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Fantasy Magical Girls Academy (Open!)

" Did you now? " Sheryl said as she looked at the nature deity. After taking a very good look she had to agree with Trey. " You are right, she IS cute. But she is much more than that, trust me. " she added with a devious smile on her expression. Now she turned to Trey once again in question.

" So, I have some free time in between classes if you need help in something or you just want to discuss anything I am here to help. Also I believe that Mist won't mind spending her free time with us, would she? "

@Son of Crota
Trey saw the devious smile. "Um...okay.....I just like to talk and meet new people. my friend Amu and I were practicing in the dance room, would you like to come back and practice with us sometime?" He asked her. "And no, I don't think Mist would mind. She seems pretty cool with all of this." He said to her. "So..what's your power if you don't mind me asking?" He said to her.

Sheryl clasped her two hands together.

" It would be rather difficult to explain, so I rather show it to you. "

She was far too tired to make a big reality tear for the three of them to enter so she just used an illusion which replicated the actual sight. As she spread her arms wide her eyes started to glow with twilight blue light and suddenly the room they were in vanished into nothingness. Soon they were seemingly floating in the universe, among hundreds of millions of stars and infinite galaxies. Veil was particularly happy about the magical journey as he flew around her head inspecting the stars around them.

" Mine is the power over reality. " she explained " I can call upon the strength of the cosmos to confuse and disorient my enemies or enter into rifts to save myself any anyone who seeks refuge. It is not as all powerful as it sounds though, creating a single person tear takes its toll, let alone creating one for everyone. "

She then clasped her hands together and the illusion vanished, returning them to the academy.

@Son of Crota
Trey's eyes went wide, his smile bright to her as he was amazed by her power. "Wow...you are so amazing! I've never seen a power like yours before, it's so cool!" He said to her. "Wanna be friends?" He asked her suddenly. My power is fire, I control everything fire from turning myself into a fireball to summoning a giant phoenix!" He said to her.

" That sounds amazing! " Sheryl exclaimed. She also blushed a bit once she realized that he complimented her abilities.

" It is nothing really... " she said while she played with her skirt in embarrassment. Then she heard that this guy also wanted to be her friend but she could scarcely believe it.

" You want to be friends... with me? " she asked with a slight disbelief in her voice. Aside from Mist nobody actually offered her this before so she was a bit confused.

@Son of Crota
"Well thanks! And of course I wanna be your friend, why wouldn't I? You seem like you are a cool person with some amazing powers, anyone would be lucky to be friends with you! Hard to believe, right now I don't really have any friends. I tried to make some in the past but...let's just say it's amazing what third degree burns can do in kindergarten." He said to her, a shiver coming over him as he remembered that incident. "I really want to be your friend though, please let me!" He said brightly.

Noyeh said:
Kuroha, ignoring the fact that someone healed him, still rests on the bench, playing his Game Boy. The game being Pokemon Red. He looks up occasionally, seeing if the Pillars are still going up, the rifts still shooting. "Get the Pidgey!" Kuroha cries out, trying to catch one of the Pokemon on his game.
(I'm gonna be gone for quite awhile, wedding.)
Kain leaped up onto one of the pillars slashing his sword to cut away the crystals. Some had gotten him scratches outlines his form some bled. He smiled this person provided good sport. He held his sword out a black orb formned, then expanded rapidly releasing the two from the twilight dimension placing them back at the school. Kain hovered down to the ground looking at the boy" i thank you for this duel may we contend again in the future i look forwerd to it!" He said a wicked smile on his face. Streams of light flowed into his wounds, as they healed evaporating off of kain. He turned walking away from the training ground.

He made his way towerds the schools second training ground more for physical sports then magic use. He turned looking around before making way to practice dummies. Their he summoned his darkness blade. It shimmered in the light seeming to also bend it. He held gis blade out both hands on the handle.

In a split second he exhaled, as ge quickly manuvered about leaping here and there. He slashed his sword in a harmonious way not missing a single strike. After a minute kain stopped infront of the dummies who appeared to have not bin harmned. Then they fell apart in several pieces. Kain dissipated his sword" well see i still havent lost that edge." He said proceeding to walk over to a clear space next to a bench. He took off his shirt only revealing his toned frame. Two scars ran across his heart his white skin glowing from the suns rays. He breathed a few times before bending down quickly placing himself on a single hand two fingers held him up. He began to do two finger push ups pacing himself.
" It is true, it is hard to believe. " she said with a a bittersweet laughter. " You are the first who actually said something like that to me and not sent me to hell and back. " she then looked at Mist. " Well, the second, to be more precise. But sure, if you are not joking and you really mean it... I would be honored. "

@Son of Crota
"Yay!" He said happily to her. "Of course I mean it, my friendships are no joke. I'm honored to be your friend!" He said to her with a chuckle. "Hell and back? Why would people do that?" He asked curiously.

The smile disappeared momentarily from Sheryl's expression as she scratched her head. She had already told this story to Mist and it was painful for the first time but it seemed to be unavoidable to tell the tale for the second time.

