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Love that's forbidden

Bella laughed softly at him and nodded. "I think we just did." She admitted as she leaned in to kiss him again and when she pulled away, she smiled a bright smile. "So, Mr. Cambridge. Care to be mine from now on? Make my dream a reality?"

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Nick was amused by the innocent plea in her eyes and played along with it. "I don't think that's what you ask someone after you just boycotted your own wedding." Their laughter now in sync. "But it depends, are you asking or are you telling Mr. Cambridge to make your dreams come true?"
"I'm telling him to make my dreams come true." She told him with a laugh as she leaned over and kissed him softly. She felt so right with him and nothing would change that. Her world turned for him and hopefully, she would be able to have him.

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"I'll leave the message then and have him get back to you." He was merely teasing her now for the fun if it but the truth was he was terrified to turn their relationship into anything majorly serious. He failed at one relationship that cost his own wife her life, if that's what he choose to believe he wasn't going to let it Helen again, especially since as much as he loved being with Bella he knew the lovey dovey stage wouldn't last forever, he had been through it before and later it turned to them realizing they were two totally different people who had nothing in common and we're now in a marriage that left him unfaithful to her.
"I'll leave the message then and have him get back to you." He was merely teasing her now for the fun if it but the truth was he was terrified to turn their relationship into anything majorly serious. He failed at one relationship that cost his own wife her life, if that's what he choose to believe he wasn't going to let it Helen again, especially since as much as he loved being with Bella he knew the lovey dovey stage wouldn't last forever, he had been through it before and later it turned to them realizing they were two totally different people who had nothing in common and we're now in a marriage that left him unfaithful to her.
Bella laughed softly at his response. She loved his playful side but after a while of silence, she watched him and knew what he was thinking and that alone caused her to sigh as se pulled away. "I should get home.." She whispered as she grabbed her purse. She should have known he wasn't going to make anything major out of him and she didn't blame him. She knew what he was thinking and maybe after the lovey dicey stage, they would be nothing alike. She just wanted to be with him but with all the difficulties right now, she didn't know if it was wise.

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"Bella,"He calls after her. "Don't you think I've run after you enough today?" Stepping closer he took her sands. "I'm sorry, there are just things you don't know. Things that I can never forgive myself for and I don't want to hurt you, I hurt one woman and that was enough." He knew the question was coming so he just soared her from asking it. "Amber," there was a long pause at he but his lip to not lose himself as he stared at his feet and back up at her. "She didn't pass accidently, she did it intentionally ."
At what she was told, Bella didn't know what to do. This hurt her as well. Amber took her life and while she was in such a deep depression and though process of doing so, Bella kept Nick all to herself with the signings. Bella felt so sick to her stomach and she stared at her feet. There was nothing to say to that.

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"Only she really knows why she did it, and even that much isn't true. U was told people in that state usually don't understand why they want to either but we weren't in the best of terms as s couple and I.. I can't help but think I'm to blame." He had never admitted that to anyone, it was a constant thought thats suffocated him since the day he heard the news. "I won't do that to you, or anyone, I won't let myself." The guilt was something he still had trouble coping with but right now he really hoped Bella wouldn't leave him to work this out in his mind alone as he had so many times before.
Bella fought back tears as she sighed and tried her hardest to comprehend everything she was told. Nick was living with the guilt. He was cooping with it alone and that worried her. No one could cope with that kind of guilt alone. She looked at Nick as she took his hand and led him to his house and to his room where she kissed him lovingly and laid him against the bed as she hovered over him. "I'm not going anywhere Nick, I promise." She whispered as she kissed him then pulled away. "I'll be here for you always. We can get you through this together." She said then laid next to him and curled up against him with her head against his chest.

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(Literally tearing up, poor Nick [emoji24])

Nick was taken aback by Bella's sudden change in behavior and at first he didn't know what to think of it. Once in his room he was again comforted by her general closeness and her gentle touch was reassuring. She was convincing him that she was worth becoming serious with, he didn't want her to feel used but he was glad she was here to distract him with her passionate kisses and warm hugs.
(Me too.)

