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Love that's forbidden


Nick laughed. "But your words are so fitting," leaning forward he kissed her again before sighing. "Unfortunately I have to be in at five tomorrow to do the traffic at the high school."
(I know [emoji24][emoji24])

Bella laughed softly as she looked at Nick. "Nicolas Cambridge, traffic control." She said as she laughed again but harder this time. She couldn't help but find that hilarious. "What a big honor that is."

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"Shut up." He says I'm a mocked offense before he kissed her again, this time biting her lip when he pulled away. "All the cool jobs wee taken." He says almost pounting.
Bella smiled at the feeling of him biting her lip. She looked at him and giggled. "Aw, does the poor baby want a hug?" She asked as she hugged him and felt the ground from under her. "No Nick! Put me down!" She squealed.

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Nick laughed softly. "Don't wake him!" He says in a whisper holding a finger to his lips as he set her back to the ground. He kissed her one last time before he finally released her from his grip. He really didn't want to leave her but he had his commitments.
Bella laughed softly as she kissed him back one last time then walked him out. She really didn't want him to go either but he had work tomorrow and she had a bride to get ready for her big day. "Enjoy your day at work tomorrow Mr. Traffic control." She said with a smile and kissed him one last time before she watched him walk to his truck. Today was a great day.

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"Keep it up, I'll write a ticket just for you." He calls back before he got into the truck and drove home. Of course he was greeted by Rose and Scout. Feeding the two girls he then headed for a shower were he realized just how sunburnt he had become. To his disliking he had to take a cool shower to relieve the burn.
Bella laughed as she too went to shower and winced at how sunburnt she was. She shook her head but she knew Andrew enjoyed it. The following morning, she was up early and took Andrew with her as they went to the brides area where her wedding was and helped her in her dress.

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The following morning Nick he was up before the crack of dawn for work and groaned as he got dressed and headed down stairs to make his coffee. His body stuff from the sun burn, hopefully he wouldn't have to chase after anyone today or he would be miserable. Unfortunately he had a double shift today so he would be working over 12 hours.
Bella and Andrew enjoyed their day together as he helped her with a few of the brides that came into the shop today. After it all, Bella was exhausted but when Andrews grandfather walked in, she became stiff and asked him to leave but he wouldn't. She could smell the alcohol on him but soon she was pushed against the wall with his hands wrapped around her neck. She chocked as she told Andrew to run and one lady held Andrew as they called 911. "Mommy!" Andrew screamed as black slowly began to surround her vision.

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Nick didn't get called but after it was handled he heard about it. Despite his exhaustion from a double shift as soon as he was done with work he drove straight to Bella's and knocked on the door.
Bella was in the living room, trying to calm Andrew down. He was still startled by what happened and when she heard the knock, Andrew looked up and ran to open the door. "N-Nwick!" He said and immediately clung to him as he began to cry. Bella felt bad that Andrew was there when it happened but she couldn't have prevented it. Bella looked at Nick and smiled weakly, her neck having bruises from how tight David's father was holding her.

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Nick sighed at the sight and picked Andrew up gently before he eyes Bella's bruises. "Ahhh, it's alright, mommy's okay." Nick whispered in his ear. Sitting on the couch Nick continued to hold him until he calmed down. "Did your grandpa scare you?"
Andrew simply nodded as he hugged Nick tighter and stayed clinging onto him. Bella looked at the two and Andrew began to sniffle as he slowly began to fall asleep against Nick. "I really wish I would have left him with Rachel instead of taking him with me had I known this would have happened."

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"Are you okay? Did you let them look at them look at you?" He asks in concern gently laying Andrew on the couch once he had fallen asleep and went to look himself without touching it. He didn't like that this happened, he was already getting protective over them again. "Like father like son I guess."
Bella looked at Nick as she smiled and nodded. "I did let them look. Nothing serious but I agree with your statement." She admitted as she sighed and looked at him. She noticed he was getting protective over them but she wasn't going to say anything. "I'm going to go lay him in bed. I know you must be tired." She said as she stood but felt him pull her back and she sat on his lap. They hadn't been this close in awhile and she loved.

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"He's fine," Nick says with a yawn as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. It had been an exhausting day but he was glad she was alright and David's gather was were he belonged for doing what he dis. "
Bella blinked as she looked at Nick and smiled as she leaned forward and laid her head against his shoulder. "You can stay the night if you want..." She whispered as she yawned and began to fall asleep. She was exhausted as well and somewhere through the night, her and Nick laid on the couch and Andrew joined them right in the middle. They were like a family and Andrew loved it.

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The best morning Nkck woke up and blinked and groaned slightly. He had sleep through the whole night in his uniform, gross. He didn't want to move though because he had both Bella and Andrew pressed against him and he didn't want to wake them. However, he felt his equipment veld pressing against himself and he started to sweat from his layers of clothes.
At the slightest movement, Bella woke up and looked at Nick as she smiled and realized he was sweating from his uniform. She slowly got up with Andrew in her arms who clung to her like a koala and Bella yawned. "Sorry about that." She whispered but once Nick was up, Andrew leaned over and clung to him like the koala he was and buried his face between his neck. Bella laughed and tried pulling Andrew away but he only groaned. "Can you lay him in bed please?" Bella asked Nick because she knew Andrew wouldn't let her.

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Nick laughed and nodded as he carried him up the stairs and laid him gently in his bed brides covering him up. Walking down the stairs Nick removed his equipment belt and slung it over his shoulder to get rid of the extra weight in his body. "He's asleep," he whispers kissing her softly. "I'm going home to change, do you need anything?"
Bella smiled through the kiss and shook her head as she looked at him. "Not at all. Maybe some stuff to make breakfast but I know Andrew has plans with his uncle Jason today so it'll just be you and I." She told him as she kissed him again the went to her office, the one she hadn't been in in what felt like years.

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Nick nodded and looked into a few moments. 'Ll bs back than." He whispers before he walked out and drove home to shower and change. He felt ten times better now that he was clean and not baring so much weight. Going to the store he picked up things for breakfast and drove back to Bella's in his truck.
Jason had come to pick up Andrew so the two had left and Bella was now alone in her office as she looked over all the books her and Nick worked together on. She missed being and editor but she was content with where she was now and of course her Frank Sinatra station was playing in her house.

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Nick remembered where she had put the spare key and found it in the same spot. Letting himself in he unloaded his hands and went straight to Laing their breakfast of omelets and hash browns, not wanting to disturb Bella in whatever it was she was doing he was easily occupied by the task at hand.

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