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Love that's forbidden

"Should we make mommy food?" Amelia suggested as she yawned and then looked over at her father and smiled. "Because she hasn't eaten all that much." She added with worry.

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"We'll see, if she wants it then we will." From the beginning Nick was worried how Amelia would handle Bells not being able to keep up with her as she usually did. Surprisingly however the toddler was handling it well, she was a sweet little girl who just wanted to help her mom in any way she would allow.
Amelia nodded as she walked back to the house with her father and sang the song New York her mother loved listening to. She loved Frank Sinatra, just like her mother. She found it nice how her mom loved the city because Amelia found them pretty herself.

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Walking back inside Nick left Amelia to play with the dog as he came down the stairs to greet them. Walking into the room where he left his wife he quietly went to lay next to her, where he began to rub her back gently, and smiled when she reached for one of his hands. "What do you need me to do?" He asked in a gentle whisper seeing she wasn't feeling any better.
Bella smiled at the feeling of her husband rubbing her back. She held his hand and sighed as she turned slowly to look at him. "Just hold me and keep rubbing my back." She whispered softly and laid her head against his chest and shut her eyes, trying to just sleep even though she hadn't been able to lately because of their son.

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Happy to oblige her husband did as he was asked. He was relived when he saw her finally succumb to sleep because he knew she needed it. He didn't move s muscle not wanting to walk her even when he felt his arm go numb. She looked so peaceful and he would be glad for her once this was all over and her surprise would be here soon, Sarah agreed to stay with them for the remaining few weeks while Jake took their kids to see his side of the family. Nick knew not only did Bella need it but she would be happy to see her sister in law.
A week after, she looked over at her husband and smiled softly. She then saw Sarah and laughed as she waved. "Hey Sarah." She said weekly as she laid in bed with the TV on. "He just needs to come out already." Bella explained with a laugh but closed her eyes as he moved a certain way and caused her pain.

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"You still got some time." Her husband replies with a soft laugh, his hand holding hers tight, their fingers clasp together. The little one was being anything but kind to his mother as she neared the end. Sarah herself had hopes her nephew would come early with the looks of Bella, she had grown s lot since the last time they had seen each other, As Bella closed her eyes Nick squired her hand. He didn't like to see her like this but she had at least another week, hopefully. "Come on, let's walk." Her husband suggests in hope that would help, not wanting a repeat of their son lodging himself in her ribs.
Bella looked at her husband as he said for them to walk. She nodded softly and sat up slowly as she slowly stood up, continuing to hold her husbands hand. She closed her eyes again as their son continued to be not so nice to his mother. Bella was beyond exhausted and just wanted him out already. She knew she wasn't going to last another month with him, so she was hoping to deliver soon.

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As much as her husband knew she didn't want to move, she needed too. It would keep mother and child out of harm's way and it could possibly lead to what Bella was hoping for. Not letting go of her hand the couple walked outside, Amelia now at her father's feet curious as to what was going on. It was nice out and the fresh air had to help in some way, not to mention, it was peaceful,, they weren't being bothered here.
Bella walked outside with her family and sighed as she bit her lip from pain but smiled upon feeling s breeze. She loved it all and she was glad her husband got her to come out for a walk. "It's beautiful out here." She whispered with s smile as Amelia nodded.

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"Nice of you to notice." Her husband says teasingly trying to get her to at least crack a sincere smile. After their walk Amelia went off to play with her Aunt Sarah. "Are you still going tonight?" Nick asked his wife referring to her work event
Bella sighed as she looked at her husband and nodded sadly. "Yes sadly. I don't know what dress to wear but yes, I still plan on going." She said as she looked at her husband and smiled a weak and fake smile of pain.

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Nick sighed but nodded. It was her choice whether or not to go, she knew what she could handle. "Alright, if you need something to wear, take this and being Sarah with you." He says setting his credit card on the night stand. He had his own event to attend but would be easily accessible.
Bella looked at the card and sighed as she shook her head. "That's your money. I have mine. I'll be okay." She told him with a smile and kissed him softly. "I love you." She whispered and shut her eyes tight and Jackson decided to move again because he was uncomfortable.

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Nick shrugged but nodded but still left it where it was. "I love you too." He says kissing her in return before he saw her scrunch her eyes in pain and sighed lightly. "Troublemaker." He whispers with a soft laugh
"That he is." She said with a laugh but it only caused the pain to hurt further more. She looked over at Nick and smiled softly. "I'll be okay though." She whispered then walked to get dressed and ready.

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(Divergent is on [emoji7])

Nodding he got ready himself and said his good byes and left for his own thing. He wasn't too much worried about his wife, she knew how to handle herself and there were times when they had their own separate responsibilities from one another
(Life [emoji7])

Bella was going great, up until a few jealous women at the party pushed her and she feel down the last flight of stairs. She gasped at the pain and held her back but upon feeling their son move again, she knew it was from fear and worry. She felt him under her ribs again and that wasn't good. She yelled out in pain as she leaned her head back and shut her eyes then bit her lip. This was terrible and soon, when the ambulance arrived, they called Nick.

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At the news Nick jumped up from his meeting and ran for the car. Nick didn't know what he was about to walk into but he didn't like what he had heard about it so far. He just hoped they were both okay.
Bella was rushed to the same room and she began to cry out in pain some more. She couldn't do this alone and she needed Nick. She felt the baby finally move from under her ribs and she smiled contently. He was okay and so was she, her back was just bruised.

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Nick came rushing in the room and took Bella's hand for comfort. He was glad things worked out but he knew she just wanted this to be over, their son seemed to be causing his mother a lot of harm. As her husband and the father of their son he naturally became nervous when they did an exam and ultrasound if their son. What were they going to say?
"Oh my, Bella, your sons in the position ready to come out now. You're in labor now." They said and Bella looked at her confused. She didn't feel any different and she didn't feel any pain so what was happening? Their son was coming early and that scared her. "We need to prep you." They said.

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Nick himself blinked in shock, that wasn't what he expected to hear when he walked in this room but he was ready, he just hoped the baby would be alright. As they prepped his wife he kissed her in reassurance and texted Sarah the news.
Bella smiled into the kiss but was in utter shock with this turn of events. Their son wanted to come out already and Bella wasn't complaining, she just hoped he was going to be okay. Soon the pushing started and after a few yells of pain, cries were heard and Bella smiled. Their son was here. He finally was here.

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