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Love that's forbidden

Bella looked at Rachel and shook her head as she grabbed a pillow and threw it at her. "Oh shut up." She said as she shook her head and looked out the window to see Andrew out swimming with his uncle. "Did he behave good?" She asked her best friend with a smile then looked over as Andrew realized his mom was here. Bella couldn't be any happier then right now.

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Rachel nodded. "Of course, he's the sweetest thing," Rachel said as she watched him run for the door dripping wet. Rachel jumped up to stop him from making it inside. "That is until you show up." She says teasingly as they both stepped outside and Rachel helped him dry off but he didn't stay still very long before he hugged his mom's legs. "M-mommy!" He exclaims happily with a giggle as he showed his teeth in a grin from ear to ear.
Bella laughed as she went out with Rachel and smiled as he hugged her legs. "Hey there love." She said as she reached down and picked him up in her arms. "Did you behave for your uncle and aunt?" She asked him and watched as he nodded. "Tell them thank you." She said and then she herself thanked Rachel and her husband(we need a name) as she went to change Andrew really quick the went out to the car. "Where do you want to go today buddy? My shops closed today so I'm all yours."

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(Lol whoops ummm Jason should work XDD)

"Beach!" He shouted happily, his smile not fading. He was naturally a happy, sweet little boy and that was a lot more obvious since he had been with his mother. The water was one of his favorite things and he was a good swimmer for his age. "M-mommy I-I H-hungry." He says wiping his eyes as they became irritated from the pool water.
(Lol sounds good xD )

Bella laughed softly as she looked back at the little boy and nodded. "Okay then, we'll go eat then go take a walk on the beach later on. What do you want to eat?" She asked him as she made sure he was buckled in before she drove off. He was the cutest little thing and she was so glad she finally got her rights she deserved.

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"Doughnuts!" He exclaimed clapping his hands as the two drove off, on the way to get breakfast though Andrew fell asleep from all the energy he had used in the pool earlier. When Bella picked him up he easily clang to her and wrapped his arms around her neck as they walked inside he rubbed his eyes and yawned before he laid his head into her neck. He loved his mom, she gave him attention and affection something his father never did really and he was starting to get used to it.
Bella laughed softly as she nodded and when they got to the restaurant, she smiled at the feeling of him nestled so close to her. She loved her son and if she could have won the battle, she would've. She laid him on the booth next to her and laid his head on her lap as she ordered them breakfast. He was so adorable and when the food came, she shook him so he could wake up. "Hey baby boy, your foods here." She said as she poured his favorite blueberry syrup onto the Micky mouse shaped pancake then put his ketchup in his hash browns. For only having him on the weekends before, she knew a lot more about him then his father ever did.

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Andrew wiped his eyes again and sat up and gasped excitedly when he realized his pancakes were in Mickey Mouse form. Picking up the fork he began to eat his breakfast happily with his mom, by the end though he had ketchup on his face and syrup on his fingers and face.
Bella couldn't help but laugh at Andrews excitement. He was so adorable it was cute and she loved how the smallest things made his day. She watched him eat and when they both finished, she laughed at the mess he created in himself. She wet her napkin and wiped his hands and face to get rid of the syrup and ketchup. "Where to next?" She asked as she paid then held his hand as they walked out to the car.

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"I-I don't k-Know." He says shrugging and holding up his hands. He wasn't used to being asked what he wanted to do all the time m, he usually got sat in front of a TV or was forced to go with his father to scary places he didn't want to be. As they walked to the car he saw a police cruiser rush by and gasped as he pointed it it happily. "Nwick!" He exclaims. There was no way to tell who it really was but he recognized the similar cruiser.
Bella laughed softly as Andrew pointed at the cruiser and said Nicks name. "You really love him don't you?" She asked him as she buckled him in the car seat then got in and drove off to the arcade. She knew he had never been here before.

