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Love that's forbidden

"Sorry, but I find that hard to believe." He says with a small laugh before Andrew came running in the room excitedly. "What is it?" His father asked with a smile. While the two were sleeping Nick put out the present for Andrew from his younger sibling but put it in the counter where he couldn't reach.
"What's that thing on the counter?" Andrew asked as he jumped up and down and when Bella heard, she couldn't help but laugh as she shook her head and sat up as Andrews excitement never faded.

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"I don't know, who could it be be for?" Nick asked as he laughed at Andrew jumping up and down. "Do you think it's for you?" Nick asked getting up from the bed and standing next to the counter.
"Yes!" Andrew said as he continued to jump up and down. Bella laughed softly at the sight and looked up at Nick as if saying it was his choice whether or not to give it to Andrew.

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Nick nodded and winked at his wife before he grabbed the bag and handed it to Andrew.of course he went straight for seeing what the contents was inside the bag. It was the collection of new trucks he wanted. Nick smiles at Andrew's reaction."Woah, those are cool, whose it from Andrew, read the tag." Nick says pointing to it.
Andrew looked at his father as he saw the new trucks then looked at his mom as he read the tag. "To my big brother from your little sister." He read and blinked in confusion. "Little sister?" He asked then looked at his mom. "A little sister?!" He said excitedly and got up to run and hug his mom close and Bella couldn't help but laugh.

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Nick laughed and smiled in relief at Andrew's reaction. Though his perception of his little sister could change once she was here and it set in that he had to share his parents.
Bella couldn't help it laugh and keep her son in a hug and when he released he looked at his father. "Is she going to be pretty?" She asked him as she smiled.

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"Very." Nick said as he smiled towards his wife. Nick freed the trucks the boxes for Andrew to play with while Bella got ready for dinner. The secret was out, this was real, it was really happening.
Bella finished getting dressed up and ready for work until her phone rang. She ran to answer it because she was waiting for a call from the printers. She sighed as they explained things were behind and she walked out to talk about.

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Nick watched Bella walk out and then turned back to Andrew was he watched him play with the trucks for a few minutes longer before he told them to go put them away in the toy chest. When he finished Nick headed out to the car with him where they waited for Bella.
Bella couldn't help but be one angry with the printers on their reasoning for being late. She groaned and agreed to changing the dates but when they finished their talk she went out to the car and smiled as she got in and sighed.

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"Everything okay?" Nick asks his wife as they pulled out of the driveway and headed for the restaurant where they were meeting Rachel, Nick taking Bella's hand in his own.
Bella smiled at the feeling of his hand with hers. She sighed as she shook her head. "Stupid printers acting up again." She explained as she leaned back and sang along to the music.

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"It'll be alright, it always is, no need to let it get to you." He says with another smile and laughed when Andrew began to sing along to the song on the radio as well. It was a cute scene. Once they arrived he took Bella's hand again and walked in with Andrew at their feet.
Bella smiled at her hisbands reassurance. She leaned over and kissed him softly as they walked into the restaurant and Andrew followed. When he saw Rachel he ran over to hug her. "Auntie Rachie!" He said and hugged her legs as he giggled.

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"Well whose this handsome boy?@ Rachel asked with a bright smile as she picked him up and walked the three of them to the table she had already been seated at. Before she sat Andrew down beside her she kissed his cheek. "I heard what happened at school today, were you scared?" He asked, her full attention on him.
Andrew looked at his aunt and shook his head truthfully. "Nope. I wanted everyone else to be safe so I threw a fit with my teacher because I wanted her to get in the closet... Though I know daddy probably got mad." Andrew said as he stared at his lap and Bella looked at Nick questioningly.

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Rachel was shocked by what she heard and turned to Nick snd Bella not sure what to say. Nick suddenly felt horrible, he had heard their son's screams but he assumed them to because he was frightened. Now Nick really knew why and he couldn't be more proud of his son, for such a young age he was way smarter than some would give him credit for. "I'm not mad buddy." Nick said reassuringly. "I'm proud of you, that was very brave of you."
Andrew looked up at his father and smiled a bright smile. "I wanna be like you daddy. I wanna save people." He said and Bella had to stop herself from getting up. Her son was such a bright you kid and she loved that about him.

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Rachel laughed and looked towards Nick. She thought that was adorable. Nick smiled brightly as well. "You can be whatever you want when you grow up." It was important to Nick his children knew and understood that. He would always be there to support them no matter what they wanted to to do because he knew what it was like to hear that your dreams were nothing and didn't mean anything.
Bella smiled softly as she listened to her husband and her son. Suddenly she heard a voice sh wasn't thrilled to hear. David's parents. Bella only hoped they passed by not saying anything, but of course they had to stop to look at Andrew and Bella saw her son uncomfortable. "Can you please move on." She said a little to harsh and David's mother sighed. "He is our grandson, don't you forget that!" She said and Bella cringed. She needed patience right now.

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Nick had some shooce words for the two but decided it was best to bite his tongue, the situation didn't need to be escalated. As the walked by Nick turned to Bella. "Easy; it's alright, they're not going to do anything, I promise." Bella he noticed was easily on edge lately but he couldn't blame her for what just occurred, it was uncalled for.
Bella sighed as she nodded at what her husband said then looked at Andrew who was happily distracted by Rachel. Bella relaxed while holding her husbands hand and smiled as she looked at him. "I love you."

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"Love you too. He whispers before he kissed her cheek before turning bak to Rachel and Andrew. The waitress then came over and took their drink orders, Nick stuck with a simple soda. He didn't want to draw attention to Bella by offing a drink and he really didn't like drinking in front of Andrew.

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