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Love that's forbidden

Nick smiled at the kiss but pulled away quickly. "You stay away from girls Andrew, they have cooties." Nick said sign a serious glance. Smiling he got up and went to get the medicine he bought, pouring it in the little cup he brought it to him along with some juice. Giving him the medicine he laughed when he contorted his face. "Tilt your head, silly."
"No." Andrew said as he eyed the medicine then looked at his mother as she laughed. "Just take it please baby." She told him and he sighed but swallowed it down. He made a face of disgust and Bella laughed as she went over and laid next to him. "Daddy sleep here." He said, patting the open side but realize he called Nick his Dad and his eyes grew wide. "I-I m-mean N-Nwick."

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(Awwwe [emoji33])

Nick smiled softly at Andrew and smiled. "It's okay." He says in a whisper. He knew he didn't mean it and he saw the gear in his eyes. It was still late morning but he needed to sleep. Agreeing Nick laid on the other side of the toddler and smiled at Bella as they watched him fall asleep.
(I know [emoji24])

When he finally began to fall asleep, Bella smiled and looked over at Nick and smiled as she slowly stood up and let her son sleep as she watched Nick stay with him. They were adorable and she leaned over as she kissed Nicks cheek and went to her office where her laptop dinged. She blinked and looked at it and saw one of her old authors ask for editing help with the caption, "we all need you again Isabella. Nobody's as good as you are. Why did you just leave?" It read and Isabella couldn't help but hug her knees to her chest as she shut the laptop and cried into her knees. She missed it. She missed it so much. She gave it up because David's lawyer forced her too. She had to give it up to even have partial rights of Andrew.

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Nick eventually got up from the bed once he knewAndrew was fast asleep and went to look for Bella. When he found her he crotchet down next to her and took her into a hug. "What's the matter?" He asked in concern as he kissed her cheek.
When Bella felt his arms around her, she looked at him and smiled softly as she wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry. It's nothing." She whispered as she heard her laptop ding again. "They just found me I guess." She told him and shook her head again.

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"You want it, don't you?" He asked with a smile to make her laugh. "Bella, if you you want it, I'm sure they'll gladly accept you with open arms. " standing he looked at the photo on her desk. "You're in charge of these row." He says handing her the photo of her and her son. "No one is going to tell you you can't and I can promise you that little boy wants him mom to be happy., he's seen enough negativity in his life."
Bella looked up at Nick as she smiled at the picture of her and Andrew and shook her head. "Editing just a little kid dream." She whispered the exact words David had told her and looked at Nick as she smiled. "Plus, what's better then helping brides pick their dress?" She asked him with a playful laugh as she sighed and put her head in her knees.

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Nick looked at Bella hurt and confused. "A kid dream?" He asks in a shocked whisper. He never would have guessed Bella to say that and he was hurt my it in away. "Is that what he said to you?" Her not answering was enough for him. "|+ I'm guessing this is a kid dream too." He whispers before crouching how to kiss her lovingly and passionately. If it wasn't for her "kid dream." He wouldn't be with her. Did she regret it that much?
Bella closed her eyes as he kissed her and she didn't know how to respond. When he pulled away, she looked at him and shook her head. "No... You aren't a kid dream." She whispered as she cupped his face and smiled. "You and Andrew are the best thing to ever happen to me." She whispered and kissed him lovingly and passionately like he did her. She loved him and never once regretted meeting Nick. He was her life along with Andrew.

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"I thought so, don't let anyone belittle your plans for yourself." He says with a smile "whatever you want to do, we'll be here for you through anything you decide." Taking her hand he interlocked their fingers together and helped her up to her feet before he took her into a hug.
Bella smiled as she rested her head against his chest and when she pulled away she kissed him again. "Then I'm taking it.." She whispered with the brightest smile she could muster. This was the perfect day and she was going to chase her dream job again.

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"Good, because I was going to force you to take it anyway." He says with a laugh before he released her from his hug. "I love you Bella." He whispers before kissing her head. He still has hours before work by Bella had Andrew to keep an eye on and he didn't want to be an intrusion.
"I honestly never thought I'd here those words again." She whispered as she smiled and looked at Nick. "I love you, Nick. With all my heart. Thank you for coming back into my life again." She whispered.

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"see, now you're going all cliche again." He explains with a content sigh as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Everything happens for a reason Bella, and whether I knew it or not I'm supposed to be here, with you." He says kissing her forehead.
She smiled softly as she rested her head against his chest. He was so perfect and she loved him. She never thought she'd have him to herself again but he was right. They belonged together and nothing would tear them apart. "That was really cliche." She whispered with a laugh.

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"Some things are unavoidable, I was a writer." He says with a soft laugh he was glad to be back,. Later on Andrew woke from his sleep and got sick in his bed. Becoming frightened he began to cry again and called for his mother.
When Bella heard Andrew all her, she ran up to his room and laid in bed with him and held him close. "What's wrong my love?" She asked him as she kissed his forehead gently.

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Andrew buried his face into her neck and continued to cry and cry until he threw up, from the stomach bug he had. He was now dehydrated and irritable from not being able to eat without getting sick from it.
Bella cringed at his throw up all over her but she carried him to the shower with her and sat him in the tub as she smiled and took him a bath then took him back downstairs and held him as she looked at Nick.

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Nick offered Bella a sympathetic look and went to sit next to the two. Nick stayed with them until he had to leave for work, he helped Bella put Andrew to bed after Nick put new sheets on his bed. "I'm sure you got it from here," he says to Bella whole he headed to the door to leave.
"Yeah. Thanks for everything." Bella said as she smiled and walked over to kiss him long and passionately. She loved him so much and when she pulled away, she yawned. "I really do love you." She said with a light giggle.

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Nick rather enjoyed the kiss Bella delivered to him and smiled. "Touché." Pulling her close again before kissing her. "You behave now, I don't want to have to come back here on my shift."
Bella couldn't help but laugh as she nodded and kissed him again. "Yes sir officer." She said as she smiled and watched him leave as she went to go back to sleep and when Andrew crawled in bed with her, she hugged him close against her. "D-daddy..." He said in his sleep and Bella couldn't help but sigh. He deserved to have a father.

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Over time Nick naturally stepped in to be that fatherly figure for Bella's young son and it didn't take long for either to get attached. Nick primarily worked the night shifts now to watch Andrew for Bella when she needed him to. Nick decided to go a step further in improving Andrew's speech by teaching him how to read and gradually it was indeed improving from what it was. He saw potential in the little boy and he deserved an equal chance, since he was starting pre school soon Nick wanted him to be prepared, it helped that reading just came naturally to Andrew and he liked spending time with Nick. They year Nick spent with the two was more than anything he could have asked for.

Andrew got up early with his mom to go out to breakfast with his mom, he of course loved spending his time with his mom equally, as he happily ate his pancake with his fork he smiled at her,

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