" Well, you see where I come from people hated those who had special powers like you and me. I was hated despised and thrown away even by my parents when they found out I can cast spells. Since then I was all by myself. But I do not want to bore you with the details, it is really not that interesting... "

@Son of Crota
Sheryl pointed towards an empty room where the three of them could be in seclusion, giving them privacy so that she could talk freely. When they moved inside the dark room she sat on a chair then let out a long, drawn-out sigh before she turned to them.

" What I am going to tell you will probably make you afraid. You might even react like everyone else and run away, trying to forget me with all your might. But even if I risk losing you I wish you to know the truth. I am going to ask one last time: are you sure you want to hear my tale? "

( making this question so I can tag Meta-senapi here so he can catch up once he is here )

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Milah said:
Elle traced her steps to get back to her dorm, she had a good idea. Try to go for a swim, perhaps that could relax her. She made a dash for the dorms, and wanted to try it. Elle was at her dorm, she searched for her bathing suit. There she found it. It was nice and comfy to be in. She pulled on shorts over it, and a t-shirt. She wasn't comfortable being so open. She pulled on her shoes, and began walking there. She stared at herself first. It was a change but not much. She grabbed her bag and began walking there.
She stumbled when she got out of her room, and was a bit excited to try swimming in the pool. She tried to follow her map of everything. She labeled where her dorm was, classes and where she had to go. Elle was almost there. She smiled a bit at the clear water she could see, she walked faster, not a soul was around. She placed her shoes and bag by a tree. She climbed up the ladder, staring at all of the things in her view. She bent down and started jumping, she finally lifted off the diving board. Waiting to impact into the water. She felt quite refreshed at it. The water instantly covered her from head to toe. She pushed her hair out of her face. Elle started swimming easier. She just let herself float in the water.
After some time kain decided to go for a swim. He had bin exercising for some time, and cold water could help him relax. He proceeded to walk towerds the pool area his shirt put back on. When he got there he could see a girl already swimming inside. He walked over to a nearby bench placing his bag on the ground. He snapped his fingers kain enveloped in black mist till it dissipated revealing him in the schools swimming attire. Kain dived into the deep end making his way to the very bottom before comeing back up. He emerged from the water head comeing up he breathed deeply before looking around.
"... Where am I?" Vali whispers to himself, looking around his surrounding. Around him is nothing but open space, a high chain-link fence, and behind him a door with four walls. The last thing he remembered was stepping into the rift that Sheryl had opened, but now here he is "... I... ended up on the roof didn't I..." Vali can only sigh in disappointment, "I was so looking forward to seeing inside that rift Sheryl opened... Sheryl...". "Sheryl? Brown-headed girl? Anyone there?" Vali calls out, turning around in circles, but upon seeing no one around him he curses "Damn, just when I'd thought I'd found friends I got separated from them. Unfortunate, I'll just have to find them... And my bag..." Vali, cursed silently under his breath. His duffle bag, which contained everything he cared about, wasn't on his back. It was lost, just as he. "There goes my clothes, blanket, pillow, energy bars, money... My ring..." Vali's most prized possession, his ring. The ring which he's had as long as he can remember... With a few more curses, Vali steps towards the roof's exit.
"Damned school, why do you have to be so big..." Vali sighed to himself while walking around the building's second floor. Finding a lost duffle bag, and two lost girls, is proving to be more of a hassle than he previous thought. "Duffle bag aside, how does two girls just vanish? Then again, from their perspective I probably vanished too. Still wonder what happened there." Vali stops a random student in the hallway to ask whether they've seen them or not, "Ah, hello, sorry to bother you, but have you seen two girls, and a black duffle bag perchance? One of the girls has blue hair, the other has brown. The brown-headed one has heterochromia if that helps..."
Amu had followed the three into the dark room where Sherly was about to tell them something. While standing with them Amu realized she was still in her outfit. She powered down and waited.



(hows that?)
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]After some time kain decided to go for a swim. He had bin exercising for some time, and cold water could help him relax. He proceeded to walk towerds the pool area his shirt put back on. When he got there he could see a girl already swimming inside. He walked over to a nearby bench placing his bag on the ground. He snapped his fingers kain enveloped in black mist till it dissipated revealing him in the schools swimming attire. Kain dived into the deep end making his way to the very bottom before comeing back up. He emerged from the water head comeing up he breathed deeply before looking around.

Elle felt a quick wavelength, she grew startled and let herself dip into the water. She spit out the water that infiltrated her lungs. She looked around for them, making eye contact with a boy. He wasn't that far from her. She moved her gaze as she realized that she was staring. It made her cheeks heat up, being caught wasn't the best. She felt the air was cold when it hit against her face. She was awkward in starting conversations, perhaps more so than anything.
Milah said:
Elle felt a quick wavelength, she grew startled and let herself dip into the water. She spit out the water that infiltrated her lungs. She looked around for them, making eye contact with a boy. He wasn't that far from her. She moved her gaze as she realized that she was staring. It made her cheeks heat up, being caught wasn't the best. She felt the air was cold when it hit against her face. She was awkward in starting conversations, perhaps more so than anything.
Kain senced eyes had fell upon him, and turned towerds its direction. Although he saw no one looking he could tell by how flustered the girl he saw earlier was. Thats how he knew it was her gaze that caught hus attention. He spoke to her in a calm tone" are you alright?" He asked.

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