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Love that's forbidden

Nick was amused.by how oblivious this guy was. He had told Bella it was because his fortune was the reason for his arrogance. Rachel too was impressed by Nick's stepping up, it proved he was indeed ready to not only commit to another woman but commit to her child. Rachel was glad Hella finally had someone like that in her life, Rachel wouldn't have to worry about her as much,.
Soon later, the nine months was up and Bella was ready to deliver. She was scared and nervous because her parents wouldn't be able to be here. She didn't want to do this alone and as she cried out from pain, she looked around in hopes someone would come to her side. She needed someone.

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Nick himself at much as he didn't want to be, was away as well. He knew a bells needed someone but Rachel promised to keep an eye on her while he was away in New York, so of course Rachel helped her friend in her time of need.
Bella was glad to have at least Rachel with her and when the baby was finally born, she smiled at the sight of the little boy. He was handsome and she fell in love with him. "Hey little one." Bella whispered as she kissed his forehead and smiled. She let them take him soon after however for the DNA test. He was a handsome baby.

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It would be a few days before the test came back, for now, Rachel admired the little one and smiled brightly towards her best friend. He was an adorable baby. "Well look who decided to show." Rachel says teasingly with a laugh towards the infant when he was handed back to his mother. He had been s week late.
Bella looked over at her best friend as she laughed and nodded. "I know. A week later then expected." She said as she laughed again and held the baby close against her. "Hey Andrew." She said as she kissed his head again. "You're such a handsome baby." She told him with the brightest smile possible.

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Meanwhile, Nick had just finished a guest appearance, they weren't the same without his partner in crime but she was too close to travel. He was exhausted when he headed for the car.
Bella called Nick and smiled as she stared at the baby boy. When Nick answered, she smiled. "He's here." She told him simply and kissed Andrews forehead again. He was adorable and she loved him so much but soon she let Rachel hold him for a bit.

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Nick smiled at the news. "Congrats mom, how are you both?" He asks looking down at his lap while he talked to her in the phone. He knew she had been looking forward to this for awhile now and he was happy for her. He had made sure everything was ready for the little one at Bella's before he left because he knew he wouldn't be there.
"We are both good. Andrews ready to see you." She told him as she smiled at the sight of her son falling asleep in her best friends arms. He was adorable and she couldn't help but love watching them. She only wished his father would be there for him though she knew he wouldn't. It was going to be a rough ride but she could do it.

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Nick laughed softly. "Well, I'll be home in a few days, I'm glad everything went alright, send me pictures." Nick says, not wanting to keep her long since he knew she needed her rest.
Bella laughed softly as she smiled at the thought of Nick coming home to Andrew. "Okay. Night my love." She told him then hung up and told Rachel to take pictures of Andrew then sent them to Nick. For once everything seemed to be on track.

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A few minutes later Nick got the pictures and couldn't help but smile at the infant. He was precious. Nick truly was happy for Bella and her new arrival despite the circumstances her son would have his fair share of love and affection to surround him. Shortly after Nick fell asleep from how tired he was after such s long day, he just couldn't wait to get home to his own bed.
Three days after, Bella was released from the hospital along with Andrew and they got to go home. Bella smiled at the house and how it was all set up for her and Andrew. She couldn't help but smile and when she got news that the baby was in fact David's, she only hoped he would accept the child as his own.

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"Are you sure you'll be okay here by yourself? I can stay until Nick gets back tonight." Rachel didn't want to leave her friend after she just had a baby, home alone. Usually she would have someone with her,
"No you don't have to. I'm fine." Bella said as she smiled at her and kissed Andrews forehead. "We'll be okay." She reassured her and hugged her best friend as Andrew looked at Rachel and reached up to her in curiosity.

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Rachel laughed at the little one and nodded. "You, don't cause your mom too much trouble you hear?" She says before taking her friend into a hug before departing. Rachel knew this would take getting used to for Bella but for now he's son shouldn't cause too much trouble since he would spend most of his time asleep:
Bella told her best friend bye then went and laid on the couch where Andrew immediately curled up against her and closed his eyes as he yawned. Bella smiled and soon after, both fell asleep together. Bella holding Andrew close against her.

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Arriving home later that Night Nick didn't want. To disturb Bella since it was close to the early morning, grabbing his luggage he headed for home and finally got to sleep in his own bed for the first time in a week.
The next morning, Bella woke up right when Andrew woke her up. He was hungry and needed a diaper change, so she did that before she kept him against her and began to make her breakfast, which was harder then she expected.
Nick has woke up rather earlier the next morning to get things ready. Going to the store he picked out her favorite breakfast foods and drove to her house. Not knowing if she would be asleep he left himself in.
When she heard the door open, she looked over at him and smiled. "hey there author." She said as she walked over with Andrew in her arms, his little arms up in the air like if he was trying to grab something but soon after, his little green eyes landed on Nick and they never left him.
Nick smiled at the sound of her voice. "Hey there mom." He whispers before kissing her softly in greeting after setting the groceries on the counter. He was glad to see her after a week.
Bella smiled softly through the kiss and laughed as she noticed Andrew touching Nicks face. "How was your trip?" She asked him as she went to put up the bottle she made for Andrew.

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"Well hello there," Nick says with a laugh to the little one and took his little hand in his own. "You're mama wasn't lying, you're handsome." He says complimenting the baby who had yet to blink. "He's a big one." Nick remarks with a teasingly laugh.

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