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Love that's forbidden

Amelia hugged her mom and yawned tiredly. When Nick appeared back from his shower he smiled at the sight. Nick found it humorous Amelia still tried to wrap her arms around her mother even when she knew she couldn't anymore. "Do you need anything?" He asks in a whisper not wanting to wake Amelia because she hardly ever napped anymore.
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Bella looked up at her husband and shook her head. "No, but thank you love." She whispered as she watched Amelia sleep and played with her hair as she slept. She sighed and then began to yawn herself. "She's really excited for her baby brother." She whispered to Nick and smiled.

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"I noticed." He says with a soft laugh. it was hard to imagine Amelia was almost three. It felt like she was just a tiny, percuous infant that Nick hid in his jackets. She wasn't s baby anymore. Letting out a soft sigh he watched Amelia sleep. She was always going to be his little girl.
Bella looked at her husband and knew exactly what he was thinking. "She'll always be your little girl." She whispered to him with a soft smile and looked down at her as well. She was getting so big already and time was flying by so fast. Bella just wanted it to stop.

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"I know,."even though it was the truth it was still hard. When Amelia woke up he smiled when she ran into his office. "Well hey there Sleeping Beauty." He says picking her up and putting her in his lap as he kissed her forehead.
"Daddys office is huge!" Amelia said as she giggled and looked around his new office. It was bigger then the old house but it was so pretty. "My rooms big too!" She said and began to dance excitedly.

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"You're so silly." Shaking his head at Amelia he laughed. "What do you want to do princess?" Her father asks Zias he closed out of what he was typing "Want to go see the lake?" .
"Yes! Is it big too?!" Amelia said as she smiled with all her pearly whites and laughed innocently. She was an adorable little girl but soon, she would be starting school and Bella was nervous for that.

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"Its humongous." Her father explains with a laugh as he got up and looked to her. "Ask mommy if she wants to go." Smiling at her as she ran up to her parents room to go after her mother. Nick wasn't sure if she would want to come along, he wasn't sure how well she was feeling today.
Today sadly, was a day of pain and exhaustion for Bella with their baby. When Amelia went over, Bella sadly denied and Amelia understood as she ran back down and over to her dad. "Mommy said no. I think Jacksons making her sick today."

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Nick sighed softly to himself and nodded. "Go put your shoes on and wait for me." when Amelia did as she was told Nick went up the stairs to check on Bella before he left her alone. He felt bad that says like this were becoming more common. "You doing okay Hun?"
"No, our little rascal just loves to make his mom sick and in pain." Bella said as she shook her head and looked over at Nick as she smiled. "But you enjoy your time with Amelia. I know she's been wanting to go check out that lake."

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Nick nodded and kissed her cheek. "We won't be long, are you sure you don't need anything?" He asks with a faint smile as Milo came into the room and laid on the edge of the bed.
"I'm sure love. Just bring me some apple juice on your way back love?" Bella asked him with a faint smile as she turned on the tv and smiled at the game playing. This was okay and she knew Jackson just loved messing with her and making her sick.

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Running down the stairs Nick grabbed a battle of Apple juice and brought it to her. Taking Amelia's hand the two walked out to the front of the house and down closer to the lake. It was beautiful here but it would still take some adjusting to get used to. The important thing was Amelia www going to adapt quickly with her starting preschool soon.
Amelia walked with her father around the lake and smiled as she looked at him. "Daddy, is preschool scary?" She asked him with a nervous look. She wasn't ready to go to preschool but then she was.

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Nick smiled at his daughter and shook his head. "No baby, you're going to make lots of friends, you'll like it, I promise." For a preschooler Amelia was already ahead of her age group, Nick and Bella taught her to read at a young age given their occupations and Amelia was naturally smart.
Amelia looked at her dad and then shook her head. "What if they don't wike me?" She asked him as they began to walk around the lake. "What if I'm too smart for them?" She added with a sigh.

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Nick laughed softly at his daughter as he shook his head. "Then they aren't friends. You'll find some baby." He says picking her up and spinning her around as they stepped closer towards the lake. She's really was growing up so fast and he wanted to soak in every moment he could with her.
Amelia began to giggle uncontrollably as she smiled a wide smile and leaned over to kiss her fathers cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Spin me more daddy!" She said and laughed innocently.

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Nick laughed with a nod and sis as she asked before they looked out over the river. "What do you think? You like the river?" He asks her as he fixed her hair that was now all over the place.
"Yes, I do." She said with pearly whites and leaned over to kiss her fathers cheek again. "It's pwetty and I think jwackson will like it too." She said and looked out to watch the lake flow through and watched the ripples of the water.

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"I think so too." Setting her down he walked with her to meet the shore. Taking her shoes off he stuck her feet in the water and laughed as she shook her head and hugged his legs. "What's the matter? Is it too cold Amelia?""
"Wes!" Amelia said as she looked at the water and began to screech from how cold it was. "To cwold! To cwold!" She screeched and ran away from her father so he could run after her.

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Running after her he scooped the toddler up with one arm and put her shoes back on. When she gave him s look he laughed at her. "I'm sorry princess, it'll be warm soon." Setting her back to her feet he grabbed her hand again. "Let's go, we don't want to leave mommy too much longer since she isn't feeling good."

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