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Love that's forbidden

Bella bit her lip as she remembered the events of last time and laughed softly. "Well, I can't tell you if it will or won't. Depends on how much I feel like drinking." She explained to him as she smiled.

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"Oh really? I'll be sure the biggest bottle is in stock then." He says with a boastful laugh. It was as if the two has never stopped talking, he got a sense of comfort and security from that.
Bella laughed softly as she shook her head. "Do as you please Nicolas Cambridge." She said then looked up at the other entourage that came through. "I gotta go. Gattis pizza at 7. We'll see you there." She said then hung up and went to help the customers of the day.

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Nick agreed and hung up the phone. Pizza huh? This should be a interesting experience. Getting his errands done in a timely manner he made sure to be home in time to get ready and headed to the meeting place they had agreed on. Nick was simply wearing jeans and a polio, his built body more evident, it would be the first time Andrew would see him without a uniform.
Bella and Andrew wrapped up at the shop then went home to get dressed. Bella wore a simple sundress with wedges and a cardigan while Andrew wanted to wear his jeans polo and sperrys. Bella laughed at the little one and walked with him out to the car and drove to the restaurant and when Andrew saw Nick without his uniform, he gasped but ran over to hug him anyways. "Nwick!" He said excitedly as Bella walked over and laughed softly, biting her lip upon seeing how built he was through the shirt.

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Nick saw the two and smiled brightly when Andrew ran towards him. "Hey, do I know you?" He asked teasingly picking the toddler up and looking at Bella for a brief moment. "What?" He asked innocently. He was completely oblivious to his change in fitness was new to her. He didn't think about it.
Andrew laughed playfully as he nodded and immediately clung to Nick. "Y-yes!" He said then looked at his mother who blinked and shook her head. "N-nothing." She said, her face a bright red as she walked with them inside and to their table. "M-mommy, g-games!" Andrew said as he pointed at the skeeball right next to them. "Only that for right now Andrew Nicolas." She said and Andrew nodded as he took three tokens to play three times. Nick didn't know Andrew had his name for his middle name. No one knew but Bella and Rachel.

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Nick eyed her as her son walked away. "I like the middle name." He says with a laugh, he knew she was embarrassed but he thought it was cute. Watching the toddler throw the balls Nick saw him getting frustrated and walked over to him. "Watch." Nick says taking a ball and throwing it under handed and landed in the 100 point socket. "You try." Nick says handing him a ball and standing behind him to help show him how to throw the ball correctly.
Bella looked at Nick on his remark about Andrews middle name. She blushed vibrant red again and looked down at her lap as she saw him get up and walk over to Andrew. Andrew watched Nick curiously and nodded as he was given the ball and threw it like Nick did and missed the 100 point socket. "Aw man!" Andrew said as he giggled playfully again and threw the last few balls he had again and when the tickets came out, he gasped as e covered his mouth and looked at Nick then got his tickets and ran back to his mom. "L-lwook m-mommy!" Andrew said and Bella gasped as she took his tickets and smiled. "Good job! High five?" She said and Andrew gave his mom one then ran back over to Nick as he played again but with Bella alone, one man sat in front of her and tried hitting on her. She refused but he grabbed her arms and he wouldn't let go, so she struggled.

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Nick looked over and his instinct was to act. "Stay here." He says to Andrew and advanced for the table. Approaching the man from behind he firmly grabbed him by the arms and placed them behind his back. "You might want to think twice before putting your hands on someone in a public place." Nick had him in a tight grip, he wasn't going anywhere.
When Bella felt release, she rubbed her wrists and looked up at Nick. The guy laughed as he looked at Bella then Nick. "So this is your guy?" He asked and Bella looked at her lap. "I-I.... D-don't have one." She said as she heard a laugh from a female. Anastasia, the one writer and editor who always despised Bella. "So I see Nicolas Cambridge, the once famous author now a police men but I always see Isabella McClain. The loneliest girl on the block. The most broken girl possible." She said and Bella clenched her dress in her hands. "Do you mind if I steal Nick for awhile Bella? Then again, your day doesn't matter because he left you. Twice." She added and Bella bit her lip as she looked at Andrew and stood up. "Excuse me.." She said as she began to cry and went to pick up Andrew to leave. This wasn't an environment she wanted to be in right now. "M-mommy! W-what about N-Nwick!" Andrew exclaimed as he began to cry and scream. "Andrew please stop." Bella begged. She wasn't in the mood to fight.

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Nick scowled when he heard Andrew's cries and didn't release the guy, "I suggest the two of you leave, this isn't a place for childish immaturity." He says firmly, finally releasing the man when the two ran off. Nick sighed and turned back to Bella and her son. "It's alright," he says to Andrew. "The bad people are gone now, do you want to finish the game to go get a prize?"
Andrew looked at Nick as his cried turned to sniffles and he nodded and extended his arms out to him for him to carry him. Once Nick had him, Bella quickly ran off to go outside as she stood there and cried. She could never be happy anymore. Not without someone putting her right back down.

