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Love that's forbidden

Rachel was watching Andrew but now that it was the morning be became curious as to what was going on. "Aunt Rachel, where are mommy and daddy?" He asked innocently as he ate his breakfast. He was oblivious as to what happened.
Rachel looked at Andrew and couldn't help but smile weakly. "Mommy will be here for you later love. Daddys.... at work." She explained because she knew Bella wouldn't want to worry the three ear old.

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Andrew looked at her confused when she hesitated but nodded in satisfaction when she offered an answer. It wasn't uncommon for Nick to be at work right now. "Okay." He says before finishing his breakfast and going off to play.
Rachel let out a sigh of relief as she looked at Andrew then called her best friend to check up on Nick. After the call, it was just Bella and Nick in the room and she smiled at him. "Why be a police officer?" She asked. She needed to know now after what Sarah said.

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Nick sighed softly. "Do you really want to know ?" He asked looking down at the bed he was laying in before he met her eyes again and nodded when she answered. "Alright, because, my father was and everyone wanted me to grow up to be like him and after I decided to change paths it was worth a shot. And I'd j can save people, then that's one less person I couldn't."
Bella sighed as she smiled and nodded a weak and fake smile. She was scared about him having this job. She didn't know if she could make the sacrifice everyday knowing her fiance may not come back home to her and his now son. "I see." She said simply as she stood up suddenly. "Well I'm going to grab a bite to eat from the cafeteria, do you want anything?" She asked him softly, trying her hardest to hide all emotions.
Nick sighed, he knew Bella now didn't approve and that stuff for him, it was one mistake. But she needed to not let fear control their lives you could lose someone regardless of their profession and he rarely got into dangerous situations. "No, thank you though." He replies as he watched her leave the room.
Bella sat at the cafeteria, barley touching her food as she thought about Nick. She knew he would be okay. She had to approve. He was going to be her husband and he would be okay. It was just one time. After she calmed down and came to her senses, she walked back into the room and smiled at the sleeping form of her husband.

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In the days following Nick was released but had strict orders on what he could and couldn't do and couldn't go back to work until he was medically cleared. Nick didn't mind it and luckily they found the person responsible and he was facing felony charges for shooting a police officer rather than his simple burglary charges he would have faced before hand.
Bella and Andrew we're glad to finally have Nick out of the hospital. She spent her time with Nick when she could and being all alone at the house while both the men of her life were gone really sucked for her. She sat there and stared at the computer screen coming up with ideas until she got a call and she answered, getting upset because the company was firing her.

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The two weren't gone for long, Nick couldn't do much at a time given his injury and he felt bad about it because he knew Andrew was used to all the act irises they had done together. When the two got home Nock sat on the couch to tolerate the pain that was still there but kept it under control not eating to frighten him.
Bella on the other hand, couldn't believe this was happening. She couldn't help but yell and when she hung up she sat in her chair as she shut the computer and groaned. Just great. She should just go freelance now but that thought always scared her. She needed to find another company.

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When Nick heard Bella's yelling he instinctively jumped up, a little too fast given the amount of pain he was still in and went to go check on her to make sure everything was alright. Ignoring the pain he made his way up the stairs and into her office. "What's the matter Hun?" He asks in concern.
Bella groaned as she shook her head and threw her phone on the desk as she paced back and forth. They fired her because she didn't attend the meeting, instead she stayed where her family needed her. She looked at Nick as she smiled weakly. "Nothing love. I'll be alright. Don't move to much please." She said as she walked over and kissed his cheeks.

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Nick ignores her suggestion. "Are you sure? Because it sure sounds like something." He says resting his had on her arms and kissing her gently. "What is it?" He asked in a soft whisper when he pulled away
Bella looked at her fiance as she sighed and looked at the ground. He always had a way to get her to talk. "The company fired me.." She whispered softly as she sighed once more and looked over at Nick again.
Nick was shocked by what he heard and blinked in confusion. "What? Why? They can't be that stupid to let go one of the best." He says with a soft smile. That was beyond ridiculous
Bella sighed. "Well obviously they did. I missed a mandatory meeting so it's make sense as to why they fired me." She said as she tried her hardest not to become angry again at the thought.

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"That's still not suffice for me personally, why didn't you go?" When she hesitated he knew why and he suddenly felt awful about it. "I'm sorry love." He whispers. "There's others I'm sure would pick you up without a second thought."
Bella knew at her hesitation he would know, and he did. "It's fine love." She whispered as she kissed his cheek. "I know there is, I just have to find one. I'll be okay." She whispers and kissed him softly. "Don't feel bad okay?"

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Nick nodded but of course he still felt bad anyway. "I love you." He replies kissing her cheek. It was unbelievable to think this woman was going to be his wife in just a few short months and then everything would really be official.
Bella smiled as she nodded. "I love you more." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him lovingly as she played with his hair. She could t believe their wedding was so close. She was ready for it.

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Nick winced and slightly pulled her away. "Easy." He says with a slight groan in pain. "I know I'm irresistible but you'll have to wait." He says with a soft chuckle before he kissed her again.
Bella has completely forgotten about his injuries and she felt terrible. She smiled at the kiss and when she pulled away, she looked at him and smile softly. "I love you."

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"I love you more." He says with a wink before he headed back down the stairs to check on their son, who was being mysteriously quiet while both his parents where upstairs.

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