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Love that's forbidden

Nick smiled and quickly ran after him taking the bag as Bella went to get his seat out of her car. When Nick took his hand and stepped outside he laughed when he saw Andrew's expression of his truck. "You like trucks huh." He says with a smile before he picked him up to look at it closer.
Andrew nodded as he climbed up the side step of the truck and got in as he marveled at the inside. "M-mommy you need this!" He said and Bella was proud with how he only stuttered once. "I know I know." Bella said as she put everything in the bed of the truck and Andrew squealed excitedly.

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Nick laughed at Andrew's excitement. "Poor kid, you deprived him of riding in manly cars and trucks." Nick replies to Bella as she finished buckling the seat into the back of the truck Nick buckled Jim in before he got in. Nick was rather amused by how excited Andrew got over the little things. "Hey buddy, watch." Nick says before he pressed a button and the TV for the back revealed itself. It was there for Sky. "What do you like to watch?"
Bella rolled her eyes at Nicks comment about depriving her of a manly car. "I love my Audi and its paid off." She told Nick as she got in and laughed again at Andrews amusement. "S-scobby!" He said excitedly and Bella couldn't help but laugh as she shook her head. He was adorable and he enjoyed being in this truck with Nick. Bella felt Nicks hand touch hers and soon they held hands as he drove them to the beach.

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Nick nodded and played Scooby Doo from his Netflix. Once Andrew was occupied Nick reached for Bella's hand and smiled as they drove to the beach. This could have been how things were for them if he made the choice not to leave and that stung for Nick. She could've been his. Once they arrived at the beach he unloaded everything and carried it while Bella held Andrew. Once everything was unpacked Nick shoes Andrew how to build a sand castle with the bucket and shovel and let him go to town where they could still watch him. Walking back to Bella he sat best to her. "So, what's the story Bella, what have I been missing?"
Bella laughed as she shook her head at his question and shrugged. "Nothing much really." She said as she saw Andrew make friends with a girl who was there and they ran around. "I quit my editing job and opened a bridal shop but you already knew that. Other then that I lost Andrew to David because his lawyer had a much better case to file... I only got him for the weekends and every other holiday but other then all of that, nothing exciting." She explained and watched as the girl questioned Andrew about his speech. The minute she saw Andrew run off, she got up and ran after him. "Andrew!" She called and grabbed him. The minute he clung to her, she sighed.

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Nick sat and watched Bella but when he saw Andrew cling to his mother he ran on their direction. Crouching down to his level Nick smiled softly. "What's the matter buddy?" Nick asked.
"I-I'm just a f-freak." He said and Bella shook her head as she held him close. "No Andrew, no you're not." She said then looked at Nick with sad eyes. "Let's go swim okay?" She told Andrew as he nodded but stayed clinging to his mother.

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Nick nodded and raj back to their spot where he thee off his flip flops and shirt and ran after the twoZ ruining up behind Andrew he picked him up in one scoop causing a big splash. When e laughed Nick tossed him gently in front of him. He wanted him to forget what happened.
Andrew couldn't help but laugh and laugh as Nick threw him around everywhere. Bella smiled as she watched the two then went under water and jumped in Nick from behind. When Andrew saw, he laughed and looked at the two. "M-mommy g-gotcha!" He said excitedly and Bella laughed as she stayed clung to Nick.

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Andrew couldn't help but laugh and laugh as Nick threw him around everywhere. Bella smiled as she watched the two then went under water and jumped in Nick from behind. When Andrew saw, he laughed and looked at the two. "M-mommy g-gotcha!" He said excitedly and Bella laughed as she stayed clung to Nick. P

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"Yeas she did." Nick said with a smile towards Bella. After a couple hours at the beach their things were gathered and carried back to the truck. Nick drove the two home and helped carry everything inside and rinsed all the beach toys. By the time he finished Andrew was getting his bath and getting ready for bed. Nick didn't want to intrude on their nightly routine. "Well I should go."
"No Nwick! R-read p-please?" Andrew said as he ran down with his favorite book in hand. Bella smiled and looked at Nick as she motioned the two upstairs. "L-look at m-my r-room!" Andrew added as they walked in. His walls painted a light blue and nothing but different model trucks surrounded his room. He jumped in bed and went under the covers as he waited for Nick to start reading to him. Bella finished picking up around the house.

