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Love that's forbidden

"That's enough, you're not a baby!" His father exclaims angrily grabbing his arm he pulled him to the car and slammed the door once the two year old got inside. It was obvious David was under the influence of drugs but that wasn't going to stop him from driving when he shouldn't be. Unfortunately as he made his way down the interstate his car unintentionally collided off the highway and into a near by ditch. the car now completely totaled, David lay unconscious with the toddler in the backseat, his condition uncertain. Nearby witnesses didn't see the toddler when they called in the accident. A team of medics soon arrived followed by law enforcement officers. One of them none other than Nick Cambridge. He wasn't sure what he was getting into, he had never seen an accident this disastrous. While the lead officer took witness accounts that left Nick to take a look at the scene before the medics could do their job. The driver was apparent but Nick didn't recognize him due to his injuries. Taking a closer look his eyes filled with terror when he realized a small child was involved. "Jake!" He calls in urgency calling him over. He couldn't just do nothing he didn't know if the little boy was hurt or not, he couldn't tell but he knew he was conscious because he heard his soft cries. Calling from the other door, the glass shattered as Jake ran over Nick stepped closer and tried to get the boy's attention. When the toddler turned his head Nick saw the fear in his eyes. "Hey buddy, it's alright, we're here to help." He says softly. It always was difficult for Ni when kids were involved n such serious situations and now the crowd was even more on edge when they heard a child was involved. "Stay still." Nick calls, he didn't want the little boy to move if he had serious injuries and there was really no way to get to him safety. Taking a quick examination of the scene Nick sighed, He only saw one way he could reach him and it was his only shot, time was not on their side. "I have to climb through," He says turning to Jake who looked at him like he was crazy. "Just trust me," Jake nodded and gave him the okay since he was commander. Nick removed his belt of equipment and handed it off. Carefully climbing through the passenger window he first looked at the driver but checking for a pulse he was unable to find one. Turning his attention back to the toddler, he made his way to the backseat and noticed just how bad things were for Andrew, He had not been strapped into his seat, it was a surprise he was alive. "Hey buddy." Nick says "I'm right here." He says noticing just how much blood he was loosing. Once close enough he confirmed to Jake he was breathing but was badly injured and waited for instruction of the medics since they were unable to reach him to do anything themselves. It was all on Nick and that's when it set in for him he was this little boy's only shot and if he did anything improper it could cost him his life. The most important thing was keeping him calm and not to frighten him.
Andrew was beyond terrified at what happened and he couldn't help but continue to cry. He was in pain and his father wasn't paying attention to him. When he heard Nick however, he glanced over at him and sniffled. He wanted his mom, that's all he wanted but he was slowly seeing black. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and when he saw Nick right next to him, he began to cry. "I-I-i want m-m-mommy." He said weakly as he saw the blood all over him and began to become worried. His cries only worsened. "M-m-mommy!" He cried. Bella got the call because when they ran the license plate, she came up with David's name. Bella soon ran over and tried to push past everyone to get to the car. "My sons in there!" She exclaimed as she felt the tears streaming down her face. She needed to be sure he was alright and when she saw Jake, se shook her head. "Please get him out.." She told him. Due to Bella being so loud, Andrew looked at Nick. "Mommy!" He screamed and when Bella heard him, her heart dropped. "Please, please save him."

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Nick was to preoccupied with the little boy to recognize whose voice he heard. "Shhh, I'll get you back to your mommy buddy but you have to sit still." He reminds him as he continued to distract him while the medics began to unpack equipment to hand off to Nick while they told him what to do with it. Jake turned to the distressed Bella and blinked when he saw who it was and his jaw dropped for a moment. Placing another officer in his place he ran over to Bella. "I need you to back up, I understand he's your son but he's with one of the best officers I have and it's important to keep him calm at the moment, he has some serious injuries and things aren't looking good. " He knew this wasn't something any mother wanted to see but he trusted that Nick would do anything he could to help the little boy. Meanwhile Nick had placed an oxygen mask on Andrew and was now working to keep his neck still as he placed a neck brace. He offered the little his hand. "Okay buddy, almost done, there's going to be some loud noises but don't be scarred w're going to get out of here." To reach the two stranded in the car the firefighters and rescue unit had to use the jaws of life.
When Bella was asked by Jake to calm down and back up, she sighed but agreed. She needed her son to be okay.she couldn't afford to lose another person in her life, let alone her son. Andrew listened to Nick and said okay as he held onto his hand. When he heard the loud noise, he became tense and squeezed Nicks hand as he closed his eyes and began to cry.

