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Love that's forbidden

"Wow, feisty too, what have I gotten myself into?" He asks diverting his attention to her for a moment before resting his gaze back on the road ahead of him. "We'll have to see about your claims then, but if they turn out to be false don't be surprised when I hold them against you forever." He did agree however she earned the right to be cocky about her skills, she was indeed an expert at what she did he had just never meant anyone let alone a woman who was so confident in themselves, he admired that about her.
Bella laughed as she glanced at him and shook her head. "I warned you how I was." She told him as she leaned back against the seat and then looked out the window. "I'm proud of you Nick." She said before she began to fall asleep again from her illness and when she did, she dreamed of Nick again. It was terrible. He needed to leave her dreams alone.

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When Bella fell to sleep Nick continued to focus on driving, tapping his wedding band on the steering wheel out of habit. Bella, leaving him with his thoughts resorted back to none other then Amber, this had been bothering him for the longest time but he was still unsure of what to do while he was away for work and she had no desire to communicate, one thing he knew for certain though is he wouldn't be able to avoid the issue at hand forever, not when so many assumed the couple to be happily married when in fact behind closed doors it was anything but.
Bella stayed asleep as she continued to think about Nick and her past dreams. She didn't know what to expect of this anymore and honestly, she just wanted to tell him how she really felt but she could hear Rachel's voice telling her not to do anything stupid. When she woke up, they got back to the hotel and she went up first and laid in the couch like she had the first nights. They were leaving for Rhode Island tomorrow and she was still feeling sick.

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(If something interesting doesn't ensue soon they're going to a bar xDD)

After a full morning and afternoon of signings Nick's work day still wasn't over, he had papers to finish grading from the night before. From time to time his days did seem never ending but they kept him occupied which was better than being left alone with his thoughts of how he thought he had failed in making a successful life for himself that his partner in life would ever approve of.
(I agree!)

Bella moved from the couch to the bed and looked at Nick as she pulled him over and curled up close against him. "Sleep with me..." She mumbled, only half awake and out of how sick she was feeling.

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Nick was surprised by her suggestion but knew she was disoriented. He left her in the bed, not waiting to get into trouble, Bella was a friend, his editor. That was not something he needed to be caught doing when he was going through a rough patch with Amber. Not that it would have mattered though because the nest morning when he had called she informed him she wished to be separated for now. Nick, trying to be understanding didn't relinquish his anger, if that's what it took then he would give her her space. Agreeing he hung up the phone and that was it. He had things to do and he needed distraction, luckily he was well as hiding things but on his interior he was beyond hurt and angry. "Morning." He says to Bella in a softened tone with a bright smile as he stepped back inside the room. "ready for day two?"
Bella looked over at Nick and smiled at him as she coughed and groaned.. "Not at all but we can get through it together. You alright?" She asked him noticing something was up. She was worried about him and she didn't remember anything she did last night when she pulled him into bed with her. She acted like she was completely normal.

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"Of course." He lied hiding it with an even brighter smile. "Together for the long haul." He says grabbing their luggage and carting it to the rental car before they began the small road trip to Rhode Island. Nick was already ready for this day to be over, he needed a drink. Hopefully Bella was in a talkative mood to keep him distracted.
Bella laughed softly at him as she nodded and followed him to the car. "You excited for your first time in Rhode Island?" She asked him with s smile. "I made sure we have four days here so you can explore." She admitted as she blushed a soft red. She wanted him to enjoy this but that was because the part of her liking him came out.

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Nick turned to her with a appreciative smile and finished packing the car. "Anything new is always exciting, the unknown shouldn't always be feared." Nick was now more enthused with this trip, the farther he drove the father he was away from a woman who was slowly breaking him down.
Bella laughed softly as she nodded and began to sing along to the music playing as they drive off to their next destination. She honestly didn't know what to think of what would occur there but she was excited for it. "You know if your hands cramping, we can switch anytime." She told him with a bright smile.

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Nick laughed and looked at his hand closely as he took it off the wheel for a moment before placing it back in the correct position. "Right, I get it, you don't want any harm to come to this money maker." He says teasingly. It was a little sore last night but it was fine now he just liked to tease
Bella laughed softly at him and shrugged. "Your words, not mine." She said teasingly and laughed again, but this one was real. She hadn't laughed like that before and with the sun hitting her, it cause er red hair to stand out more along with her green eyes.

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(Lol deliberate highlighting .)

"My words but you didn't deny them either." He points out. Of course at that moment he noticed and admired her natural beauty as the sun highlighted her features. If you didn't notice, you were completely oblivious. Though he knew it wasn't something he should give into given the situation, as much s it crossed his mind lately.
(Lol same)

Bella laughed again as she shook her head and looked at him. "So what? You plan on using those words against me?" She asked him with a laugh again and soon when they arrived at Rhode Island, the sun was slowly starting to set. "Well, this is Rhode Island." She said with a bright smile.

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"It's an intriguing place for sure." Nick says turning to her for s moment smiling again before pulling into the hotel and tipping the staff to carry the lugs use up to the room. Meanwhile Sarah called and he walked off to talk to her while he went to the bar to order a drink. Sarah has heard the news from Amber and was calling to check on her brother. "I'll be alright." He says with a sigh to his older sister as he took his first sip, it delivered the sting he was looking for.
Bella unpacked at the room but then went down to the bar and laughed at the sight of Nick and sat next to him. "Excuse me sir, but um, where was my invite?" She said teasingly and ordered her a thing of whiskey.

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Nick off the phone by now and finished his drink in one swing when Bella approached him. Shaking his head he contorted his focal expression as the burn slowly ran down his throat. Coughing slightly he looked up to Bella in slight confusion and tapped his hand against the empty glass. "I didn't know a bar was a place for young successful women spent their down time drinking hard whiskey."
Bella couldn't help but laugh and shrugged. "Well a real women doesn't come to the bar for girly drinks hun." She told him with a laugh and downed all the whiskey in one swig and enjoyed the burn before she ordered another. "Does drinking hard whiskey scare you? Most guys think I'm crazy."

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"Maybe just a little," he replies smiling from the corner of his refilled glass. He hadn't realized just how cocky Bella was and it amused him to his liking especially right now. She was starting to come off as intimidating but he liked it. "Be care though, we have places to be in the morning."
Bella laughed softly as she looked at the man and shrugged. "I know but I'll be fine." She assured him and finished her second glass and ordered yet another. She hadn't drank in awhile and the burning sensation was one she missed honestly.

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"Lucky for you then I'm not like most guys." Swirling his drink into his cheek he swallows and table his wedding ring against the table. He had the urge to throw it but he didn't, he simply masked the urge with another drink. This wasn't at all professional but he didn't care.
Bella watched as he drank drink for drink and she did the same. They both needed it an in the end, he was helping her up to the room and she threw herself on the bed with a giggle. "Everything's spinning." She said as she giggled but hiccuped then looked at Nick with a smile.

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Nick laughed at her, semi under the influence as well but he had a high alcohol tolerance level. "I can only imagine why.." He says with a laugh as he made sure she was in her bed before he headed for the door to his own.

(I ship this scene that is about to occur with no shame. Please kiss now thanks.)

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