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Nick sighed as he watched Bella run off. This isn't how this carefree night was supposed to go and as much as he wanted to be in two places at once Nick had to keep an eye on Andrew. Once he finished his three games Nick sat him down and ordered some mozzarella sticks to keep him occupied while he nervously waited for Bella to reappear.
Bella didn't want to reappear. She didn't want to go back in. Anastasia was right, she didn't have a chance with Nick again, so why even get her hopes up? He left her twice and she's always been so alone, there was no point in trying to find someone to have around. All she needed was Andrew and she had him, though she knew it'd be hard because he loves Nick as it is. She couldn't keep Andrew away from Nick. After she was able to calm herself, she walked back in as she smiled weakly at the two, her cheeks stained and her eyes red and puffy as she sat down and Andrew looked at his mother worried. Bella just wanted Andrew to finish enjoying his night with Nick so they could go home. Bella didn't want to be here anymore. She just wanted to curl up in bed and cry her eyes out again.

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Nick sighed he was irritated with this whole situation. Once Andrew finished his cheese sticks and their pizza and Nick's wings were ordered he gave Andrew more tokens to go play more games. Turning to Bella when her sun ran away Nick bit his cheek before he spoke. "You're not going to let someone else who acted so immaturely ruin you're night are you?"
Bella sighed as she looked at Nick then looked at Andrew and watched him as she stayed quiet for a bit. "By the looks of it they already have right Nick?" She said simply as she smiled at Andrew when he looked at the two and smiled. "He really does love you." She added. "Thank you. He deserves a role model like you." She added but avoided all eye contact with Nick.

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"Bella, I'm not accepting your compliments unless you look at me." This was the only flaw of Bella's that bothered Nick. She let people get so easily, she needed to learn to stand up for herself and not be so frightened. "If you want me to go, I will, but you have to say it."
Bella bit the inside of her lip as she stayed looking at her lap. "I-I want you to...." She started off but couldn't finish. She didn't want him to go but it's what was best for her right? Wrong. She needed Nick but she didn't stand a chance. "I-I want you to...." She started again but never finished. She couldn't do it. She couldn't say a simple five lettered word. She couldn't say leave. She looked up at Nick as she became lost in his eyes. She missed him. She missed him dearly.

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"You want me to what Bella?" He asks catching her looking up at him. "You know, all you would have had to say either time I walked away was you wanted me to stay. Are you really going to make the same mistake for a third? It really is that simple you know, you just have to have confidence or I won't be convinced." This was his attempt to get her to stand up for herself and hopefully she was going to do it with whatever she decided.
At what Nick said she couldnt help but feel angry. If she would have told him to stay, he would have. She couldn't do that to him though, he seemed so happy without her and she didn't want to burden him with her and Andrew. She looked back down at her lap and fiddled with her fingers as she stayed quiet. She couldn't stand up for herself. Before she used to be able to but after being left alone for so long, she broke into a million pieces and no one tried to help her out herself back together. "S-stay... I-I want y-you t-to s-stay..." She said as she looked up at him for a brief moment then looked away. She was confident enough so he wasn't going to stay. She was so weak now it sickened her.

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"Okay." He says simply as Andrew ran back to the table at the sight of food. Nick purposely said nothing more about it just to see her reaction. Nick turned to Andrew and helped him plate his pizza before watching him go to town on it. Nick glanced up at Bella and began eating his chicken wings
When all Nick said was okay, Bella panicked inside. Was he staying or was he leaving her for a third time? Either way she felt like he would be unhappy so she stared at her lap while Andrew went to town with the pizza. "M-mommy e-eat." Andrew said and Bella looked up at him as she smiled weakly and shook her head. "I'm not hungry love." She explained and Andrew nodded.

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This was definitely not how Nick hoped yhings would go and now he was unsure of whether it was worth Perusing. The Bella he knew was confident and cocky and he loved that about her but that appeared to be no more. Finishing dinner he wiped Andrew's hands and paid for the three's dinner. The right thing would be not to leave, to give her another chance but what if she had completely changed and there was no going back to the woman he fell in love with?
Bella sighed at she stood up with Andrew and Nick and watched as Andrew began to ramble away with him. She loved how close Andrew was with Nick already but she was searching for her other self. The one she hid deep down because nobody liked her that way. When she found her, it was like she took a complete 360 turn. When Andrew hugged Nick goodbye and ran off to Rachel, Bella laughed as she looked at Nick. "So that drink. We're we still on for that? I mean unless I scare you away with how much I'll drink." She told him as she laughed playfully. This was her. This was the side she hid for so long but now she came back out. She missed her actual self.

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