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Love that's forbidden

Andrew smiled big and wide again as he looked at his mom then Nick. "I like v-vanilla with s-sprinkles! B-b-bring some for m-mommy too? S-s-she likes strawberry with, with, almonds." He said and laughed softly.

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"You got it." Nick says although a chuckle "I'll be back okay?" He says finally standing and turning to look at Bella to get a glimpse of her sleeping peacefully before he tuned to leave. Later on he came back with the requested flavors and smiled at the two, Bella was awake now.
Andrew smiled at his ice cream and began to eat it as his favorite tv show was on. Bella thanked Nick for her and smiled at Andrew as he focused on the tv. "I mean it when I say thank you Nick. I don't even want to know what would have happened if you didn't help him." She whispered as she smiled a fake smile. She hadn't shown a real one since they two separated again. These two years have just been a lot for her alone. What hurt the most was the fact that Nick said he wouldn't leave her but he did. She knew he was in the right but she knew David was only doing it to cause distress.

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Nick turned his attention away from Andrew and smiled at Bella. "Anyone would have done it Bella, it's part of the job but you're welcome." He says his eyes not leaving hers as he finished his own cone. . "It wasn't all me you know, you've got a tough one on your hands." He says turning his attention back to Andrew, he looked a lot like his mother.
Bella couldn't help but laugh as Andrew smile with his teeth and Bella nodded. "I know I do. He's a fighter." She admitted and Andrew chuckled as he continued to eat his ice cream. "So how have you been Nick?" She asked him, simply waiting for him to say something that would prove there was never going to be a thing between them again. What Jake had said stung but she needed something else to hurt her.

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Nick shrugged and smiled. "I'm good, busy, but that's not a bad thing." He didn't really have much to tell, the thing that changed about him was obvious with his attire, everything else stayed the same, still lived in the same house, hadn't been with anyone alw but he was content with the life had made for himself. His attention quickly diverted back to Andrew when he saw he finished his ice cream. "Was it good?" He asked with a smile .
Bella smiled as she nodded and looked over at Andrew as well. "Yep. Yummy." He told Nick as he laughed softly and Bella loved hearing his laugh. It's what kept her going through these past two years. Andrew was her motivation. "Well, Andrew make sure you tell him bye and thank you. I'm sure Nicks busy." Bella said. She just didn't want to keep him here any longer. Her urges were getting stronger.

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"I-I d-don't want h--him to go!" The toddle reclaimed angrily at his mother and threw his fists down in protest.

"Hey buddy don't be that way to your mom." Nick said gently. He didn't mean to cause Bella trouble by casing a scene with her son. When he began to fuss Nick got his attention quickly. "Tell you what, I'll let you have this but you have to be good for your mom." He says pulling one of the silver police pins from his vest.
Andrew shook his head as he continued to throw a fit. Bella simply sighed as she stood up. "Watch him for a bit Nick please?" She asked him then left and Andrew smiled as he looked at Nick then the pin. "M-mommys l-lonely." He said as he looked at Nick. "S-s-shes alone a-and I-I only s-se her on the w-weekends."

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Nick sighed as he watched Bella leave. Listening to Andrew it all soaked in for him, he was fascinated by how innocently honest little kids were, they were sponges who soaked up everything. David had took her son from her, just what Nick told her wasn't going to happen. "Mommy and daddy never did things together?"
Andrew looked at Nick and couldn't help but shake his head. "N-no." He explained. "M-mommy g-gave up h-her w-writing job." He added and sighed. "M-mommys just l-lonely." He added as he waited for his mom to come back in but she was out in the flower garden crying.

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Nick's heart fell into his stomach but he just kept his focus on the little boy in front of him. "Do you want to see your mommy more?" Nick asked and when the little boy nodded Nock took out his notepad and pen. "Okay, I can help but you have to keep it a secret from your mommy okay?" He didn't want Bella getting upset he put himself in her business but it was the right thing to do. "Where did you and your daddy go yesterday? Do you remember?"
Andrew looked at Nick confused but he tried to remember. "A-a f-friends h-house." He said simply as he watched Nick write it down. "T-there w-was s-smoke everywhere, s-so I w-was c-coughing." He added and then looked at Nick. "H-he yelled a-at me a-and told me t-to s-sit d-down." He finished then saw Bella walk in and smiled at his mother. "H-hi m-mommy." He said and Bella smiled weakly, her cheeks stained from crying and her eyes red and puffy.

