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Love that's forbidden

Bella sat in bed and decided to email Nick and let him know printing was on schedule and his book would be up and ready soon.

"Hey Nick!

Hope all is well with you and Amber! Your printing is on track so the books will be up soon by next month!

Looking forward to your signings! Let me know when your free so we can start making the dates!

~ Isabella"

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Nick picked up his phone and opened the email, reading it he laughed at her over use of exclamation points. Quickly he emailed her in return while keeping an eye on Sky. "Thanks Bella, I appreciate all the effort you put into this process. I'm free tomorrow if that works for you

Bella smiled as she heard her phone go off and she sighed. "I have a meeting in the morning but I should be free after one. Meet me at my office so we can discuss details?


She replied and got up to cook breakfast.

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"Alright, see you there." He replies before he saw Amber was calling. Placing Toddler in the play pen for a moment before he answered the call. "Hello?" He answers not knowing what to expect, it depended on what mood she was in.
Bella smiled and decided to get dressed and go get the files ready for tomorrow. She needed to get all the numbers and places he wanted to have the signings. She was just excited to start this process again, though when Amber went she gave Bella the cold shoulder.

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"No, I can't fly there, I have a meeting tomorrow, I'm sure you'll be fine. What do you need?" He aka while he picked toys up off the floor and put them away. Their relationship still had his struggles but Nick being Nick wasn't going to let it go that easily. It hiught they were two totally different people, she was his wife.
Upon arriving at the office, she sat at her desk and worked in the files but couldn't help and think about Nick and the dream she had. He was married. She was crazy for having that dream. They were strictly partners for work and nothing would change that.

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Rachel walked past her friend and stopped for a minute to notice what she was doing. "Ahh Mr. Cambridge." She says with a teasing laugh. She loved to mess with her best friend. "What's up?" She asks as she set down more files on Bella's desk.
Bella looked up at the files and laughed softly at her best friend as she smiled. "Getting things ready for tomorrow's meeting with Nick, but Rach, sit down, I need your help." Bella said seriously. "I dreamt about him. Like full on us getting married and having kids dreamed about him.... He's married and he's happy, what is wrong with me?!" She said and sighed.

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Rachel looked to her friend curiously but nodded and sat down. When she explained Rachel simply shook her head and laughed softly. "Nothing Bella, nothing's wrong, dreams are strange you know. Not that it's my business but he doesn't seem to be happily married and I'm not suggesting you go after him but you have been by yourself for awhile now. The dream makes sense. Not to mention you do have a crush." She whispers with a smirk and a laugh. "It's true," she says getting up. "Only you Bella." She says with a dramatic sigh. To tease her further.
Rachel was no help to Bella. She sighed and shook her head as she watched her. "Get out of my office. You were no help." Bella said as she stuck out her tongue then sat back in her seat and twirled around. She wasn't ready to see Nick tomorrow. She wasn't ready to see him at al. If it got worse, she would get him another editor.

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"Don't do anything stupid Bella." Her friends says with a glare getting up from the chair and leaving as she asked. "In your own defense though, he is good looking, it's a shame his wife doesn't see it." She says with a sad look before shouting good luck and exiting the office.
Bella sighed as she nodded and sat in her office and stared at the papers for tomorrow. She wasn't ready to see him again and she needed to be careful now. She didn't want to ruin anything.

The next day, Bella was in her office bright and early with her starbucks iced tea was sitting there on her desk as she fixed things up. When she heard her door open, she looked up and smiled at Nick. "Hello again Mr. Cambridge. Ready to start planning again?" She asked him with a soft laugh.

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"Is that even a question?" He asks before he took the seat across from her. He was glad they had formed a friendship, Balla was a great person and he loved her personality. Though he never thought of feelings for her but she was nice looking he noticed
Bella laughed softly at him as she smiled and immediately grabbed out her tablet specifically for Nick then typed on her computer. "So you know the drill. Anywhere in particular you want your signings this time around?" She asked him as she looked at her computer. "You are up for an award as well this year so yet another wonderful formal event you must attend Mr. Cambridge." She said and laughed again.

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"Oh, how exciting," He says sarcastically with a devilish smile before he looked down at the tablet and picked the remaining cities he hadn't visited plus New York due to standard protocol. Amber probably wouldn't join him but he couldn't blame her she had her own career that was demanding as well.
Bella nodded as she took down all the cities he said and of course New York. "Alright. So dates. When are you free? As always I will have a pass for Amber, if she'd care to join." She said. Bella always had a pass for Amber to attend these events with her husband but she never did.

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Nick laughed softly to himself at the mention of Amber but kept his opinion to himself, it was NEVE s good idea to say bad things about the person you were married too, "I'm free whenever I need to be."
"I like that." Bella said as she laughed and pulled up her cavender as she looked at dates. "The book is getting released next month on the sixth." She said. "So, New York will be first as always and we can do that one in the twenty-eighth?" She suggested and typed away.

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"Sure thing, Ms. McClain he dsys with a smile and moved slightly in the chair. He was in slight pain but it wasn't noticeable. He wasn't really sure why he was in pain but he didn't pay it much mind, it happened occasionally lately.
Bella smiled and nodded as she continued to type away and add dates to her calendar as her phone rang. "Sorry, I need to take this." She said and answered as she talked with the printing company about the hardcover books. Those would be ready on the day of the signing at New York and she sighed. This was crazy. She agreed and smiled at Nick softly. Bella was exhausted and now it showed. "So, hardcovers won't be ready until the date of singing in New York."

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Nick nodded, it wasn't a big deal to him. "That's alright, don't dress over it." He says with a soft sincere smile. His pain had shifted slightly but was less noticeable now. "Anything else?" He ask her. He didn't want to take up too much of her time as he could only imagine how busy of a woman she was here.
Bella laughed softly and shook her head. "I wouldn't know what it means to not stress." She told him as she looked at the screen and nodded. "Yes actually. What are your thoughts of doing a signing or two in the Europe?" She asked him. "Your books are a high demand out there and I think your fans would love to meet you there."

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Nick blinked and hesitated for a moment, he wasn't expecting to hear that today. Offering another smile to keep his composure and anxiety under control he nodded excitedly. "Of course I would consider itf" He always wanted to go to Europe and would be crazy to pass up such an experience
Bella smiled brightly and nodded. "Pick a city. Any city and I'll get started on booking for you." She said and smiled again and then sneezed into her elbow. She couldn't afford to get sick. So much work needed to get done.

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