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Fantasy Magical Girls Academy (Open!)

Sheryl looked up and then jumped on her feet in embarrassment, wiping her tears from her cheeks.

" Oh hi... I am sorry I did not notice you there... " she was being rude to yet an another... person she had met " I am so sorry... Yes, this is called ' crying '. It is a physical manifestation of one's sorrow once a person is pushed through his or her limit and can contain their sadness no longer. "
"I see." She said as she waved her hand. Mist gathered into her palm and formed a white handkerchief. She reached and put it into her hands. "Why were you crying?" She asked her as a fog went up to conceal themselves.
"Oh" Catherine said and observed the ring Deirdre showed "Well, I'm sure it you are not going to lose it" Catherine smiled at her.

She gratefully accepted the handkerchief and the kindness of this " girl " she found her curious, unlike anything else she had met so far, but first she wanted to answer her question. She did not want to look rude after all.

" It will probably sound silly to you. " sighed Sheryl " Do you know what 'trust' means? When somebody places their faith in others and they form some kind of bond they become kindred spirits. From that moment on one could count on the another, they would be there for each other, a safe spot in life, a person they can rely on. "

She paused for a moment then continued.

" I have been a fool. I have been a fool so many times, as I was not cautious, I was not careful enough to open my heart to those who would use me. And I have paid the price countless times... That is why I was weeping here alone. "
Mist gently pat the girl's back. From the sound of things she had been alone for a majority of her life. "I do not know how you're feeling right now...but I have once heard the story of a king who made a ring to keep him happy. It was a simple ring that had the words 'This too shall pass'." She said. "My name is Mist, I am a manifestation of one of nature's forces, what's your name?"
" I am Sheryl " said she and smiled sadly at the wondrous entity. She would never have guessed that she would meet someone like Mist: she was as mysterious as nature itself, but perhaps was she as whimsical as well? She had heard much about how kind mother nature could be to her children... and how devastating to her enemies. Sheryl admired and feared Mist at the same time.

With a sudden idea she waved with her right hand so that a tiny rift, fit only for her palm opened up near them. She reached within the portal and searched for a couple of seconds then found what she sought. As her hand appeared from the tear she held a strange stone in it, as colorful and as dark as the cosmos itself then she handed it to Mist.

" Here. " she said " I do not know if you value items like this or not but I would like you to have it. It is called Nebula Stone, but not one found here in Earth. This one is truly one with the cosmos, a very, very tiny fragment of it. Please think of it as a token of my gratitude. "
Mist inspected the stone with curiosity and wonder. She turned it into it's side, rotated and flipped it, looking at all the facets of the item. "Thank you for this Sheryl." She said as she finally stopped toying with it. "As accordance to social standard I shall give you a gift as well." She said as she looked off in the distance.

Mist started to gather in her palm. It slowly took shape of a bird but she knew that shape wasn't enough. She pushed some of her sentience into the figure and it slowly finished. Soon a raven squawked and hopped up her arm before flying over to Sheryl's shoulder. "So you will never be lonely, a piece of me wherever you go." She said before finishing with a smile.
As the bird flew to her shoulder Sheryl felt that once again her eyes would start watering soon. This time however these were tears of joy, not sorrow. Mist, knowing her for but a brief period of time, has shown her more kindness, was more benevolent than anyone in her life. She could not longer keep her composure, and not caring whether she would find a solid body or indeed just mist she hugged Mist.

" I... I thank you so much... " said she with happiness radiating from her " I have never received such a kind and wonderful gift in my life. In fact, I think this is the first time I have gotten a gift from someone! "

She then looked at her newfound companion. The raven looked perfect to her in every sense: its midnight colored feathers always reminded her of her favorite place and its ebony black eyes resembled one of the void and the infinite night - she could get lost in the tiny globes of the avian creature and be at peace.