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Nick nodded and took the book from the toddler and followed him upstairs to his room. "Wow! You're room is cool." Mick says with bright eyes as he sat at the edge of the bed. For the first time since he was handed the book he looked at the front cover and laughed. "So you like this book huh?" Nick asked with a smile. Nick found it amusing because it was the one children's book be wrote before he gave it up.
Andrew laughed as he nodded. "L-look! M-mommy g-got signed b-by a-author!" He said and showed Nick his signature. Andrew couldn't help but smile brightly. "M-mommy has a-all h-his b-books!" He added and giggled as he covered his mouth. "I-I think s-she really l-likes h-him." He said, oblivious to the fact that that author was Nick and all the books Bella had was because she was Nicks editor.

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LI think she does too but we'll keep that a secret." He says with s smile before he began to read the toddler the book. When he finished Bella walked in the room to tuck him in. Before he went to bed Nick ran down to Bella's office and grabbed a sharpie. "Hey Andrew, you want to see something?" Nick asked and when he nodded Nick took the book and flipped it to the back of the cover and signed it to him. He had a feeling he would recognize the signature.
Andrew watched Nick and when he recognized the signature, he gasped as he covered his mouth and looked at his mother. "I-it's you!" He said as he giggled playfully. Bella laughed at the boy as she leaned over and kissed his forehead. "It is. He wrote all the books you like." She told him and Andrew just couldn't believe it. Soon though, he fell asleep and Bella walked out with Nick and smiled at him. "Thanks for today." She said as she kissed his cheek.

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"You're most certainly welcome Ms. McClain, I'll be nice and fried for work tomorrow." He says with a laugh feeling the sting start to become noticeable. Looking into Andrew's room he watched him sleep. "He really is a sweet kid and giving you all the credit." Nick saw the life he lived before he was able to help and Andrew had no reason to be as sweet as he was with how often he was left alone, Nick would have expected him to be terrified of people. Then he remembered what had happened earlier today with the little girl. "Have you taken him to see a specialist to help with his speech?" Nick was curious about what Bella knew about her son.
Bella smiled as she looked at her son as well and watched him sleep. He didn't deserve to be so carefree but he was and she loved that about him. She looked over at Nick and sighed as she nodded. "Everyone I take him to labeled him as an idiot, even after he proved he was the smartest 2 year old alive. I found him this on specialist that he loved but after a few visits Andrew said he was fine with the way he was. He said yeah he was different but it was better." She said with a laugh. Her son was a bright young lad. "Then you came into his life and I've come to realize something. You're his therapy Nick." She said as she looked over at his and became lost in his eyes like always. "And I as a mother could never thank you enough." She whispered, her voice cracking as she began to tear up.

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"What do you mean?" Nick asked confused. He had only been in Andrew's life for a short while and didn't really spend much time with him. "I haven't done anything Bella, whatever progress he's made he's done it by himself, I have nothing to do with it."
Bella shook his head. "No. In the few times you've been with him, he's only ever said clear words to you. To me maybe just small words. You may not think it but you've helped him and I don't know what is going on in his little head but thank you. I know he enjoys having you around Nick. You've showed him what it's like to have a person who cares and I think that's what's helped him."

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Nick smiled. "Like I said before, David was a jerk and it's his loss. He really is a good kid I've never seen any child his age act so calmly to a total stranger with the situation he was in, you're lucky Bella, he wasn't even strapped in." With a sigh Nick turned away for a moment, it angered him David was so careless. "I'm sorry I left, I was completely wrong for doing it, if I had been here it would have never happened."
Bella wasn't expecting those last words to come out of his mouth. She looked at Nick and shook her head as she smiled weakly at him. "It isn't your fault Nick. You did what you thought was best for us. It's okay." She told him then cupped his face as she kissed him lovingly. "Al that matters is you saved him and you're here now." She whispered with a bright smile.

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(ACM Awards [emoji445][emoji7][emoji173]️)

Nick nodded not wanting to fight her on it. Reaching for her hand he kissed her again, not ending the kids until both had to pull away. "I've been waiting to do that for awhile now." He says with a laugh, relieving what she said the first time she kissed him back on that book tour.
Bella blushed a bright red as she listened to him say her exact words and she shook her head. "Stop using my words and find your own." She said with a playful laugh as she leaned over and kissed his lips again and held it until she needed air. "I should probably let you go huh?" She said and laughed again.

(I'm not home [emoji24][emoji24][emoji174])

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