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Love that's forbidden

Bella went with a simple water and Andrew a Shirley temple. Bella laughed as he ate all his cherries before even drinking the drink. She ordered their food and when the mozzarella sticks came, Andrew immediately began to eat it. He loved them.

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"So what's new Rach?" Nick asked turning towards her whole he grabbed a mottzerella stick from the basket and dipping in the marinara sauce. Nick hasn't personally spoken with her in a while.
Rachel couldn't help but laugh as she smiled. "Well, this diamond on my finger gives you a lot to know." She said as she held out her hand and Bella gasped. It was about time.

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Nick's attention was brought to the ring on her finger. "Impressive." He says admiring the stone. "Took long enough." He says teasingly "When'x the big day?"
"Six months and well Nick, let's say I'm engaged to your best friend." She said and Bella couldn't help but laugh. "So this means?" She asked and Rachel smiled. "You two will be a main part of our wedding."

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Nick nearly choked shocked at the news but was happy for them. "Congrats." He says but after thinking about it he made the realization his close that was to the arrival of their daughter, a lot of exciting things were happening. Nick looked to his wife and shared a animals smile. He knew no matter what she would he up for her best friend's wedding.
Bella looked over at Nick as she smiled softly, a little worried on the inside. The wedding was really close to the arrival of her daughter but she would be okay. Rachel looked at Nick as she laughed. "Why didn't you ever introduced me to him soon Nicolas?" She asked him with another laugh. Bella herself couldn't believe her best friend was marrying Nick's best friend.
"I don't know, it didn't occur to me." Nick said with a laugh squeezing his wife's hand in reassurance. As he turned to their son as he finished the appetizer. "I'm glad things worked out for you." He really was happy for Rachel, she deserved this.
Rachel laughed as she looked over at Andrew as well then looked at Rachel and smiled. "Thanks." She said and Bella smiled as she watched Andrew color after he had no more mozzarella sticks. She could tell he was bummed out.

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"What's the matter buddy?" Nick asked noticing his change in behavior as well. What happened? Moving the empty basket out of the way Nick watched him color while he waited for a response.
"That was grandma and grandpa right?" Andrew asked as he looked up from his coloring and looked at his dad then his mom. Bella blinked as she looked away and bit her lip. What was going to happen now?

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Nick sighed but nodded, he couldn't lie to his son, he knew the people that raised him for two years of his life Though Nick wasn't completely sure why the little boy was upset. Was he afraid or did he miss them? "Why?"
"Because I miss them." He said and Bellas heart dropped into her chest as she stared at her lap. He missed his grandparents. "Why don't I see them anymore daddy?" He asked and Bella couldn't help but fiddle with her fingers.

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This was a touchy subject to be having right now but there was really no way of avoiding it. When Andrew was taken from them he was only two and maybe he didn't remembered how he was both neglected and isolated. "Because, they're not nice, yo don't want to be around mean people do you?"
"But they don't look mean. I used to live with them right?" Andrew asked as he looked over at his mom. "Why did you take me from them?" He asked looking at Bella and she panicked mentally. She didn't know what to tell her son.

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"We'll talk about this later okay?" Nick says to their son, this wasn't the time or place to explain the past. At this time dinner was brought to the table and Nick quickly diverted Andrew's attention to other subjects. "Why don't you tell Aunt Rachel what you got today," His father says with a smile towards his son as he cut his food for him.
Andrew smiled as he nodded and looked at his aunt Rachel. "I got more trucks from my baby sister!" He said excitedly and Rachel blinked in surprise. "Baby sister?" She asked him and Andrew nodded as he looked at his mom then at his Aunt. Rachel looked at Bella who smiled sheepishly then looked at Nick. She was going to have a niece?

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Nick too held the same grin before the couple began to laugh at Rachel's shocked expression. You could tell it wasn't something she was expecting. It was a well kept secret from everyone up until now.
Rachel looked at her two friends and shook her head as she looked at the two. "I can't believe you." She said as she pointed to Nick and Bella laughed softly. "Can't control yourself or what Nicolas?" She said with another laugh.

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Nick couldn't help but laugh at Rachel'z comment as he blushed a little. "I can, it's just really hard too." He adds quickly with a teasing wink. He was genuinely excited for the arrival of his laughter.
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