" His name will be Veil. " Sheryl announced as she scratched the back of the raven. " For he had been born from mist, and is as gentle and protecting as one. "
"I...you're welcome Sheryl." Mist said as she returned the hug. After a few moments she drew back feeling happy about what she had done. "Why are you crying?" She questioned as she watched the tears. "Veil, what a perfect name." She said. "Hopefully mother won't be too mad I did this, nah she won't be." She said offhandedly before conjuring another handkerchief and wiping away her tears once more.
Sheryl wiped away her tears and smiled at Mist. She smiled with such joy and such relief like never before in her life.

" Tears can be heralds of good and bad, joy and sorrow. This time they were to tell how happy I am and also how grateful for you. "

She then sat down back at the tree, invited Mist to sit beside her.

" Mother you say? " she asked with curiosity. " So then... you are an offspring to Mother Nature I take it? I have heard about spirits and other children of the nature but you surpass everything I have ever heard. I am not even sure you are fully aware your own limits yet! "

Sheryl pat Veil with her hand as she searched for a book in her backpack, and finally when she found it she started to browse the pages. Few minutes later she put away the item and looked at Mist with even more awe.

" Mist, do you realize that you could actually be a god? Like... maybe even more powerful than your mother? "
"Oh, none of my siblings or me can be more powerful than mother." She said. "I can change my form and creates things like Veil or this handkerchief. I can die...but I think I'll probably return after a day or two." She added, explaining her capabilities.
Sheryl was not sure about Mist just being modest or this being the truth. However, one this she had learnt during her studies is that nothing is so rigid and unchangeable to not be able to grow even more powerful. This was true for Mist as well: although Sheryl knew not her age she felt an insane amount of energy sleeping dormant within the nature deity. She was vastly more powerful than any mortal, especially her, so she could imagine Mist becoming stronger and stronger with each passing day.

" So tell me, if you do not mind this question, how come that you are here with mere mortals like me? I thought deities like you do not like to interfere with the affairs of the likes of us. Well, that I what I have read at least. "
"That's not true. We like interfering." She said. "I recall one of my sisters in Europe. She liked living in her lake and learned faster than any of us. She interfered by making a sword and giving it to someone named Arthur. It was fun watching that man's exploits and some of us were saddened when he fell." She said. "I also recall one of my sisters over at America who managed to create an entire dimension for a little girl named Dorothy."
" That would explain quite a lot indeed. " said Sheryl scratching her head. So it was indeed true that the forces of nature helped mankind to evolve and become who they are now. This information solves quite some mystery which haunted the past of humans since it would abolish false rumors of various gods and extraterrestrial beings assisting humanity.

" So then I guess you have come here to learn? Or the abuse of magic was the thing that drawn you here? Or perhaps something completely different like... seeking company? "
"I came to learn...however company is, I am told, something good for me..." Mist said, looking at the sky. "Magic is just a tool, people can use it as much as they like unless they want to severely alter the natural order. Hopefully no one does that. The last time someone did...I'm pretty sure the punishment resulted into The Bermuda Triangle." She said looking at her. "What about you? Why are you here?"
Sheryl sighed.

" Since magic is not inherently used by every human I used to be an outcast where I lived. Even my own blood, my family was unable to comprehend and accept that I had this gift. I was despised, thrown away by everyone who have learnt what I was... "

She closed her eyes as she remembered the horrible words.

" Monster they called me. Abomination, freak of nature. It mattered not where I was their judgement was all the same. Until I have learnt about this place. Here there are many with different abilities and traits, people that could understand one another. I have come to learn to control my powers. I have come to seek refuge from the world... which is possible due to the nature of this academy. "
"You are no monster, you are special, along with the others in this school." She said. "Let no one ever tell you otherwise." She said as she looked at her. "I promise as your friend never to judge you but accept you." She said giving her a very emotional hug.
" Friend... " Mist's words reverberated in her head over and over again as she embraced the hug of the nature deity. How could a single entity possess so much love, so much grace? How come, that ever though they have just met, Mist had no prejudice, no anger for her? She had only given her love and hope, loosening the grip of darkness which held Sheryl shackled for so long. She hugged her back, whispering to her.

