shifted how time worked for him. He had been accelerated.

David moved as soon as he heard the boys feet shift on the floor, he caught the boys wrist and lunged in with his other hand, claws extended and stopped a centimetre away from his neck. He lifted up a part of the blindfold and looked at Nyo, "If you're going to take it easy on your opponent you're going to die. I can happily say that they wont show you the same courtesy". He let go of Nyo's arm and dropped back to his original stance "Again".

Rubbing the back of her head she began to track her students movements. She felt him going for another blow and she teleported to the top of the ceiling. After teleporting Ms.Reed Warped the spacial plane to trap Aiden in place. She then moved in for a blow. Landing a good punch to the gut Ms.Reed Released Aiden. She moved into a fighting stance waiting for his next move.

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Nyo gave a shout as he felt his wrist being pulled and his breath caught in his throat as he saw the claws near his throat. They lowered and he found his ability to breath again. He nodded at David's instructions. He shook out his wrist though it didn't really hurt and he raised his hands again, his feet apart in a fighting stance. He lashed out again, faster and stronger this time, aiming for David's stomach.

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He coughed,falling to one knee. Damn,She can punch. What could he do with her doing this? She just...froze him...ok think think. The watch appeared in his grip,and he growled,slipping it in his pouch as he started feeling about. He pulled a two things from his pouch. A feather, and a shard of bone. Both vanished in a flash, and his arm became a pulsating red mass. He flexed the fingers, began running, and reared his fist back. The closer he came,the larger his fist became. At ten feet, his fist was traveling toward her, stretching from his shoulder with ease

(Sorry I just got my phone turned back on im home now lol @Tetro )

Threlm looked around and sighed. He had lived in orphanages his whole life this was just a little bit more rustic. He looked at Mr. S, "My name is Threlm Tomoshia. So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"
(Everything important happened while I was sleeping! TT^TT)

"Oh dear." Alma muttered to herself as she sat off at the side, cupping her cheek with her hand as she watched Julius, David, and Miss Reed spar with the students in hand to hand combat. "How barbaric."

Not like the intangible woman can actually say that since she, herself, could fight just as well as they can.

Despite her kind and dignified appearance and personality, Alma was actually rather skilled at using all sorts of weaponry, specifically those with a long range, such as guns, bows, and crossbows.

However, regardless of Alma's prowess at handling weaponry, her skills were lacking when it came to hand to hand combat, since it was rarely, if ever, taught back in the eighteenth century.
Ms.Reed saw the blow coming but knew that she needed to build confidence in her students so she let him punch her. Ms.Reed was pushed back a few feet and smiled. "Good job kid keep it up" Ms.Reed said. She began to teleport really fast all around the arena waiting for her opening she took the first opportunity. Curling her right hand into a fist she punched him in the face. 'Oops I think I over did it' Ms.Reed thought. Waiting for her student's response she stood still for a couple minutes.

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Again David heard the boys feet shift and moved with the same speed as before he stepped inside the boys guard and jabbed him in the ribs lightly. "That was better. But watch your opponents movements, think of this as a fast paced game of chess where if you lose. You die." He returned to the original position with his hands at his side " Watch your opponents movements and be one step ahead of them. Know what they're going to do before even they do" He waited for the Nyo to strike "This time, I wont stop after I've hit you once, be wary and remember what I said".

"I don't care for your attitude. I don't care for your apathy. But I know you copied one of my abilities. Now that we are acquainted, Threlm, I am going to be very honest with you." He leaned forward a little, "Your power to copy powers is very impressive." He gave a tiny smile, leaning back after his statement. He let it hang in the air for a bit before his expression became stoic again. "But I would first approve the vandalism of Ms. Reed's home before I would ever approve of you using your power on someone without their permission." He glared, his voice getting serious and doubling over in an almost supernatural way, "Especially me..." He eyed the boy before locking eyes with him. He cleared his throat, his voice going back to normal, "Effective immediately you are banned from using your powers outside of the arena until you can prove to me that you are an upstanding young man that I can trust. The powers you have already obtained were drained from you when you entered my room, so you need not wonder what to do with those anymore." He explained, being very blunt. "Now, normally I would have let you off with a warning, but your disregard for any respect towards me by copying one of my abilities without my permission is something I cannot let slide." He shrugged. "If you try using your powers behind my back, I'll be able to tell. But that will lead to a much harsher punishment. After that, if you disobey and disrespect a third time, I will have you kicked out of the school." He finished, standing up.

