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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

Niklaus glanced to Jason. "Listen to what she has to say. And keep an open mind." He says gently. Niklaus just nodded and glanced towards the direction Kenzi was.

"Only explain what you can now until this other person gets here." He says. If what she said was trie, then her scent made sense.

Johnathan rolled his eyes a little. "Of course not if they're as powerful as you say. But as long as there's no issue with it, then I won't hesitate if anyone gets in the way."
Faith smirked, "Okay. My name is Faith and the other wolf is Wade, we are your future pups. Mom and aunt Yoli sent us back here to save the pack from the war with witches that killed Luna Zyana. I'm currently Beta and I was conceived tomorrow, during the mating ritual." She explained, "I'm better at being a wolf then a witch, I'm named after your previous mate. And Wade is in a completely different level as a witch."

Wade smirked, "Alpha Anna-Lee thought you might be this way." He said as they got close to the spot."
"Yoli?" Niklaus asks in confusion, the witch so far hadn't seemed as bad as the others, but not thensort to use magic to send these two back in time. "Wait...mine and Kenzi's pups...but you preventing your ah....conception would mess things up wouldn't it?" He asks uncertainly. He had so many questions. Had Jason not seemed to believe her he probably wouldn't. Though he'd seen a lot of strange things.

Johnathan looked to him. "What is my granddaughter like?" He asks. He couldn't explain the fondness he had for the little girl. Especially since she was rogue and had decided she liked Jason and Zy but he couldn't help it.
Faith sighed, "Probably. I won't be born on the same day or I might not be at all." She smirked, "But we both understood how much the Luna meant to mother, Alpha Anna-Lee and you. We decided that it was important." She smiled, before going toward Niklaus, "I'm fine. When I go back, at least my mate will be okay and maybe I'll just be a few years younger at most." She sighed, "You taught me to give my life for my Luna and Alpha. They aren't mine but they are yours and I love you both, I will do what I am ordered, because it is right."
Wade smirked, "She's rough, she protects the pack, the whole pack. We haven't been at war, but we have been attacked , she doesn't believe in prisoners she kills all that attack us. She is sweet and loved the kids, but she is a lot better at making sure everything is perfect for the pack. She cares a lot about us."
Niklaus raised an eyebrow in surprise and then glanced to Jason. "Seems we've brainwashed my children." He teases weakly. Then he looked back to Faith. "You have a mate? I doubt Nature would waste that. She is specific about how she does things from what I've learned." He adds with a gentle smile.

Johnathan smirked. "Sounds like the way an Aloha should be." He says. Unlike his son who was weak in his opinion. "I look forward to meeting that version of her. Though as a child she is awfully....independent." He says.
Faith smiled, "I hope so. He is amazing. A stubborn wolf, but I couldn't imagine him any other way. Besides, if it wasn't for his outburst at 2 you and Eli wouldn't have come up with the next level of our cures."

Wade chuckled as they walked in, "Father. " he smirked at Niklaus before reaching them, "Just to be clear, she broke mother's orb I was just standing there."

Faith glared at him, "Are you really using this change to change the past other then how we are meant to."

Wade shrugged, "I can do what I want, mother said don't waste this trip and I'm not. Now move." He told her, Faith growled. She moved from the door before he moved towards it. "You might want to change. " he stated. Faiths eyes went wolf hold as Wade' s eyes went purple, he waved the door away before moving through the empty space the door was before.
Niklaus smirked some and looked between the two. Only more questions came but he knew now was not the time. He opened his mouth to speak and then stopped when he watched them move the door. "What the..." he stopped himself and looked to Jason who looked as surprised as he did.

"Amazing." Jason whispered. He looked to Faith to make sure she was alright and then to Wade. It was difficult for him to see them as anything without all the assumptions that came but he was excited for what was to come when they came along.