" You have no idea what this means to me Mist. You have given me more than anyone ever before: love, comfort and now even friendship. It is like you would be my true family, my sister. "

She then placed her hand on her own chest and looked in the eyes of Mist. " I swear that I, Sheryl Nanna will be your friend and that I will protect you and aid you. " Sheryl then put her hand on Mist's chest. " I will never let any harm come to you, for you have rekindled the dying spark of life within my heart so I will protect yours. This I vow. "
"And I do so swear the same..." Mist said. Tears of joy were falling out of her eyes. "Oh, it seems that I'm crying." She said with a small smile as she wiped her tears and pocketed the stone. "Shall we get inside? It's getting too hot for me out here." She said. (I have to sleep now, good night Dawny.)
Looking at the clock on the outer wall of the academy Sheryl nodded.

" Yes, let us head back. " now she was the one who searched for a handkerchief to give to Mist and with joy in her heart she did so. It seemed that her life was about to change. She had made her first true friend, one that would keep her company and one she would keep company as well. Her day couldn't have gotten any better now. ( Sleep well and sweet dreams <3)
A snowflake landed on Raisa's nose, and her eyes crossed to get a look at it. The thing was so small she couldn't see it, and rubbed the area as more gathered in her hair and stuck to her eyelashes. Looking up, she studied the miniature snow cloud she had made above her head. She loved snow, and watching the gentle flakes drift down soothed her.

Dispersing the cloud, she looked around. It was a nice day, and she should be interacting with other people. But that really wasn't her thing. She was most content alone with her own thoughts.
Elle traced her steps to get back to her dorm, she had a good idea. Try to go for a swim, perhaps that could relax her. She made a dash for the dorms, and wanted to try it. Elle was at her dorm, she searched for her bathing suit. There she found it. It was nice and comfy to be in. She pulled on shorts over it, and a t-shirt. She wasn't comfortable being so open. She pulled on her shoes, and began walking there. She stared at herself first. It was a change but not much. She grabbed her bag and began walking there.

She stumbled when she got out of her room, and was a bit excited to try swimming in the pool. She tried to follow her map of everything. She labeled where her dorm was, classes and where she had to go. Elle was almost there. She smiled a bit at the clear water she could see, she walked faster, not a soul was around. She placed her shoes and bag by a tree. She climbed up the ladder, staring at all of the things in her view. She bent down and started jumping, she finally lifted off the diving board. Waiting to impact into the water. She felt quite refreshed at it. The water instantly covered her from head to toe. She pushed her hair out of her face. Elle started swimming easier. She just let herself float in the water.
Metaphysics said:
"N-nice to meet you too..." She stammered out. "What can you do?" She asked him.
"Well, I can control fire, even turn myself into a fireball!" He said excitedly.

DawnAntalios said:
Looking at the clock on the outer wall of the academy Sheryl nodded.
" Yes, let us head back. " now she was the one who searched for a handkerchief to give to Mist and with joy in her heart she did so. It seemed that her life was about to change. She had made her first true friend, one that would keep her company and one she would keep company as well. Her day couldn't have gotten any better now. ( Sleep well and sweet dreams <3)
he saw her talking to a girl and watched their conversation,going down to them afterwards. "Um...Hi, what's your name?" He asked to the girl beside Mist.

She turned to him and with a wide smile she said:

" I am Sheryl, it is nice to meet you! " she then motioned to Mist near her. " And this is my friend Mist. What may I be of service? You need assistance in something? "
Trey smiled brightly to the girl. "Well hi there, I'm Trey! I met Mist already in the other room. She seemed pretty nervous after she asked if she was cute and I said yes." He said with a small chuckle.

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