He walked over and opened a tiny portal for Threlm to walk through to get back to the arena. "Remember, I will know whose powers you copy and when you are copying them. I expect you to drain their use in the arena before you leave it." He gestured for Threlm to step through and leave. "Have yourself a good day and have fun..."

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
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After a moment of standing there Julius put his arms down and stood up straight watching everyone else spar, When Ms. Reed punched the student in the face Julius made a ouch sound sympathizing with the poor student who was on the end of the punch. Julius smiled at an opportunity to mess with his friend David, while he was distracted with teaching one of the students to fight Julius quietly ran behind him and kicked the back of his knee then in the same motion tackled him "Always Focus On The Room!" He said laughing.

Threlm looked at Mr. S seriously. "May we have a conversation? That is what you asked for isn't it? Or is that all we have to say to each other because if you would permit it then I would like to have a conversation with you about my abilities." Threlm said in the most polite way he could think of. He didn't like Mr. S just as much as Mr. S didn't like him but if he were to live here they would have to try to come to an understanding is what was going through threlms head at the moment.
A punch of that force was,in a word,unexpected. He hit the ground after having quiet literally did a backflip to the ground.

He didn't move to stand for a moment,his right hand having clenched into a fist. Blood dripped to the floor as his knuckles collided with the stone.


With a groan, he pushed himself up. His left hand came to his lips,and he snarled,pushing himself to a stand. He shifted uneasily,trying to catch his breath. She had knocked the wind out of him. On the floor the feather and bone rested.He stumbled,crouching to pick the items up,slipping them back into his pouch. He then proceeded to pull the bandages that covered his hand free,the black flesh coming into view. The bandages seemed to darken as they were removed,being slid into his jacket pocket. The black skin actually crept up his jaw, stopping at his cheek.

"Let's try this again..."

Pulling the watch,a shard of metal, and a lighter.

The metal vanished,an axe forming in his grip,coming from the base of the hilt were three long strands of what looked like barbed wire,witch proceeded to embedded themselves into his flesh. More blood began to drip free, and he ignited the lighter,placing the metal in the flame. It quickly was torched,burning his own flesh aswell. When the fire died away,the met all was blackened, th blade of the weapon still flaming.

The anger in his eyes was something to be weary of. To be feared.

He then took the watch,and it vanished. Suddenly,a bubble formed around the woman. Time slowed down inside,practically halting her. A second for her could be a minute for everyone else. He growled, rolling the blade as he began to walk,he reared back. He swung the the blade forward, a line of fire heading for the restrained woman

Stumbling back, Nyo rubbed his ribs. He nodded again, taking in a deep breath.

"Deadly, fast chess. Watch. Don't die." Nyo repeated, then burst out laughing as Julius tackled David. He quickly raised his hands to his mouth and tried to cover it with a cough, not wanting to annoy one of his teachers on the first day. He knew that wouldn't be a good idea.
Julius looked back up at Ms. Reed and the boy fighting when he went into rage mode. Julius stood up and ran over to the boy only getting there as he was swinging downward Julius threw himself in front of the line of fire heading towards Ms. Reed receiving the full attack. This cause Julius to be set on fire and pain seared through his entire body, he wanted to yell in agony but he stood firm on fire standing in between him and Ms. Reed his tank top was melting into his skin.
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Ms.Reed had a sinister smile creep up her face "Oh things got really interesting" Ms.Reed felt herself let go her power flowing though out the arena. Space began to warp and twist as her power roamed free. She easily freed herself from the childish restraints. Around her was an aura of intrigue. She flicked her wrist causing everyone to freeze. Looking at the scene and taking it in. Smiling Ms.Reed walked over to Julius and pushed rather harshly to the side out of the attack. Moving forwards she grabbed Aiden by the hair a flung him like a sock monkey. Snapping her fingers made everyone unfreeze. She then promptly watched the scene play out.
Mr. S blinked and smirked for only a second, "We did have a conversation, you introduced yourself and I replied. But I like how well you are holding yourself together." He closed the portal and went back to sit. "Explain your abilities. Lets have a conversation." He folded his hands and waited for Threlm to speak. "Although I am much much older than Julius, and I have seen more than Ms. Reed. So don't think I wouldn't be able to understand what you have to say." He added. Mr. S recognized the look Threlm gave him, it was similar to the look his old friend gave him a long time ago. He didn't hate Threlm or dislike him, the thought of eventually helping the student came to mind.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
David heard a noise from behind and felt his leg go from underneath him and grunted as he hit the floor. He took his blindfold off to see Julius standing over him and Nyo laughing. He heard a growl behind him, 'that's not good' he lept up and chased after Julius, he watched as Ms. Reed moved seemingly instantaneously moved pushing Julius out the way of the blow and hruled Aiden across the room. He turned to Nyo, "That's enough for today", making his way over to Julius he knelt down next to him, "You okay old man?"