"Quit your hawking boy and get your ass in there. We have a job to do." Johnathan snaps, pulling Jason and Niklaus back to what was going on.
Wade smirked, "Cousin Ezra. " he was happy to see her, before her hands started to move. He sighed pushing his hands forward, she was tossed back and hit the wall. Kenzi stood up and so did everyone else. Faith started her attack without skipping a bit, Wade moved to Kenzi knocking Yoli out first before she attacked. "Mother." He smiled

It took a second before Kenzi went from surprised to stern anger, "What are doing here?" She snapped.

"I'm always going to get that tone huh?" Wade teased, "We are here to save you."
Niklaus moved in right behind them, taking Kenzi's hand. "Come on." He says, almost pleading with her to just follow, to come with him. Johnathan moved without hesitation, changing as he didnto hold off any unwanted resistance, as did Jason. Though unlike Johnathan, Jason didn't intend to kill without thought. It seemed some of these witches were important to Wade and Faith. Niklaus didn't care. He was fighting the urge to let his curse take over, his connection to Kenzi already forming much stronger than he'd expected. He looked to Wade. "Is there anything else we need to do?" He asks. He'd ask his questions after they were somewhere safe.
Wade looked at them both and smirked, "And to think you to aren't as attached."

Faith growled, tossing another with more force then a single wolf would normally have. "Wade." She snapped.

Wade nodded, "Fine, fine. Let's go, when we are in a transporting location I will take us back home." He motioned them to follow him. "Stay close, Faith can handle most of them." He explain, "After all, she's still using her curse." He stated, Faith pulled one witch from attacking Johnathan from behind.

"We need to go." She growled, she was obviously more aggressive in her current state, but she had more control. It was almost noticeable that she wasn't exactly the same as she had been.
Niklaus looked to him confused and then shook his head a little and pulled Kenzi behind him to go. Once they were outside he pushed Kenzi gently towards Wade and rushed back in. He still had to protect his Alpha afterall.

Johnathan growled as Faith pulled the witch away. It did nothing else as he left the building. Jason snapped at a witch and then pushed them back, biting at their throats before starting to gonafter another one that was going to follow the others out. Niklaus beat him to it though and then through their link ushered Jason out. They both shifted as they reached Wade, Kenzi, and Johnathan
Wade ushered Kenzi further, "You have a lot to answer to." She growled at Wade.

Wade sighed, "Why is it always me?" He poured as he led her to a clearing.

Faith stayed behind until they were all out, shifting her eyes back to normal as she walked out of the dinning hall, half destroyed. She did her best not to smile as she did. She sighed when she got out looking around before following after the others to the clearing.
Niklaus couldn't help chuckling. Having had siblings and not having been the oldest nor the youngest, he'd heard that sort of thing often. "Later you two. We need to get out of here as soon as Faith gets here." He says.

"There she is." Jason says. Gesturing towards the direction they'd just come. He moved towards her. "Come on sweetheart." He says, gently pushing her to follow the others, his natural instinct telling him to take up the rear so he could make sure everyone was okay.
Kenzi looked at Niklaus and sighed, making her signs before clapping her hands. Faith came and stopped when Jason was slight at her side. "No offense, but my Alpha or not, I am still a Beta and you are still Alpha of the moonlight pack. I take up the rear." She start moving behind him and motion him to go. Knowing from what her alpha told her, this Jason would allow it so much as the Jason she knew would.
Jason smirked. "Come on." He says. He gently took her arm to make sure she was beside him as they reached the others. "For what it's worth, you seem to have turned out to be a wonderful Beta." He says gently. "But in this time you're the daughter of one of my best friends and the mate to the son of one of my others." He says.
Faith smirked, "I won't exist by then, so I am still Beta." She said before they reached the others, Kenzi and Wade were already opening their hands to pull the portal of magic around them all. It felt strange being a passenger but when they appeared back him Faith sighed. "I need to check on Brianna. "

Wade growled, "Oh no you don't. If I'm getting it, so are you."

