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Love that's forbidden

Nick smiled as he watched Andrew run off to Rachel and waved to her in hello. When Bella spoke again he was a little shocked and blinked. ."You don't scare me anymore Bella, I deal with drunk men twice your size at least once a week, you're going to have to try harder than that."
"Then I guess we'll just have to wait and see now won't we?" She said as she laughed again and smiled at Nick. "So, pick your poison and I'll meet you there." She told him as her smile never faded. Bella was glad her actual self came back. She missed her cocky confident self.

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Nick, conscious of what could happen after they had their drinks he decided to take her back to his house. Pulling in the driveway he opened the door and laughed when being greeted by Scout and Rose. Setting the keys on the counter Nock turned to the room off the kitchen. "Pick your poison." He mimick a with a laugh. The room has a covered of wine and other alcohol.
Bella looked at the house and forgot just how beautiful his house really was. She missed being here but the dogs were a surprise and they were so cute. She was petting them she she looked up at him and smiled. She walked over to him and smiled at the variety she could choose from. "Well bartender, give me my whiskey for now." She told him with a laugh.

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Nick nodded and pulled the whiskey from the shelf before walking back into the kitchen and grabbing two small glasses and pouring them. The dogs held an interest in Bella and Nick laughed softly. "Leave her alone." He says pointing to the backdoor. "Scout, Rose, come on, outside." He says walking over and opening the door as they scurried out.
Bella laughed softly at the dogs as she took a sip of her whiskey. It was strong but perfect. She looked over at Nick and smiled as she looked at how built he was now. Soon she finished her first glass and asked for another with a smile.

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Nick nodded and shook his head at her. Walking back over to her he filled her glass again before turning to his own. Coughing slightly when he swallowed it he looked at Bella with a contorted face. "I don't know how you drink this." He says coughing again before going to pick out a liquor and started to make his own mixed drink.
Bella laughed as she looked at Nick as she took his glass and finished it up. "I can handle my own that's how." She said as she laughed and then asked fr another glass and after that one, she felt the slight hit. She was feeling it. "Now, surprise me. Whatever you mixed looks interesting." She said with another bubbly laugh.

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"Take it easy princess." He says with a laugh before he mixed her the drink. "If you don't slow down I'll have to put you on a limit Ms. McClain." He says with raised eyebrows as he took a sip of his own. I'm
Bella laughed at the fact that he called her a princess. She looked at him and smiled softly. "Then bid your limit now." She said as she giggled and hiccuped soon after. All of the drinks were finally hitting her and at the fact that she finished the drink he mixed for her in one sip, she needed to get cut off already.

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"I think you already went passed that limit." He says removing the cup from the counter. Nick had more self control than the previous time they had done this, he had to be, it would ruin his reputation if he wasn't and unlike last time he wasn't going to use her. Reaching into the fridge he replaced their drinks with water.
When Bella saw the water, she pouted as she looked at Nick and slowly stood up and she went and hugged him from behind as she hiccuped. "Just one moreeeeeeee." She told him as she giggled a bubbly giggle and hiccuped. "Pleaseeeeee." She said, her words slurring.

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"No, I'm sure you've had enough." He says with another laugh. "Let's go. outside." Removing her grip from his waists he took her hand so she wouldn't tumble over. He was playing it safe. He remembered how much he hurt her the last time they gave in. When they stepped out the dogs came running over and follows Nick to the swing where they laid at his feet.
Bella laughed as she walked with him out to the swings and sat on one as she continued holding Nicks hand. "I know what you're doing." She slurred as she giggled. "You're playing it safe because you don't want to hurt me again..." She whispered. Drunken words were sober thoughts and that's what she was proving. "Well Nick, I loved you then and I still love you now. Crazy I know but through the two years we seperated was when I needed you the most but you..... You left, but then again I told you too. You said yourself if I would have just told you to stay you would've but I didn't, and I regret it. I regret not telling you to stay." She said as she laughed and shook her head. "Gosh I'm such an idiot...."