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Nick put the notepad away and turned his attention to Bella and saw she had been crying. But he wasn't going to ask about it. "Alright, I have to go buddy, keep an eye on your mom for me?" He asked with a smile and winked to him about their little secret. Nick had to piece this together.
Andrew smiled as he nodded and Bella smiled weakly. Technically,Andrew had to go with his grandparents when he was released because she was still considered unstable to care for him. So after Andrew was released, she went home and stayed there, alone, like usual.

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Meanwhile Nick was trying to find the guy whose house Andrew was taken too, he knew by his description he was involved in some type of drugs but without a jake or a description he couldn't get anywhere since dealers and buyers only exchanged cash. However a break was hit when the investigator pulled phone record for David and they found a suspect. Getting the information he needed Nick drove to Andrea's grandparents, they had him to speak to Andrew again because he trusted him. It was risky just having the accounts from a two year old but it was what they needed to go a step further. Hopefully David's parents didn't give him a hard time
When Nick arrived, David's father answered and looked at him. When Andrew saw him, he smiled and ran over. "Nick!" He said and Andrews grandfather shook his head. "What do you want?" He said. David's parents knew Nick was the reason bella left their son and they didn't like that.

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"I'm an officer on your son's case, were trying to find out his where abouts so we can charge a suspect with murder but I need to talk to your grandson." When he looked at him hesitantly Nick continued. "He's the only one who can identify the person responsible." Hopefully things would work out the easy way and they would allow it or he would have to do it the hard way and get a written consent from a judge. Truthfully, this man was going to get charged with manslaughter, not murder but more importantly Nick was trying to prove Bella's rights of full custody.
David's father looked at Andrew and he looked at him. "I-it's okay grandpa." He said with a smile and David's father allowed it. Andrew went with Nick and smiled. "W-what's w-wrong?" She asked him as she smiled contently.

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"Hey buddy," Nick says with a smile as he sat down at the table with him, his grandparents watching. Nick has to keep it short and sweet, only get what he needed. "I need your help, I need you to tell me who you saw when you were with your daddy. I'm going to show you some pictures but you only pick one if it's who you saw okay?" Nick was putting a lot on this, he was only two, a lot could go wrong, he could pick because he felt under pressure. Setting the six pictures in front of the toddler he let him look at them, they all were similar in a way but only one was the suspect they had in mind. "Are any of these the person you saw talking to your daddy?"
Andrew looked at the pictures then looked at his grandparents as they watched him and Andrew nodded. He pointed to the one they suspected and looked at Nick. "H-him." He said as he looked at the picture again. "H-he h-had money I-in h-his h-hand." He added and looked at Nick.

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"Are you sure? It's okay if it's not." Nick says approaching him gently, he didn't want him to doubt his choice but at the same time he needed to make sure he made the choice on his own. This would make him one step closer to his promise.
"I'm s-sure." Andrew said as he looked at Nick and nodded. His grandparents shook their heads in disbelief. That was one of David's best friends and they just couldn't believe Andrew knew who he was picking. "If you're trying to win Bella custody then it isn't happening." Andrews grandfather said as he looked at Nick. "She can't handle Andrew." At those words, Andrew became angry. His mom took way better care of him then his father. "I-I'm a-always h-here w-with you!" Andrew said, "N-never d-daddy!"

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Nick sighed and gathered his things. He didn't come here to cause disturbance. ""We'll see what the evidence says then." He didn't want to have this discussion in front of Andrew. "Thank you for your help buddy." Nick says with a smile towards the toddler. Leaving the house Nick told Jake about the positive identification and they got a team ready to do a house raid.
Andrew smiled and nodded as Nick left. He wanted to go see his mother but he knew they wouldn't let him go. Bella stayed home, staring at an old picture of her and Nick. She missed him. She wanted him back but nothing ever went right for her. She lost her son and Nick. Nothing great ever happened. She needed to go to work however, so she went to the bridal shop and put in that fake smile as she helped all the women that came in and at the end of the day, she sat in the chair and stared at the one dress she always pictured her in with Nick. She sat there and cried. Why didn't anything ever go in?

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