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Love that's forbidden

Bella walked over and the minute she saw Nick she pulled him in and hugged him close as she cried against him. "I won't blame you if you leave me." She whispered and cried harder. "Nick I'm.....I'm." She said, not being able to tell him. "Im pregnant." She whispered.

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Nick was at first confused by her immediate reaction. "Why would I leave you?" He asks taking her into a tighter hug. When he heard the new he slowly pulled away and comprehended what he was just told. He knew the baby wasn't his which made things more complicated for the two. Him and Bella needed to talk about this but not right now, right now he needed to calm her down. "Just breathe, it's alright l, I'm right here." He says rubbing her back in comfort. If she was confident to stay with him while he coped with his guilt of Amber he wasn't going to leave her through this. "This doesn't change anything."
"But if it does I don't blame you..." She said as she continued to cry and cry as it became harder to breath. "A-and David doesn't want it...." She said and cried against his chest again and again. She couldn't believe this was happening. She was a wreck and she just couldn't blame Nick if he left. It wasn't his duty to stay here with her.

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Nick sighed and concubines to hold her in his arms for comfort. "Come on, sit down, it's going to be okay." He says pulling out a chair for her and crouching down beside her. "Just breathe. You're not going to be alone I promise:"
Bella shook her head as she continued to cry and cry. This was just not what she wanted to happen. Soon she relaxed some and laid her head on Nicks lap and began to doze off. "I'm so sorry...." She whispered. "You can leave whenever you want..."

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Nick sighed and ran his fingers through her hair as she dozed off to calm her. When she was was ready to talk he would ask her questions then. His main concern was how she knew who the baby belonged too? Secondly, if it really was David's child he would be a jerk for not even wanting to be involved. If he acted like a child he was snd a real man. Carrying her to the couch he laid her there and turned to papers while she slept.
Bella stayed asleep for a long while and when she woke up, she groaned and looked over at Nick. She smiled at the sight of him but knew she needed to talk this out with him. "We need to talk and I guess no better time then now." She said and sighed again.b

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Nick looked up from what he was doing and closed the laptop to give her his full attention "it doesn't have to be now, only if you're ready." Nick was handling the news rather well because he was trying to be as understanding as she was for him when he conveyed to her the news of Amber's suicide. Right now it was important for Bella to have some sort of supportive backbone and he knew he wasn't a big part of her life compared to others but at least he was someone she could look to.
Bella sighed as she sat up and looked at Nick. "I'm ready so let's talk." She said simply and smiled as she looked at him and walked over to be closer. "You really don't have to go through this with me." She explained. "You can just leave and I'll understand." She added as she stared at her lap. She really hoped this didn't change anything between them but she would understand if it did.

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"I know," he says softly "But given the situation I don't see a reason or a benefit for leaving." He explains calmly. He had questions but he didn't want to come across as rude. "What did the doctor's say?" His curiosity was starting to get to him.
Bella sighed as she stared at her lap and bit the inside of her lip. "She said the reason why I was feeling so sick this morning was because I'm pregnant. I'm somewhere between 5 days to a week." She explained and looked over at Nick. She knew he was holding back and that bothered her more.b

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Nick nodded understand inly and tapped his fingers on the table. "So he said he didn't want anything to do with you?" Nick asked somewhat irritated. "What a great husband he would have been." Nick's sarcastic laugh carried through the room. Composing himself he sighed and turned to Bella again with a soft expression. "So, what are you going to do?" He asked. Not that it mattered he would support her with whatever she decided but he had no idea what was running through her head and there were many ways this could go. Was she going to keep the baby?
Bella stayed staring at her lap for the entire time and she just sighed. "I'm not sure yet... I want to keep it but I just.... I don't know." She said as she looked up at Nick then looked at her stomach. "I really want to keep it but I don't want to lose you either." She whispered hoping he didn't hear.

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Nick blinked. He really wished he hadn't heard what she said. It broke his heart to think he held such an impact on her decision. "Isabella, whatever you decide it up to you but I'll be here either way, I promise. These things happen and if he doesn't want to be involved not only is he an ass but it's his loss. Now, I'm going to ask you again, what do you want to do? It really is that simple."
Bella knew Nick heard what she said by him telling her what he did. She looked up at Nick and smiled weakly. "I want to keep it." She said simply. She wanted nothing more then to keep the child. It was hers and so what if David didn't want it, Bella could raise it in her own. They would be okay.

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Nick nodded. "See, that was easy." Offering her a soft smile he finally stood and kissed her cheek. "You'll be alright." He whispers before he took her hand. She was a strong willed individual, another thing he admired in her.
Bella smiled softly at Nick and nodded as she stood up with him. "Thank you Nick... For everything." She whispered as she hugged him close and rested her head against his chest. She would be alright.

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Wrapping her in his arms he responded with taking her into a tight hug. He knew this was going to de a struggle for her at times but she would get through it, the hardest part would probably be telling the news to eve everyone who needed to know. What would they think? He knew if they weren't supportive Bella would take it hard but she would always have him to fall back on.
Bella stayed in Nicks arms and didn't move a muscle as she hugged him close. This was going to be challenging for her to do it alone but she knew she could do it. She could work from home if she needed to and be perfectly fine. Things would work out, though she didn't know if her parents would be supportive.

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"I'm hungry, are you hungry? What are you in the mood for?" Releasing her from his grip he waited for a response. With his point made clear he wasn't leaving her to struggle they needed a change of subject and Nick himself had yet to eat today.
Bella laughed softly as she looked at Nick and nodded. "I am. I'm in the mood for chinese food." She admitted as she smiled and yawned again. She was hungry and was glad they were able to change the subject.

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"Sounds good to me, let's go I'll drive." Leading her out the door the two went for take out and ate a peaceful dinner together. However, when David's parents were relayed the news they were anything but peaceful. They refused to let their son not be involved in his child's life, he was going to own up to his responsibilities. This in turn made David having s personal conversation with Bella where he denied it being his. "For all I know Bella, it could be whoever you've been with, how do you know for certain I have anything to do with this?"
Upon hearing those words from David, she couldn't help but laugh and shake her head. "So what are you saying? You want a DNA test when it's born?" She said and sighed. "I know for a fact it's yours David. Nick and I haven't been intimate like that." She said and then began to feel anger. "I'll have a DNA test done when I have it David, just know this won't be a way for you to get out of being its father."

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"Well then, I guess we'll find out." Having nothing more to say he got up and left the restaurant they agreed to meet. David was adamant on the fact he had no connection to the unborn child..
Bella couldn't help but be utterly frustrated with David and got up as well and left. She couldn't believe he was being a pain like he was. Soon months began to pass and Bella was now three months with her baby. Things were tough here and there but thanks to Nick, she had the support she needed.

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