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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Raven appeared in front of the mansions door. "Um...I hope this is the right location, but even if it isn't, this is a beautiful place." Raven held his letter, hoping this was the right place, and that he wasn't going to make a fool of himself.

Rex Geralt

With another sigh, Geralt took a long puff of his cigarette. His eyes, now appearing to be bloodshot, scanned the room. Holding his cigarette in his mouth he shouted over the students, "You heard her. Follow us to the arena room. We'll explain all the rules and conditions there. Be sharp now!"

@Maiza Avaro @CainMcknight @Dafyddwilliams14 @PixieDusts
"Hm? O-Oh yeah, I got this letter and I w-was wondering if this is the right place." Ravens face instantly had a pink tint to it, as he talked to this seemingly friendly person.
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]"Hm? O-Oh yeah, I got this letter and I w-was wondering if this is the right place." Ravens face instantly had a pink tint to it, as he talked to this seemingly friendly person.

Emerald smiled and offered you her hand. "Well I'm glad to be the first person you meet here! It's actually my first day here too." Her silky brown hair was tucked neatly away in the hood of her green dress.
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Raven hesitated from Emeralds hand. His face turning a bright pink. "I-It's your first day too? Has anything happened, I know this place has been w-welcoming people for a while." Raven tried his best to stop stuttering.
Emerald noticed your pink face and checked you for a fever. "No, well everyone's at an arena right now but I'm not a big fan of fighting. Also are you ok? Are you sick?" She asked in a motherly tone.
Raven hesitated again. "Y-yeah im fine, I-I just get r-really nervous. An arena? Im f-fine with fighting but, why w-would people fight? I-is there a prize or something?" Ravens face just kept getting pinker, as he hid his face in his scarf, nervously.
"Why are you nervous? I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." She says as she looks at you worried. "I don't think there's a prize...have you had lunch yet? If not you can come eat with me." She offered
Ravens posture slowly relaxed. "O-Ok. And i've ate before I came here s-so no worries." Raven declined as politely as he could, and he no longer felt worried about being betrayed. "Thanks for the o-offer though." Raven smiled slightly.
(sorry guys I've been out but I've caught up on the story now. I'm a tad hammered so please forgive any spelling mistakes) David sat silently during the announcement, He stood up and walked behind Geralt, he wasn't good in public events and usually left it up to the other teachers. H e walked to the front and stood by the entrance eyeing the students as they went past, It wasn't just about them, whoever's student won was arguably the strongest. He grabbed the boy with the sharp senses, Richard he thinks his name was "It's up to you boy but I'm more than happy to help you win this contest!" He let the boy go and let him make his decision. He didn't want to scare the boy but he knew if he taught him that the boy would have a high chance of winning. He smiled over at Geralt and Miya, they were the only competition he cared about, whoever won out of those three would have bragging rights for the rest of the year. David wanted those rights, he wasn't born with his powers and so felt like he had more to prove especially to the other teachers and more than most Mr. S. Mr. S seemed constantly sceptical of David even when he was a student, he wanted his approval. No. He needed his approval if he was ever going to feel like a true teacher.

@Aeshae @PixieDusts @Tetro
Julius thought about the last time he had been to a hot spring it was about 79 A.D. at Pompeii. He laughed at this fact and felt old it seemed like only yesterday he watched the fall of the Spartan Empire they where always a brutish people and it was just a matter of time until they would die out. As he was thinking on this he saw Ms. Reed in the crowd and walked over to her when she opened a portal Julius wanted to talk to her about a few things before she went away.


Richard was completely unfazed by the teacher approaching him, even though he was... different than the others for obvious reasons. "You got it Coach! I won't let you down!" He snuck a playful sneer towards Nyo and Threlm, his friend. "First place... Oh man, I can already feel my muscles melting!" Richard cheered for himself, his victory practically secured.

@SecretRock @Saruwatari Tomohisa @Dafyddwilliams14
David smirked at the boy "good, training begins 6am sharp, that gives us two hours to train before classes. Ensure you're dressed and fed before then." He walked away from the boy, making his way to the arena room. The boy could win, he just needed to focus his talents. He was, potentially, the most powerful here. If he had the commitment he would win, David just had to be the one to ensure that commitment.

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"Yea melt from your skin." Threlm laughed. He looked at the teacher and started to draw in his abilities with a grin. "Is the ring already set up? Can we veiw it already?" Threlm grinned he was just slowly gainning abilities everytime he saw them being used or when ever he especially focusing it on people.

@Aeshae @SecretRock @Dafyddwilliams14
"I hurt myself


To see if I still


He was late. He knew he was late. But that didn't really bother him. What was to be bothered about? Honestly?

