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Love that's forbidden

Nick picked him up in his arms and hugged him tightly. "She's working, she'll be out soon though, hey buddy, want to help me with something?" He asked him with a smile. He want this to be special and that meant Andrew was just as equally a part of it.
Andrew looked at his father confused but nodded as he smiled and looked at him. "With what?" She asked him as she yawned and began to hug his neck and closed his eyes. "Mommy needs to hurry."

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"Okay, but you have to promise to keep it a secret, you can't tell anyone." He explains in all seriousness as the toddler nestled himself against him. "She'll be out soon,I promise then you can talk to her."
"Okay daddy.." Andrew whispered as he stayed nestled against his father and began to fall asleep. Preschool tired him out and at this moment he just wanted to sleep. When he woke up, he smiled at his dad from the rear view mirror and then yawned as he wiped his eyes.

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Nick looked up towards him and smiled. "Hey there sleepy head." He says with a soft laugh. "did you have a nice nap?" Nick asked before they both got out of the car and he carried him inside to the cafe.
Andrew nodded as he began to yawn and looked at Nick. When he realized they were at a cafe, Andrew looked at his dad. "Can I have a hot chocolate?" He asked when he heard his fathers phone go off.

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Nick nodded. "Yes you may." He says with a smile before he reached in his pocket for his phone. He didn't like answering calls when he was out with Andrew and Bella but he never knew what it could be. Before answering he ordered Andrew his hot chocolate and himself a coffee.
Andrew smiled as he got his hot chocolate that he wanted and when they brought it, he immediately began to eat the whip cream that was put on it. He looked at his dad and chuckled as he grinned wide. He loved spending time with him.

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Nick quickly hung up the phone, he denied the extra shift they asked if he wanted. Turning back to Andrew he smiled and took a sip of his coffee. "Okay, are you sure you want to help me? It's real important and its only for big kids." He says with a teasing laugh, he wanted him to be a part of this plan because he meant just as much to Nick as Bella.
Andrew looked over at Nick and smiled as he nodded. "I can do it!" He said as he laughed then continued to drink his hot chocolate. The whip cream all over his mouth. "So, what exactly am I helping with?" He asked as he looked at their waitress and pointed to what he wanted.
Nick watched as Andrew drank his hot chocolate before he ordered their food. "It's a surprise, for mommy but only if you want it too." Nick wanted to be clear this was only happening if everyone involved wanted it. "You know what mommy's job is right, the one at the shop?"
Andrew looked at Nick as he tilted his head slightly out of curiosity. He nodded however and smiled. "The ones with all the pretty white dresses?" He asked him as he took another sip of his hot chocolate.
Nick nodded with a smile. "Yeah, that one, do you know why those dresses are for?" Nick asks curiously as he places his hands on the table. Because of the fact he was simply getting nervous at the though Nick wasn't sure how well this was going to go, hopefully like he planned but he needed to explain in a way the three year old understood what was about to happen.
Andrew nodded excitedly as he looked at Nick. "Yes! It's for weddings right?" She asked him with yet another wide grin. If Nick were to ask his mom to marry him, Andrew would be beyond ecstatic. Andrew deserved to have Nick as his actual father and Bella deserved a man like Nick in her life.
Nick laughed in relief and nodded. "Yes they are, would you be happy if mommy and I had one?" Nick asked slightly tapping his fingers on the table. Ha knew he has no reason to think Andrew wouldn't want it but all the possible reasons why this could go wrong we're going through his head. Nick wanted this, he should have done it three years ago.
Andrew looked at Nick with pure and utter excitement. "Yes daddy!" He said excitedly as he chuckled and smiled a smile from ear to ear. He secretly wanted this for his mom but he never knew Nick would be the one to do it.

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Nick smiled, pleased with his response, "good, I want you to help me with the surprise but you can't tell. I'm going to ask soon but I want you to be in charge of something for me," Nick had an electorate plan but he only was revealing what needed to be known. After eating Nick took Andrew back to his house and carried him up to his office where he had him help pick out luxuries for the video he was making.
Andrew nodded and upon arriving at Nicks house, he helped Nick pick everything out. Andrew was excited for this to take place and he knew his mother would absolutely love it. It was about time Nick asked Bella to marry him. They would all be one big happy family now.

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In the days following Nick prepared everything for the big day and when it approached he became very nervous. Finishing the slide show he placed it on the tablet And when he picked Andrew yo the night before he placed the wrapped box in a hidden spot for Rachel to find the next morning. He had it planned that Rachel take her out tonight so she didn't suspect anything when he took her son for the night. The following morning he sent Rachel for the box where she put it in her hotel room her and Bella got for their beach trip. While the girls had their day of pampering from Nick he began to set things up, with the help of Andrew of course. Close to sunset Rachel smiled, it was time. "Hey, want to go down to the beach before we head home?" Hopefully Bella would say yes, if not she would have to find a way to get her to go.
Bella was completely unaware of anything that was taking place. She was glad Rachel invited her on a girls day. She needed it and she missed her best friend terribly. She knew Andrew was having fun with Nick anyways. When Rachel asked if she wanted to go walk, Bella agreed and walked down the beach with her. "You know, I ask myself what my life would be like if Nick and I got married three years ago." She told her with a laugh.

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Rachel had to hold back her fit of laughter and keep herself composed, Nick would kill her if she ruined this. "You shouldn't worry about that Bell, it was three years ago." Rachel says with a gently smile, gripping the wrapped box. Sitting on the chairs facing away from the shoreline Rachel sat down and placed the box in her lap.
Bella laughed softly as she nodded and sighed. "I know. You're right but I just couldn't help and think about it." She explained to her best friend as she sat down in a chair next to her and smiled at the setting sun. She loved the beach.

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"I have something for you," Rachel says handing over the nicely wrapped box with the tablet inside. Soon she would discover it wasn't from Rachel. The video from Nick was waiting to be played. It was full of pictures of them over the past year as well as videos. Each having a caption of reasons why Nick loved them. Followed by.. "This year has just been a great one." Nick says in a clip Bella had never seen before. "I love you both so much and I wouldn't trade either of you for anything, but I can't help but think, what happens next?"wan while the video faded out and words came up that read "Turn around." While Bella was watching Nick and Andrew showed up at the shore where he thew rose petals and waited for his mom to approach him.
Bella looked at the box a little to curiously but she smiled as she unwrapped it then began to smile at the sight of the pictures. She watched the video and couldn't help but cry already and when the words said to turn around, she looked back and smiled at her son as she saw the rose petals. She walked over to her son and smiled. "Hey there." She said as she laughed and wiped away her tears. Nick knew how to get her all teary eyed but she was still oblivious.

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"Hi mommy." Andrew says with a smile before he took her hand with a smile and followed the trail of Rose petals to Nick but he was hidden behind the large sandcastle they had built and candles were lit. Stepping out he smiled and approached her but took her hand to where he had been standing to reveal the words "Marry me?" In the sand where he then got down on one knee.

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