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At the tension Nick notice him losing more blood. "It's alright, you'll see your mommy in a minute, you're brave buddy." Nick felt the adrenaline rushing through him right now, a life was in the balance and if he couldn't help he would feel horrible . His hands now covered in blood as he continued to apply pressure to the stomach. It was a mess but at the moment that was the least of his problems. He still needed to keep him calm and from talking. "Hey, do you like ice-cream?" When Andrew nodded he smiled. "When we get out of this I'l bring you some but you have to be brave."
Andrew looked at Nick as he smiled and nodded. He needed to be brave. He needed to be brave for his mom. He knew what she went through and he knew she needed him. Soon, when the medics broke through the car and they could get to Andrew, Andrew refused for them to pick him up. He was already attached to Nick. It was like they had met before and he didn't want anyone else to hold him or carry him. He was scared but he wanted to see his mom.

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Nick looked from the medics back to Andrew and nodded. The kid had already been through so much. Very variously he picked up the toddler in his arms and had the team of medics lift him out instead. Once out, Nick placed Andrew on the stretched. "You're safe now, it's alright." He reassured the little boy before he got pulled away himself to check his own injuries. From crawling through he simply just had shards of glass in his bare arms but that was nothing really. He watched as the medic helicopter quickly flew to the children's hospital. Jake had come by to tell Nick he would be back, he had to escort the mother to the hospital. He purposely didn't tell either who the other was because it wasn't important right now. Nick nodded and waited for them to finish bandaging his arms so he could help clear the scene.
Bella thanked Jake for escorting her to the hospital and upon arrival, she hugged him tightly. "Thanks for everything." She whispered and ran in quickly after to check on her son. As a mother, she was beyond worried he wouldn't make it but he lasted this long. He would be okay and she would get to see him. She couldn't believe this happened however. She knew David wasn't fit to be a dad but her lawyer couldn't win against him but they could make it through this. She wasn't leaving her son with David any more.

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Jake went to object to her thanks but held it back when he watched her run off. Meanwhile Andrew was put to sleep to stitch his wounds. It was a wonder he was alive. When Bella came back out he went to sit next to her as she waited for her son to be released from the OR. "There are some things you need to know Bella and none of them are good, I'm sorry." This was always the hardest part of this job. "Your son wasn't buckled in when this happened and his father was under the influence on prescription pills, we found the empty bottles in the glove compartment."
Bella clenched her fists as she began to cry and shake her head as she put her head in her hands. She couldn't believe this, or well, she could. David wasn't father material and she knew it. "I wish I could have prevented this from happening but it isn't easy when you can only see your son on the weekends and every other holiday..." She said as she cried harder. "I can't believe this..."

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Jake sighed. "I'm sorry Bella, what happened wasn't your fault, you couldn't have known." After some silence he just broke out and told her the last thing she needed to know. "His parents have already been alerted but I want you to know David didn't make it, he's dead."
Bella bit her lip at that. Honestly, she felt nothing. Nobody knew what sh went through these past two years. Everyone thought David and her were happy again but no, she wasn't. She was so weak and fragile alone. She simply nodded as she looked at Jake and smiled weakly. "Thank you, make sure and tell who saved my son that as well please?" She said but bit her tongue. She wanted to know how Nick was. She needed to ask. "How's Nick?" She asked finally as she stared at her lap.

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Jake was caught off guard by her question but smiled. "He's good, I think he's finally is happy with the life he's made for himself." He knew that would be a sting for Balla to hear but she wouldn't be ready for the curve ball he was about to throw. "I don't deserve thanks, however my officer does but I'm sure he would much rather hear it from you himself. He'll be by later, he wants to check to make sure things worked out." He says with a smile. "Do you need anything else before I head back?"
That did sting. It stung terribly. Nick was happy so that's all that mattered. She smiled as she nodded and thanked him again. "I'm fine thank you. Whoever your officer was was brave." She told him then stood up as the doctor called her over. Andrew was safe and asleep in a room.

