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Love that's forbidden

"You're not the first to tell me that Ms. McClain." He says with a smile before the ran back out to the cruiser. Once back at Sarah's Nick introduced Bella and went to change out of his drenched clothes while Sarah offered Bella some of her own.
Bella smiled at Sarahs offer and accepted because she needed to get out of these drenched clothes and take a shower. After all that, she sat on the couch and smiled at Jake started up a conversation with her and soon, when everyone was heading to bed, Bella stayed on the couch and read over emails on her phone.

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Nick crept outside to talk to Anber on the phone, despite their argument he still need to be ensured she was alright. However, their conversations ended up Turing to just another argument. Hanging up the phone he sighed and out his head in his hands out of frustration as he sat on the porch and listens to the now light rain patter against the gutters.
Bella stayed in the house as everyone was already asleep. She was in the process of replying to an email when sleep over came her and she fell on her side against the couch, her phone in hand as she took calm soothing breaths. She was exhausted and tomorrow was going to be a very busy day.

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Walking back inside Nick set his phone on the counter and spotted Bella. Walking over he found her shivering and covered her with the shaw on the couch. Taking the phone out of her hand gently he set it with her things on the coffee table and retreated back to the guest room.
The following morning, Bella woke up coughing and sneezing. She was running a fever and when she looked at the time, she realized they needed to get to the airport quickly. She bolted up even though she was sick and waited for Nick. She smiled at Sarah and thanked her for allowing her to stay the night.

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Sarah smiled and nodded. "Of course." She says turning to her brother as he walked down the stairs while buttoning his shirt. Smiling he looked to Bella and noticed she wasn't feeling well. Sarah noticed too and looked to Bella in concern. "You going to be okay?" Nick asked in concern as Sarah touched her cheek. "She has a fever."
Bella laughed softly at the two as she shook her head and sighed. "I'll be fine. Trust me. A cold won't get me down." She told both of them as she smiled. "But we need to go." She added as she looked at Nick then the time. "Thank you again, Sarah, correct?" She asked with a smile.

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Sarah nodded with a friendly smile and eyes her brother as if to say. "Keep an eye on her." And he nodded in compliance before hugging her and his niece good bye he followed Bella out the door.
When bella stepped out, she sneezed and sneezed then looked at Nick and laughed as she went to his car and got in. She was excited about leaving for New York, though she didn't know how to feel about the plane and her being sick now.

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"Are your sure you'll be alright?" Nick asked her in genuine concern before they pulled out of Sarah's driveway. Knowing how stubborn Balla naturally was after knowing her for over a year he didn't wait for a response before he pulled out of the drive and before they went to the airport he stopped to pick up some cold medicine and handed it to her while he drove to get some tea for her and coffee for himself.
Bella simply nodded and looked at Nick with a smile. "I'll be fine." She said stubbornly then thanked him for the medicine and the tea really did help soothe out her throat. She began to cough once more and upon arriving at the airport, she grabbed her bags from her car and walked in with him to check in luggage and aboard the plane. She sat down and coughed and sneezed. Her face burning up. Her fever was getting worse. As the plane took off, she rested her head against Nicks shoulder and coughed again before letting sleep take over her.

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Nick didn't mind her leaning against him, she needed the rest as he felt her fever still not going down. Hopefully it would when the medicine began to take affect. Taking off his jacket he wrapped her in it with a soft smile before he turned his attention to the window as they took off. Nick was a naturally caring person but Amber often became annoyed with this attribute.
Bella stayed asleep for the entire flight and when they were landing was when she woke up. She noticed Nicks jacket on her and smiled at the scent of him. She looked over at Nick and sat up as she began to cough, her fever thankfully went down. She got out the plane with him, grabbed their luggage and went to the hotel. When she checked in, the manager apologized because he had to give her rooms away since they didn't make it yesterday and the only room available was their deluxe suit which consisted of one King size bed. She sighed and agreed but when they walked in, she laid in the couch. "I'm so sorry you didn't get your own room." She told Nick with a sigh.

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Nick laughed and shook his head. "It's nothing to worry about Bella, just go to sleep, over there." He says pointing to the larger bed. "And I would appreciate it if you with held your refusal and just agreed it would save me great time and energy since I'll just put you there myself and that will be the end of it." He says with raised eyebrows.
Bella looked at Nick and sighed as she shook her head and wrapped herself up in blankets on the couch. "You can go explore around. It's your only free time." She said as she coughed again and groaned. She felt hot again and she became angry. She couldn't afford to get sick. Not now. They had a signing tomorrow.

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Nick laughed softly and kneeled down beside her. "There isn't anything here I haven't already seen." He replies resting s hand on Bella's cheek. He was naturally concerned for her, things seemed to be getting worse rather than better. "I'll be right back." He says with a soft smile before he returned with water and juice. Many would probably mistake his kindness for flirting at this point, he wasn't even consciously aware he could be making a wrong impression up his editor, .
Isabella sighed as she looked at Nick and smiled softly as he helped her. She couldn't help but mistake it for flirting which wasn't the best idea ever. She yawned and looked at Nick as she saw the water and juice. "I have to drink those?" She asked as she coughed into the blanket and groaned once more. She hated being sick.

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"That's the idea." Be days opening them and setting them in front of her. He was starting to think it wasn't a bright idea for Bella to coke along if she was feeling so bad. "Do you want anything else?" He asks sitting for a moment.
"Can I at least have apple juice instead of orange?" She asked him with a laugh as she took the water and drank it all in a blink of an eye. Her body really needed it. She looked at Nick and shook her head. "I'm okay, thanks. You rest Nick. I'll be fine."

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Nick nodded. He really hoped she would be alright by tomorrow, if would be unfortunate if she traveled all this way for nothing. Leaving he'd to her rest he turned to the computer where he had dozens of essays to grade.
Bella soon fell asleep after drinking the apple juice. When she woke up around dinner, she groaned from the soreness of her throat. She looked over at Nick and admired him hard at work. "Need any help? I could use some papers to red ink." She said with a laugh and got up to walk over to him.

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"No, it's alright though I do admire your eagerness to do so." He says with a soft laugh running his eyes as they began to burn and stretched in the chair. Looking at his watched he noticed it was dinner time. "I think I'm going to go eat something, do you want to come with?"
Bella looked at the man and laughed at him as she sneezed and sighed. "If you wouldn't mind a sick person going with you then sure." She said as she went to fix her hair and walked over to him as she sneezed again. She needed to get better by tomorrow.

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"I changed my mind, you're not allowed." He says teasingly before grabbing the room key and opening the door. Truth be told he didn't mind at all, sick company was better than no company which was sadly what he was used too.

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