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"No you're not Bella, you're far from an idiot, trust me, I would know I deal with them on a daily basis." He didn't know if she would remember any of this in the morning but it was worth the shot. "You're just afraid of being selfish but you never were. You just need to grow some thicker skin and be confident in what you want in life, don't be afraid to admit it, that's all."
Bella laughed as she looked at the ground then looked at Nick. "Okay, well here's my thicker skin and confidence. I want you in my life again Nick. I love you and everyday I stare at a wedding dress after work that I wish I could walk down the aisle in and I always see you there waiting for me. Andrew loves you so much and he loves having you around. I've never seen him as his mom so happy and full of life like he is with you. You're the first stranger not to question him about his speech problem nor do you consider him non intelligent like everyone else has. He loves you and I love you. I need you in my life again Nick." She said. She herself didn't know if she would remember this in the morning but she really hoped she did.

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Nick didn't know what to say to that. He hadn't realized he still meant so much to her and it was a touching thought. He didn't know what to say. "Tell you what, if you remember any of this and come to me in the morning and say the same thing, we'll work it out." He wasn't sure if these were her logical thoughts or her drinking was getting to her.
Bella merely laughed at his response. She should have saw that coming. She slowly stood up as she hiccuped. "I'm going home." She said as she slowly and wobbly walked over the door to go inside. She didn't want to cry in front of Nick. Maybe it was just time to move on from him but the minute Scour jumped on her, she fell back on the ground and couldn't help but laugh.

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Nick ran to her in concern, he knew she wasn't hurt because he was trained not to use too much force unless Nick was in danger. "Yeah, you're not going anywhere." Picking her up Nock carried her inside and up to his room where he let her sleep for the night. He resided on the couch.
Bella fell asleep rather quick that night and when she woke up, she looked around and thankfully remembered everything she said and what Nick said in return. She slowly stood up as her head was pounding so she went to his bathroom to find some Tylenol that would help. Upon going back downstairs where Nick was, she smiled at him and hugged him from behind. "I want you in my life again." She whispered as she laid her head against his back. This was what she wanted and she wanted it for the rest of her life.v

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Nick smiled when he saw her come down the stairs but he wasn't anticipating her to say what she did. For Nick though, a promise was a promise. Turning to face her he nodded. "Okay." He whispers resting his hands on her arms before he pulled her closer and kissed her.
Bella smiled at the kiss and kissed him back as she enjoyed it. She missed the feel of his lips against hers and as she pulled away, she let out a content sigh. "I love you, Nick." She whispered then looked at the time. "I should go pick up Andrew from Rachel."

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Nick too enjoyed the comfort of their gentle embrace and kissed her one last time before she pulled away. He smiled at her words and nodded. "Right, you should probably go do that." When she turned away he called back to her and when she turned her head he smiled. He remembered what Andrew had said when he told him he looked familiar and he was curious. "What's this I hear about me on your phone?" He asked with a laugh when he saw her blush. She gave him a confused and embarrassed look. "Andrew told me."
Bella couldn't help but blush a bring red when he asked her about her phone. She shook her head as she laughed and showed him her lock screen. "It never changed." She called back then turned to leave as se smiled. She couldn't believe Andrew told him about that.

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When Rachel saw Bella pull into the driveway she smiled, Andrew was too preoccupied by Rachel's husband swimming with him to realize his mom had shown up. "So, how were those drinks?" Rachel asked with a smirk. She had wondered what the two were up to. At the beginning she was skeptical of Nick but over time he grew on her and she knew just how much he meant to Bella and how hurt she had become when they went their separate ways again. However, she didn't blame Nick she understood he was just trying to do the right thing for Bella and Andrew. The smile on Bella's face said it all for Rachel. "Oh, what's this? Is Isabella actually smiling?" She asked with a teasing laugh as she shielded herself with the pillow in the chair to face Bella's possible blows.

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