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Love that's forbidden

It has all happened so quickly but once the cries were heard Nick smiled. It made sense as to why Bella was in so much pain throughout the day. For being a month early their son was a big baby. Smiling brightly Nick eyed his son as he was handed to Balla
Bella couldn't help but shed tears when she was handed her son. After two miscarriages, their son was born. Something she always wanted. "Hey Jackson." She whispered between cries and touched his head softly with her fingers. She looked at Nick and laughed as she couldn't stop crying.

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Seeing his wife with their newborn son was an incredible sight. He himself began to tear up lightly before he kissed both of their foreheads before kissing Bella on the lips. "You did great Mrs Cambridge." He whispers to her with a soft laugh. This isn't how they thought today was going to end but their son was finally here.
Bella laughed softly at her husband and smiled. "I couldn't have done it without you, Mr. Cambridge." She whispered as their son began to cry and cry. She held him close and kissed his forehead. "Jackson, don't cry." She whispered. He was going to be a handful, she could just tell.

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Nick laughed softly, it was evident they were going to have a true troublemaker on their hands. Jackson seemed nothing like his sister Amelia who was a quiet snd content baby. The challenge was intriguing and hopefully the baby would get better as he aged.
Bella couldn't help but fall in love all over again with their son. He already looked like his father. She looked over at Nick and handed him his son and soon, Jackson stopped crying.

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Nick laughed when the newborn became silent from his crying. "You're going to be nothing like your sister, I can already tell." He says sitting in the chair beside his wife. "First things first though, you really need to be nice to your mom." He says teasingly looking over to Bella.
Bella laughed softly at what her husband told her son. "I think k he does owe me that much." She said with a smile and watched her husband closely. They were so perfect. Her whole family was perfect and she loved them.

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The next morning Sarah woke Amelia. "Come on Melia, time to get up." She says sitting beside her in her bed. When she refused Sarah laughed softly. "Okay, you don't want to go see your brother then?" Sarah asked with a bright smile. No one had told the little girl the events that happened the night before that lead to her brother's early arrival.
Amelia refused to wake up many times but when she heard her aunt talk about her baby brother, she sat up quickly and smiled excitedly. "Yes!" She said and smiled as she ran to the bathroom to brush er teeth but then ran over to Sarah with a brush. "Pwetty braid please." She said and smiled.

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Sarah nodded and say her in the chair. Her excitement was adorable but she needed her to sit still. "What do you want for breakfast?" Sarah asks her as she finished the braid and smiled at her niece.
"Pwancakes!" Amelia said with excitement and laughed at her aunt with a smile. She was so jittery because she was so excited to go and see her brother.

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"Alrighr but you don't need to rush or you can wait til your brother comes home." Her Aunt says as she eyes the little girl. She wasn't going to do that really but Amelia didn't know that. Making the pancakes her niece requested Sarah looked over to the Milo and shook her head. "You going to be nice to the new baby?" Sarah asked with a laugh.
Milo barked at what Sarah said and Amelia couldn't help but laugh. "Auntie Sarah, what does bwaby Jwackson look like?" Amelia asked with a smile and then yawned as she sat and waited for her pancakes. She loved pancakes so much.

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Sarah plates Amelia's pancakes and cut the for her before setting her breakfast in front of her. "He looks like your daddy." Sarah explains before pulling up the picture her brother sent to her and showing it to Amelia.
Amelia looked at the picture and giggled as she looked at her baby brother. "He dwoes!" She said excitedly then got her fork and began to eat her pancakes. They were delicious and when she finished, she got up to put her plate in the sink. "I rwedy!"

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Sarah nodded but cleaned her hands and mouth before leaving. Buckling Amelia in her seat Sarah drove the two to the hospital and took her hand as they walked inside. She was excited herself to meet her nephew.
Amelia swung her legs back and forth in her chair as she awaited to arrive at the hospital so she could see her baby brother. The excitement was evident in her eyes and her actions.

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Once inside Sarah remained holding Amelia's hand so she wouldn't run down the open hallway and disturb over people. Entering the room she finally let go and laughed softly as she paid no attention to Nick, running right past him for her brother. However Nick pulled her back before she could reach him. "Woah there, slow down, am I not important anymore?" He asks teasingly picking her up. "Listen." He says gaining her attention. "Rules first and then you can meet your brother. Got it?" He asks with a smile. "Be careful with Jackson and mommy." He explains.
Amelia was upset that her father stopped her but she looked at him and sighed but nodded. "Okay. Can I see him now?" She said excitedly and heard her mom call her. She ran over and gasped at the sight of her brother in her mothers arms. "He dwoes look like daddy!" She said with a gentle laugh and smiled at him. "Hi Jwackson!" She whispered with a wide smile.

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Nick laughed contently at the sight in front of him and took s picture, the three most important people in his life were right there. This was something he never thought he would have s couple years ago he was starting to accept it but now he couldn't imagine his life without his little family. Looking over to Sarah he took her into s hug before she went to see her nephew for herself, who had moved slightly at his sister's voice but still kept his eyes closed,
Bella loved watching the two interact with her son and when he began to cry again, she looked at Nick and handed him his son. At that moment, when Jackson was in his fathers arms, he stopped crying and opened his eyes. Bella loved the sight and smiled at how bright Nick's face lit up. it was the perfect moment ever.
Nick's bright smile rested on their son. It was amusing to him the baby was quiet whenever he was in his father's arms. He felt a sense of pride rush through him as he saw his son's eyes for the first time. Looking up to Bella he began to rock the baby gently.
At that moment, Bella woke up from her dream and blinked as she looked around. What was she dreaming of? This was crazy? Nick didn't like her plus he still had a wife. They've only known each other for a year and it's only about business and his books

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Meanwhile Nick was already showered and ready for the day. Amber was gone for a week to attend some Fredrick in New York she needed to cater. For him, it was rather boring since he only taught class a few nights a week. Going to the cafe for breakfast he went to Sarah's afterward to watch his niece.

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