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Andrew nodded happily at his mom's question. Nick was nothing like his dad, he was nice to him and didn't make fun of him for the way he talked. He also saved him and promised to get him back to his mom. For a two year old that was enough to instantly attach himself to someone. When they got to the arcade When the walked inside Andrew didn't like it, it was too loud and he associated loud noses with his dad's music and yelling. It was too much for him and he started crying as he shook his head and clung to his mom. "N-no N-n-no" he says as he cried against him mom.
Bella looked at her son and immediately was heart broken as he started crying. She picked him up in her arms and left the arcade as she went to sit him at a bench. The arcade was in an old mall so she sat him down and sat in from of him. "I'm sorry my love. I didn't know loud noises frightened you." She said as she felt terrible for taking him into that environment. "Do you just want to go to the beach now?" She asked him with a soft smile.

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The toddler quickly composed himself once he was removed and nodded excitedly at him mom. "A-swim?" He asked with hopeful glossy, puffy read eyes. He smile faint but still there. He was still slightly shaken up but felt safe again.
Bella smiled as she nodded at her son. "Yes, well swim but mommy has to go get her swim suit okay?" She told him with a smile and walked with him to the car. She would never know what it was like for her son at his fathers but something told her she didn't want to know.

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Andrew nodded and happily followed her back to the car. While his mom changed Andrew played with his toys in the living room. Unlike most his age he easily kept himself entertained because he was used to playing by himself. He liked playing with his trucks the most.
Bella smiled at how content she was with her body and how she lost the baby fat. When she came back down, she heard her phone go off and smiled as she saw Nicks name. "Hey Nick."

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"Well hello, you sound like you recovered from last night." He says with a soft laugh. Today was his last full day off for probably awhile. "What are you up to?"
"Andrew and I were going to head over to the beach. Care to tag along? I'm sure your biggest fan would be happy to have you go with us." She said as she smiled and laughed. When Andrew heard Nicks voice, he gasped from excitement and smiled. "Nwick!"

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Nick smiled when he heard Andrew. "Well I definitely can't say no to that, I'lol meet you there, or I could come get you if that's easier." He suggested as he went to let the dogs back inside and headed to his room to grab the clothes he needed to change into.
Andrew looked at his mom as he nodded. "Nwick come here!" He excitedly and Bella laughed as she nodded. "Andrew wants you to pick us up. You know where I live right? We'll be waiting."she said as she smiled then hung up and got the ice chest ready with some waters and things to make sandwiches.

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Nick hung up the phone and got changed before he grabbed they keys. Before he drove to Bella's he drove to the store to buy Andrew some beach toys, something told him he didn't have them. Getting buckets and shovels along with sand molds, Nick also got a foam ball to throw and a small raft to float on. As well as his own small beach chair to match the ones he had already got him and Bella. Nick dressed in swim trunks, a t shirt and flip flops put all the news toys in a big gift bag. Pulling into Bella's driveway into his truck he walked to the door with the giant bag in hand.

(He's cute and thoughtful [emoji173]️[emoji24])
When Bella heard the knock, she watched as Andrew gasped and got up to run over to the door and opened it. "N-Nwick!" He said excitedly as he saw the bag and covered her mouth. "W-what's that?" He asked and Bella went over as she took the bag and placed it on the floor where Andrew began to go through all the paper and gasped at the toys. Bella smiled and held Nicks hand as they watched him. "M-mommy l-look!" He said and held up the buckets and shovels. Bella smiled and walked over as she saw water guns. "Oh boy, remember the first time you and I went to the beach with these?" She asked with a laugh.

(I know he is! [emoji24][emoji173]️)

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"Consider it round two." Nick says with a wink before he stood closer to Andrew. "You like it all buddy?" Nick asked crouching down to his level with a smile. Nick was glad Andrew was home with his mother were he could actually have the attention he deserved and just be a kid. These years with him were important.
Bella couldn't help but laugh as Andrew looked at Nick and nodded as he smiled. "Y-yes!" He said as he laughed and put everything back in the bag. "B-beach!" He said and carried the bag as he ran over excitedly to the door to go outside.

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