@CainMcknight @SecretRock
In what felt like a instant Julius was lunged rather harshly and went flying into the wall cracking the old stone wall. He landed with a thud his shirt melted but his skin still healing from the minor burn wounds, he was saved from serious damage but he still felt the pain of 3rd degree burns. Julius then saw David trying to help him up he was about to accept it with no problem then David called him an old man This made Julius mad He punched David in the face almost instantly his skin still smoking "Im not old, your old!" Julius said mumbling about WW2.
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(@PixieDusts is still not here huh...welp I'll just explain things to her I guess or my char will mostly miss everything)

Jyn just arrived at the arena with the girl that is supposed to show him around the school, Jyn just watched the battle eating biscuits since it's his only snacks in his bag for now. "oooh that hurt" he commented while still eating his biscuits "Don't talk while your mouth is full Jyn did no one told you that?" the voice asked Jyn "oh shut up" he replied to the voice and keeps eating while also watching.
The punch knocked David back, causing him to land on his arse. He looked over at Ms. Reed, smiling, rubbing his jaw as he did, "He's fine don't worry!". His gaze turned more serious when he looked at Aiden, the boy had an anger inside of him. An anger he needed to control. David himself had learnt to control that anger when he first arrived, there wasn't a better teacher than Ms. Reed for it though. The boy just had to be willing.

@CainMcknight @Agirl1107 @Mistory1997
Threlm watched Mr. S sit back down and smiled politely. "My abilities..." He thought for a secound before responding. "I had never a thought in the world but to use them in emergency situations. And I dont understand about having to ask permission before hand. It is an ability that requires to have already gained other abilities to even help the user. And it doesn't harm the one whos powers are being copied." Threlm said in a completely even and honest voice.

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Upon collision the blade tore itself from his grasp,spilling blood to the floor.

He snarled, glaring at his own hand. The energy began to move across his face,his eye taking on a gold hue. Damn it!this wasn't how this works!

He stuffed his wounded hand in his pouch,pulling what looked like a book. Using it as leverage he pushed himself back up.He glared over his shoulder,the item in hand"...Alright librom.the woman,and me...Take us"

The bike shifted, and on the cover,to disfigured eyes opened,along with a jagged set of jaws. The air began to shift as page after page flowed free of its maw,circling the two in question. All that was left was a sinister cackle as both vanished,the pages burning away,and the book falling to the ground,the grotesque features vanishing.

For the pair,however, they appeared in an abyss of black,the ground seemingly litter with pages of ancient texts,the writing unrecognizable.

The teen growled,slipping his jacket off,the right sleeve shredded to hell.

Then a voice spoke.

Magusar. Your making a mistake. Using the boy like this

I am not using the boy! I'm simply allowing him to vent

"Shut it, both of you!"

Aiden snarled, his hand becoming disfigured,like claws forming.

"Sick and tired of everyone telling me what's wrong and what's good enough. "He grumbled, his black hand coming to his face,being clenched between his teeth. He tore away at the flesh,spitting to the dirt as the blood began to drip,giving off a faint glow

As it dripped,things began to shift under the pages,his glare becoming harsher as the voices continued to argue

Julius stood up slowly as his skin was slowly turning back from seared to normal the remains of his tank top was completely gone revealing his chest and abs Julius was still mumbling about WW2 mumbling he wasn't old. Julius walked back over to where he had put his clothes and put his shirt on leaving it unbuttoned and his vest the same. When a bunch of pages opened up swallowing Ms. Reed and the boy both. Julius walked over to where the book was and picked it up examining it trying to look back in his life and see where he had first met the book but he couldn't lay a finger on it.

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