"I focus on the pain

The only thing

That's real"

He had already vanished from his room, without a word to his parents, except for a note. All he did was write two words on it too. One started with an "f" if you really wanna know.

"The needle

Tears a hole

The ol' familiar sting

Try to kill it

all away

But I remember



And here he was, walking down some dirt road, his only companion the fog that seemed to walk with him.

His only entertainment was the box of matches he held,striking a new match every time one went out, letting the flame get dangerously close to his fingers before dropping it to the ground.

"What have I become

My sweetest friend

Everyone I


Goes away

In the end."

Striking another match,he looked ahead,finally seeing the building coming into view. He released a breath. Almost there...

"And you could have it all

My empire of dirt

I will let you down

I will make you...


The final match went out,falling to the floor. When had it shifted from dirt to tile?

Snuffing out the coal underfoot,he glanced about. Way to elegant for his kind. Beautiful, if you were into this kinda stuff.

Standing in the entrance hall, his luggage only an old gym bag and a small pouch hanging from his belt, he took a breath, before he finally called.

"Anyone here?"
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"A student?" Alma wondered aloud as they walked to the Arena, whipping her head to the side, her ears catching the faint sound of a young man's voice at the entrance. "At this time of day?"

"I apologize, my fellow teachers and dear students." Alma bowed slightly as she said her sorries, gesturing to the general direction of the entrance of the school. "But I believe that I must answer the door."

Taking a few steps backward, Alma melted into a nearby wall, using her intangibility to travel to the entrance faster, making twists and turns through the many hallways of the building before finally making it back to the Main Entrance of the school.

Straightening out the wrinkles on her clothing, Alma approached the double mahogany doors. Reaching out with both hands, the two doors swung open, revealing a young man whom her mind recognized, giving him the name, Aiden Emore.

Alma gave him the most warm and welcoming smile she could muster, as to make himself feel more comfortable on his first day here. "Mister Emore, I assume?"

He snorted, covering his mouth with his left hand,his right bandaged and covered up to the bicep

"Yep, that's me. Amazing I still remember."he let his Hand fall as he glanced around"place is huge,isn't it? Hard to believe someone like me got in. I didn't really read the note, so mind telling me what I'm actually doing here?"he glanced at the paper he pulled from his jacket,looking it over,but not really caring to read through it"I just kinda skimmed through. Said something about a place to stay. Kinda just started walking then..."

@Maiza Avaro
"Of course! Please, come in" Alma said as she led the young man over to the couch near the entrance, sitting down and patting the seat next to her, wordlessly inviting him to sit with her. "I'm Miss Peregrine, by the way, delighted to meet you."

He gave a nod,walking over. Resting his bag on the floor,He sat down,setting his pouch against his thigh

"Peregrine,like the bird?"

Ok, not something he should probably be asking.

"Eh...sorry. my filter's busted..."he gave a chuckle,his bandaged hand clawing at his jean clad knee

"So uh...what AM I doing here? This isn't just some school or something. Not like one I've seen..."

@Maiza Avaro
"There's no need to apologize, Mister Emore, I have the same problem." Alma gave a small laugh, grinning brightly as she angled herself to face him, her deep, cobalt blue eyes boring into his own. "The answer to your question is yes, though."

However, her last name wasn't always Peregrine, it used to be Bentham. She had changed it when she first manifested her ability, but the young man had no reason to know that at this time. At least, not yet.

"Quite the clever lad, aren't you? But you are correct, this is no ordinary learning institution." Alma complimented him for his sharpness as she leaned forward slightly, now only a few inches away from him. "This is a school for people like you and me."

He paused, looking her over.

"You and...you mean..."

He had grown up with the word "freaks" describing people like him. Monsters even. A school for them though...would thst work?

"Umm...i-I don't know if...I think you have the wrong guy. I'm nothing s-special. I'm just a guy with some tricks...I m-mean...people don't like what I do. People are afraid of what I do....I...I don't think..."

Could he be here? Was it right?

"I...really think you got the wrong guy..."

@Maiza Avaro
"Don't be ridiculous. I am confident that you are indeed the "right guy", so to speak." Alma said as she stood up, dusting herself off of imaginary dust before extending a hand to the young man, a soft smile upon her lips. "Come along now, everyone else must be at the Arena at this time."

Julius sighed as he missed his chance talk to Ms. Reed then thought well doesn't matter i got all of the time in the world He then decided to walk down to the arena observe the students. If Julius could find the heart he would spar one of the students he couldn't really fight much after all he was immortal not all powerful, in any case he could probably last longer then the students in a fight to which he laughed.

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