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Love that's forbidden

Bella couldn't help but laugh at the dogs as she played with them for awhile but then went to their room and laid in bed as she looked at her husband. "What did his report card look like?" She asked, referring to their son as she let out another yawn.

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"He's doing well actually, top of the class." Nick says with a smile, joining her in their bed with his own yawn. "That's pretty funny for the daily fight of waking up." Nick says with a soft laugh to himself. Though he could handle Andrew on his own he was glad Bella was back, it was definitely easier as a team.
Bella couldn't help but laugh at her husband and look over at him as she leaned over and kissed him softly. "I'm back. It'll be easier." She assured him and clung to her husband as she slowly began to fall asleep.

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Nick smiled at her peacefully a sleeping against his chest and didn't move, not wanting to wake her. He knew she needed the rest. Soon though, they would have to come out with their little secret before it became noticeable. Sadly though, he had to wake her soon after. An emergency had been called in and he of course said he would come in, it was at the school. "Bella," he says waking her already dressed. "I have to go stay here and keep your phone close by," someone had come into the school campus with a weapon. Kids were in possible danger.
When Bella was woken up, she looked at her husband confused but nodded and after it processed he was in uniform, she mentally panicked. She got the emergency call sent out to all parents about what was happening at the school and the only thing running through her mind was Andrew. She could only hope he was okay but little did she know her son was making sure everyone else was out of harms way instead of himself.

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Nick has leaned to keep his work and personal life separate but at a time like this that was nearly impossible. As an officer he was worried of what could go wrong for all the kids as a whole but as a parent he was terrified for his son. What was he feeling right now when neither of his parents were there to protect him? Arriving at the scene he quickly got himself involved. As the hostage negotiator was called to converse with the suspect Nick quickly walked the halls, turning on the flashlight he guarded a door. Knowing it was locked he kept his hand on his weapon and waited for the call to say the suspect had been removed. Behind this door was at least 20 lives and he took it upon himself to protect them at any cost.
Andrew was one of those 20 but all the kids were hidden in the cabinets and closets with the teacher. There was no space for him and he was fine with it. He rather the suspect come in and see just him then all the others. The teacher tried her hardest to get Andrew in a cabinet or closet but Andrew refused and yelled and screamed. She had no choice but to leave him out.

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Nick heard those screams and he tensed when he heard them because he knew whose they were. Now was not the time for his son to act out in such an emergency and Nick couldn't just walk in right now. The suspect was prowling around here somewhere and Nick didn't need Andrew to be the reason he came this direction. He would be in serious trouble later if he didn't know it off. He knew better than to Behave this way.
Andrew continued to scream and finally the teacher got him in a closet with his best friend and she hugged him close. Things were finally okay but Andrew wanted his teacher safe. There wasn't any room for her and he didn't want her getting hurt. This was scaring him and he only hoped his father wasn't here on this call because of Nick got hurt, Andrew knew his mother would be scared again.

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Nick's tension relaxed but not for long, over the radio he heard another officer say the armed suspect was headed in his direction. Nick removed his weapon from his belt and held it firmly in his hand. When he heard footsteps he slowly raised it but moved it back to his side when he saw it was just back up. The teacher had to of known by now their were officers in front of her door y the sounds of the radio and their heavy footsteps. A sense of security to know authority was outside the door. After an hour of what was probably terrifying for the kids the suspect was captured and removed and the lock down was lifted. The next thing to do was to check to make sure everyone was alright. Once doors were unlocked officers went to check classrooms and that left Nick with the one he was standing in front of. "Everyone alright in here?" He asks with a smile. He knew kids were generally afraid of police officers but it was different in this case since they all knew who he was and had seen him before.
When the lock down was released, all the students came out from the cabinets and closets as they looked at Nick and nodded as they all smiled. Andrew was the last out and the minute he saw his dad, he put his head down and stared at his feet. He knew now his father heard his tantrum and was more then likely upset with him.

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As much as Nick felt to discipline his son he couldn't. Given the situation it was understandable why he reacted the way he did. Your parents an teach you how to behave but being so young in such a frightening situation he couldn't expect him to act any differently than a normal kindergartner. Walking over to Andrew his father picked him up and held him tight for a few moments before whispering in his ear."It's alright, everyone's safe now."
When Andrew felt hands pick him up, she looked up at his father and held him close as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He nodded as she stayed up against him and everyone watched as the parents came to pick them up. "I'm sorry...." He whispered.

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Nick was just relieved nothing happened to his son and didn't want to let him go from his arms. Nick just continued to hold him in his arms before Bella came. "Look who it is." Nick says pointing to Bella as Andrew lifted his head. "I told you she was coming home today didn't I?" Nick asked with a soft laugh as he let Bella take their son from his arms.
Bella ran in the minute the school was released from lock down. She ran over to her family and held her son close against her as she fought back tears. He was okay. He was safe. She kissed the top of his head as she let out a sigh of relief. "You're okay. It's alright. Mommy and daddy are here now." She whispered. She would never know what he thought during that time but things would be okay.

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Nick smiled st the sight of the two. "Take him home, I'll be done here soon." Nick says before he hugged the two goodbye and continued on with the inspection of the school before all he officers were set to clear the scene. You never think these kinds of things can happen to you as a person until they do.
Bella nodded as she went with Andrew to the car and went home. She was so scared for what would happen and she was glad Andrew was fine. Upon arriving at home, she took Andrew inside and laid on the couch with him as they watched movies until Nick got home. Bella had fallen asleep and Andrew fell asleep against her chest as a blanket was wrapped around them.

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Nick had never been more relieved to see the two asleep peacefully in the living room, after today he was reminded od how ucky he was to have the tow of them and how it was his job to protect them, all three of them now. Smiling at the thought Nick headed up the stairs to shower and change after his stressful shift.
Bella and Andrew stayed asleep on the couch together almost the entire day and when Andrew woke up, he ran off to his parents room and looked at his dad as he smiled. He got in bed and curled up under the covers as he began to fall asleep again. He loved sleeping on his parents bed.

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Nick shook his head at Andrew but left him be for now. Walking down the stairs he saw Bella still asleep. Grabbing the dogs leashes he decided to take them for a walk. He had to wake the sleeping duo soon though, they had dinner plans with Rachel. After a long walk around the lake both dogs were panting and scurrying towards home. Nick laughed and jogged the rest of the way.
Bella and Andrew had stayed asleep but Bella moved to her bed with Andrew. She knew about the dinner plans but she was so exhausted, she just wanted to stay asleep and that she did for now. When she heard the dog bark upon arriving back home, she groaned, along with Andrew and began to move in their sleep.

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"Shhh." eclaims to the two dogs before he refilled the water bowl and headed up the stairs to spot the two curled in the bed. together. Andrew easily woke at the mention of food and Nick got him showered and ready before he turned to wake Bella. "Alright Sleeping Beauty, it's time to wake up." He calls before he went to sit beside her. When she refused he laughed softly. "Do I have to count to three for you to get up to?" He asked teasingly.
Bella refused to wake up when her husband told her too and she couldn't help but smile as she opened one eye at him and said, "what's my punishment if I don't get up?" She asked with a teasing laugh and curled herself in the blankets more.

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"Well, I didn't think I would have to bribe you to get up for food but if you don't get up then you don't get any and you'll have to wait until breakfast tomorrow because I'm just that mean to not go and get anything later." He says with a mischievous smirk. "It's your choice Mrs. Cambridge."
"I mean I'm not really hungry so that's fine by me." She responded as she gave her husband a grin and continued to lay in bed. She loved playing around like this and she loved her husband. She was going to get up just in a few minutes.

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