Bella stayed that night with Nick, holding him close as he slept and she watched. She couldn't get any rest as she thought about what she was told earlier. She needed to help Nick through this and she was planning on it.

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Weeks passed and their relationship gee strong again, it didn't take long for them to get as physical as they had before. As far as Nick was concerned everything was great especially in their physical interactions. In the following weeks the couple announced to friends and family of their relationship but if any of his family disagreed Nick wouldn't care. Rachel on the other hand was the first to hear it from Bella over lunch. She just simply eyes her. "Bella, I thought we talked about this, nothing stupid remember?"
Bella sighed at Rachel and stared at her food. "We did but Rach I just can't not be with him...." She admitted as she fought back tears and looked away. "You don't know what it's like for me. You have an amazing husband and yet I loved a person I thought I'd never have." She told her and just played with her food.

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Rachel sighed and tried her best to understand her friend's predicament "there are other ways you could have handled it though besides gathering everyone for you to run away." Rachel loved her best friend and wanted what was best for her, not wanting her to get hurt and right now she sounded like a teenager with a severe infatuation. "I don't know s lot about him but I sure hope you know what you're getting into, especially since I'm not sure if he's ready to commit to another woman." She says with a soft sigh referring to Amber. "Just be careful Bella, you never know what men like that are thinking, I hope in the least your smart enough to use protection." She says with a glare.

(Rachel [emoji23][emoji23])
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Bella sighed as she listened to everything Rachel was telling her. She was right. Maybe Nick wasn't ready to commit again, but Bella didn't care. She would be fine being single as long as she knew Nick would be okay. She looked up at Rachel and smiled softly as she nodded. "Of course we did." She said simply to her then set her fork down and pulled out her debit card to pay.

([emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] omg)

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Rachel shook her head and pushed her debit card back towards her. "I got it." Her friends says with a smile. She knew she may come off as harsh but it was only because she cared. "where is the dashing, successful author anyway?" She asked teasingly.
Bella laughed softly as she smiled and stood up. "Working at home. He's slowly getting back into working so I'm glad." She admitted as she sighed contently. She honestly was bugged with what Rachel told her. What if she was right?

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""Well that's a good." Rachel says reassuringly as they both got up to leave to continue their day out together. Rachel was glad to get to spend this time with her best friend because they both had their own commitments and it was a more sporadic occasion.
Bella laughed softly as she nodded and spent the rest of her day with her best friend. SHe missed her terribly and after it all, she told her best friend good bye then went to Nicks house and walked in thanks to the spare key. "Nick?" She called out as she walked over to the kitchen and hugged him from behind.
"Nick turned his head at the sound of Bella's voice and smiled when he felt her arms wrap around him. "Yes?" He asks softly before turning to face her. They had been spending more time together lately but h was glad to have the day to himself while she caught up with Rachel , he needed it to catch up on work
"How was your successful day?" She asked him with a laugh as she kissed him softly then slowly pulled away. She still thought of what Rachel told her about Nick not being ready to commit but she would be okay.
"Boring actually, but that's alright." He says with a smile before he ran up to his room to go change. He had a class to teach tonight. When he came back down a few minutes later professionally dressed he shook his head at Bella, buttoning the cuff to his shirt. "What are you doing?" He asks with a laugh as she closed the fridge to look to him. "Making yourself at home I see." He says teasingly.
"Don't I always?" Bella said with a laugh as she looked at how professionally dressed he was now, and she couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. "I'm hungry..." She said then went back to the fridge where she looked for something to eat and luckily found some grapes so that's what she pulled out and ate a few.
"I'm sorry, there isn't much here as you can see." He says with a soft laugh. "But you can order something, if you want to stay you know where everything is. Have fun, don't go too crazy though." With a wink he pulled her close and kissed her gently in farewell for now. "I'll be back, are you going to be here?" He hoped she would stay but it was her choice.

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