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Love that's forbidden

As the weeks passed Nick attended his dead wife's funeral and even though he was the beneficiary to everything valuable she had left behind he didn't take any of it. Instead he gave it all to her mother, he couldn't live with himself if he took the things she left after what they were going through up until her death. He entered a state of depression feeling like he had failed as her husband. Moving out of the house they shared he moved out to the lake to isolate himself. Sarah along with the rest of the family became conceded but as months passed he slowly regained his progress.

(What if best time they see each other Bella has a fiancé?
(I was thinking that!)

Bella hadn't heard from Nick in months and of course she always worried about him but there wasn't much she could do. They were strictly business. Nothing else, but she still had a right to care about him. She finally was able to move on from Nick and found herself another who soon proposed to her. She took a weekend to herself at the lake and rented herself a lake house and stayed there all by herself. She needed a break from work but when she relaxed on the porch, the man who walked out from the house next to her wasn't who she would have expected. "Nick?" She said out loud.

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Nick turned towards the voice he heard calling his name. A voice he wouldn't forget and for a moment his heart stopped into his chest. For the first time in he didn't know how long he smiled s real smile and waved friendly. "Long time no see stranger." He calls shielding the sun with the palm of his hand.
Bella smiled at the sight of him. She was happy to see he was okay now and she wanted nothing more then to hug him and kiss him but she felt her engagement ring in her finger. She couldn't anymore. She smiled weakly as she waved back. "Agreed. How are you?" She called out as she quickly ran iff the porch and went to hug him. She didn't care, she missed him, she loved him no matter if she was engaged. Her fiancé was strictly to fill a gap, one only Nick could fill, but se wasn't going to say anything about them. There was no them anymore. She had to remember that.

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When her arms wrapped around him he smiled, her closeness naturally brought him a sense of comfort. He remembered the last time he had seen her and looked to her with hesitation before answering. "I'm still here, that's got to mean something." He says jokingly to make light of the situation. It has been a year and a half and it still was, and always would be a sensitive subject. "You look great though." He says in a friendly compliment. "How are you?" The excitement of seeing her had set in and he was glad she was here.
Bella couldn't help but laugh softly as she smiled and looked at Nick. "I'm well actually. Engaged but I could be better. I'm so glad you're okay." She admitted as she smiled a bright smile. She was so glad to finally see him after a year and a half. She would always feel whole with him.

(Idea! What if she invites Nick to her wedding, after she walks up and is asked if she truly wants to marry her fiancé, she looks out and sees Nick then runs out because her fiancé isn't who she loves..)

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(It's a good idea though I'll have to drag Nick there. [emoji23][emoji23])

Nick looked to her in surprise and eyed the ring for a moment. He wasn't sure why but that news delivered an undesirable sting. "You have a rock that size on your finger and you say you could be better?" He asked with raised eyebrows and a laugh.
Bella laughed at his comment as she looked at the engagement ring and sighed. "It's just a lot going on. My weddings next month in the fifth. You should come. Please?" She asked him with bright eyes. Having Nick there would make things better. She only was engaged to this man to fill a gap but also for her parents sack.

(I'll have to do the same with Bella![emoji23])b

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Nick laughed and looked to her with all seriousness. "I'm sorry Bella, I hope you understand but it's not my place to be there." He did this purposely because he knew he couldn't watch her marry another and he didn't want to ruin her relationship given their past.
Bella looked at Nick in hurt and sighed. "Id really love to see you there Nick." She whispered as she took an invitation from her purpose and handed it to him. "Hopefully I can see you there next month?"

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"Letting out a sigh he nodded. "I'll think about it, no promises." He reminds with a soft smile. He had the urge to pull her closer and kiss her but he couldn't bring himself to do it this time around, not only because of her relationship and the reminder of his wife's suicide.
Bella smiled as she nodded as well. She honestly hoped he would be there and when the big day came, she sighed as she looked in the mirror. Was she really making the right decision in marrying David? No. She wasn't. She only wanted Nick but he probably didn't want her, plus her parents really loved David. With that she sighed and went to the place of the ceremony where she walked down the aisle to her husband. This was so wrong.