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It had been a busy morning for Nick with everything that occurredd. He couldn't believe how careless someone could be with themselves and more importantly their child. He recognized the name of the man but he couldn't place him, he had worked countless cases on his year snd a half in the field. After the scene was cleared and the body removed. Nick go released in the early morning after he helped complete all the paper work. Any news conferences he denied for now, he didn't consider himself s hero as everyone was claiming he was just simply doing his job. Having a few hours before his next shift he went home to sleep and shower. "Go Nick" Jake says after he finished his morning post. "You have the rest of the day off and I believe you have other commitments that need to be take care of." Nick looked to Jake confused by his wording. But shook it off. Jake smiled as Nick left the office. "He has no clue." He says to himself with an amused laugh.

The nurse walked into Andrew's room to check his vitals and turned to Bella when she finished. "You have a visitor at the front desk, do you want me to let him in?"
Bella smiled as she held Andrews hand as he continued to sleep. She looked at the nurse a little surprised but remembered what Jake had said. She simply smiled as she nodded. "Yes. That's fine." She said then watched as the nurse left to go get him and Bella kissed Andrews hand. "I love you baby boy.." She whispered.

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The nursed smile with a nod and left to go retrieve Nock from the waiting area. Fully dressed in his uniform, not thinking to go home and change beforehand he silenced his radio and follows the nurse to the room.
When Bella heard the door open, Andrew began to wake up. She smiled at him and when he saw his mom, he smiled. "M-m-mommy." He said weakly. Bella nodded as she kissed his forehead. "Hey baby boy." She said then looked back and saw Nick. She blinked as her eyes landed on him. He was in uniform and she didn't know what to say at all.

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When Nick saw Bella he took s double take and didn't know what to say either. Instead he offered s smile snd stepped inside the room. "Hey, I just came by to check on him, I hope everything's alright."
When Andrew heard Nicks voice, he sat up and smiled at Nick as he motioned him over. "M-m-mommy, h-he saved m-m-me!" Andrew said with a wide smile and Bella couldn't help but tear up. "Thank you, Nick." She whispered quietly as Andrew started to converse with him and Bella stayed with her head down, staring at her lap. She had the urge to hug him and kiss him but she had to stop herself. Nick was happy.

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Nick laughed softly at the little boy's excitement and went to crouch down beside him. "Hey buddy, I see you got back to your mommy. Is she nice to you" he asked before turning to Bella for a moment and smiled again at her. He didn't know until now this was her son.
Andrew laughed excitedly as he nodded at Nick and smiled widely. "She's really nice to m-me. S-s-she loves me." He said and Bella smiled at her son but went back to staring at her lap. "D-do you and m-m-mommy know e-each other?" Andrew asked. For a two year old he was smart.

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Nick listened to the little boy with interest and smiled softly. "Sort of, we're friends." He says in a soft whisper. "My name's Nick, what's yours?" Nick could tell Andrew had difficulty with his speech but that made no difference. He was impressed with how intelligent he was for his age, but little did he know he was the first outsider who didn't draw attention to his disability. Everyone automatically assumed the two year old to be not as intelligent as the average kid in his age group and that meant other kids turned away from him.
"A-a-Andrew." He said as he smiled wide and watched as his mom slowly began to fall asleep. "M-m-mommy must b-be tored." He said as he smiled at her then looked at Nick. He swore Nick looked familiar and finally, it clicked. "M-m-mommys phone! H-her picture! T-that's why you l-look f-f-familiar!" Te little boy said with a giggled

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Nick was at first confused by what he meant but paid it no mind. "Shhh, we don't want to wake her." He whispers bringing a finger to his lips. "Well Andrew, I promised ice cream, what's your favorite kind?" He asks pulling out his notepad to make him feel important. Nick really wanted to talk to Bella but he left her to her sleep for now.

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