Faith sighed, "I need to make sure they are safe before the witches come." She looked at Kenzi, "I'm sorry mother but Wade is going to have to explain this one." She said before walking away towards the Alpha home.

Wade growl, "Spoiled brat. It's not fair."
Jason smirked a little butbthen looked to Niklaus. "I understand, go." Niklaus says. Jason nodded and ran to catch up with Faith. Zy and Lee were with Brianna and he was determined to check on his love. Niklaus chuckled a little and looked to Kenzi. "Are you alright?" He asks, taking her hand and pulling her attention to him. "Perhaps instead of him getting in trouble, I can have the full explanation." He says. That Kenzi seemed to know exactly who Wade was, he knew it was true, not just Jason being open minded foolishly.
Kenzi sighed, nodding, "Fine. But this better be good. Time isn't something to play with."

Wade smirked, "Okay. So let's start from the time. I'm Wade, my older sister Faith is Beta and you both are our parents. After conceiving Faith war started with the witches and Luna Zyana was killed. Now Nature is dying and there is no one to take her place. So we have been sent by you both, Alpha Anna-Lee, aunt Yoli and Cousin Ezra to fix it. Since magic is dying too. We are here to bring you to the pack before you can conceive Faith and start a war and protect the Luna from being killed. Then our time will be up and we will vanish. Alpha Anna-Lee explained our reality will vanish and we might not exist in the new one. But that isn't as important as making sure Nature has a replacement. "
Niklaus frowned deeply as he listened but didn't interrupt or tell Wade it had been wrong. He had a hard time believing he and Kenzi would send their own children to do this, but they had and so they needed to make sure it wasn't for nothing. "Donnie what's left is to protect Zy and Lee?" He asks Wade, glancing to Kenzi.
Wade smirked, "Just about. You know there were a lot of wolves that volunteered but only Faith and I have magic. We were the best option. You mentioned a few questions. We won't waste it, after all, this is our only chance." He shrugged, "And I wanted to answer a question you didn't mention." He took the herbs out, they were a lot more healthier then Kenzi last saw them. "I was looking at them when I took the book. The reason they don't work is because they are wolf herbs." He explained, handing them to Niklaus, "In other words, connected with our DNA, they lose their effect. That is how when you mates Faith was conceived even when these are meant to help stop that."
Niklaus looked to the herbs and then to Kenzi before he took them. They could discuss that later, that was going to be very different discussion now than it was thirty minutes ago. He turned his attention back to Wade. "Taking those could prevent Faith from ever existing. I remember Jason's mother once saying that we were all born when we were supposed to be." He says, then shrugged. It was just something to keep in mind.
Wade shook his head, "I'm telling you, taking these won't do anything. They are supposed to stop the mating ritual from creating a pup but they don't. "

Kenzi nodded, "Because I'm not completely a wolf." She looked at Niklaus, "My magic counters the herbs intended effect, is what he means."

Wade nodded, "Yep. Takes about a year before you get the right mix. But I can help with that." He pointed out.

Kenzi looked at Niklaus before turning to Wade, shaking her head, "Niklaus is right. If Faith is supposed to be conceived tomorrow then she should be."
Niklaus looked to her in surprise but then smiled some and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. "As long as you're okay with it," he says, kissing her cheek. He felt bad that it was so rushed but then he glanced to Wade. "Besides, we apparently do something right." He half teases. Wade and Faith seemed like good kids, he didn't want to ruin the future that was their reality.
Wade smirked, "You always did like her." He shrugged.

Kenzi smiled, "I am sure he loves you just as much."

Wade shrugged, "I guess, but in this round can you not make her so serious. Honestly, teaching her to use that primal curse was cool when we learned it, but not when primal her and her her is just about the same." He complained.

Kenzi giggled, "Why don't you go make sure everything is okay and we will be there soon."

Wade shrugged again, "I'm going to check on grandmother. Be nice to see her again." He said as he started walking off.

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