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Nick to his own surprise decided to show up, why he wasn't sure. What was good about watching the woman he had an affair with get married? It didn't make any sense but he went with it. Getting dressed he showed up and took a spot in the back. Watching her make her appare and as he stood he smiled and waved slightly for the brief moment they made eye contact and that's when reality set in it was really over for them.
Bella faintly smiled at Nick as she finished walking up and stood in front of her fiancé. She avoided any and all eye contact with him because she couldn't do this. She can to realize it wasn't worth doing this if this man wasn't the one she loved.

"Isabella McClain, do you take David Alvarez to be your wedded husband?" The presider as her as she dozed off and looked up upon hearing him say her name again. She looked at David but then looked out into the crowd and spotted Nick.

"Isabella?" David asked as she slowly removed her hands from David's.

"I'm sorry, but I can't." She whispered as she picked up her dress and ran out of the area and ran to a flower garden with a little patio area. She sat there as she stared at the tulips in front of her and sighed while the tears streamed down her face. She would never love anyone again but it was okay. Though her and Nick were no more, she would love him forever.

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While everyone gasp Nick quickly ran after Bella. . He didn't want her to make a decision she regretted later. Running out he ran in the direction he thought she might go and when he spotted her he smiled and approached her slowly with his hands in his pockets. "You know , this is ironic considering you're an editor and this is one of the most cliche things in the books." He says referring to her walking out of her own wedding. He was using humor as he always had. That's how he got her to lighten up.
At the sound of Nicks voice and his very humorous joke, she couldn't help but laugh as she wiped away the tears from her eyes. "Thanks for coming Nick.." She said as she sighed and stared at her lap. Him being there only reassured her she loved no one else but him and this, walking out in her wedding, was the right decision for her, though he may think it wasn't. She just stared at her lap and twiddled her thumbs. She just wanted to go home and isolate herself. It's what she was best at before Nick came around and se would be willing to do it again.

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"I'm on to you, Ms. McClain, I wouldn't be surprised if you planned this whole thing." He says sitting beside her hand handing her the handkerchief out of his suit pocket. After he gave her s few moments of silence to compose herself he spoke. "What's the matter Bella? You've got to be crazy to reject a man with that much money." He says with another laugh
Upon hearing him talk, Bella laughed sarcastically as she shook his head. "Money isn't what matters..." She said as she clenched the handkerchief in her hand and sighed. "I just don't love him. He merely filled a gap... I thought by marrying him, I would be whole again but he isn't the one. It's not worth spending the rest of my life with someone who I don't love. Id rather be single my entire life." She explained as she stayed staring at her lap.

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Nick wasn't sure what to say to that while it was true what she said he wasn't sure how to approach this. "Bella, please tell me you didn't walk out of there because of me." He says feeling his hands begin to shake.
Bella sighed as she looked at his hands and stood up. "I did it for me." She told him as she kissed his cheek. "I still love you but seeing you there made me realize David and I would never work. I did it for me Nick so thank you for coming." She whispered then turned to leave.

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Nick's mind began to race when he saw her turn to leave. He instinctively reached for her hand. ""You're unbelievable." He whispers with the shake of his head and cupped her face to kiss her when he knew no one was looking. However he quickly pulled away when her parents can running to look for her.
Bella smiled into the kiss and when he pulled away, she smiled and looked at her parents as they ran over to her. "Bella are you crazy!" Her mother exclaimed and her father looked even more angry. "I have my reasons mom and dad. I'm sorry you couldn't get your rich son-in-law." She said then turned to leave again before looking at Nick one last time. The kiss replaying in her mind.

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Leaving her parents Nick ran after her again and took her hand. As she looked to him confused heroic her to his car and helped her inside. Once home he walked her to his backyard where the gazebo was over looking the lack and smiled as he offered her his hand. "I think the cliche continues with the forbidden couple fleeing the wedding and dancing in this romantic scene here." He says with s convincing grin.
Bella couldn't help but laugh at Nick as she smiled and took his hand as she was pulled close. "I think the dance scene is always the nicest." She admitted as she laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck as they began to sway back and forth. Her dress swaying with her body movement. "I absolutely adore you." She whispered with a smile.

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"I'll take note of that for later used then," leaning down he kissed her gently and smiled at her. As many things that went wrong in his life he knew now Bella was far from wrong. "Hey, I think we disproved the two wrongs don't make a right theory." He says with another teasing laugh. This was perfect though he never thought he would be stealing her away from her own wedding. He was preparing himself to face the fact she would really now never be his.

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