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Love that's forbidden

Eventually the medicine kicked in and Nick fell to sleep for a short while but when he woke the feeling in his throat worsened and was now unbearable. Swallowing alone was miserable. This wasn't looking good. Getting up he let out a frustrated sigh and made his way down the stairs to look for a thermometer.
Amelia had fallen asleep upstairs and Bella left a note on the island telling Nick she went to the store and that Amelia was asleep, though she was going to the ER to see what exactly was wrong that was causing her pain. When Amelia heard movement downstairs, she went down and smiled at her dad from a distance. "Where's mommy?" Amelia asked her father.
"The store." He says with a smile to hide his wincing, his fever was still high but he really didn't want to make a trip back to the doctor's office. Conveniently Sarah stopped by for a visit not seeing her younger brother for awhile. When she saw him she looked to him in concern, "Are you dead?" She asks.

"It feels like it, strep." He says trying to talk as little as possible. Sarah looked to him in concern. "Did you go to the doctor?"

He nodded and pointed to the medicine on the counter. Hopefully Bella would be home soon so he could go back to bed
Bella, however, was rushed to a room where the doctors tried to get their baby boy to move out from his mothers ribs. It could cause both Bella and the baby with serious injuries if they didn't act fast and Bella was sadly already in a lot of pain. As procedure they called Nick because he was Bella's husband and when Amelia heard the phone, she answered it for her dad. "Hwello?" She said and the doctor asked to speak with her dad. "Daddy!" Amelia said and handed her father the phone so the doctor could explain everything.
Nick's eyes went wide when he comprehended what he was being told. Hanging up the phone he reached for the keys in a hurry. "What's the matter?" Sarah asks grabbing hold of her brother. "Bella." He says through his irritated vocals. Sarah nodded. "Let me take you." Nick shook his head Amelia didn't need to be brought along. "Watch her." He says before rushing out of the house and for the car. When he arrived he headed for the room he was directed to but kept his distance from his wife.
The minute Nick walked in, screaming could be heard from the immense pain their son was putting his mother through. She couldn't deal with it and she just wanted her husband, though she knew he couldn't come near her. When she caught a glimpse of him, she tried to smile but screamed again when the doctor touched a certain part. "He's really lodged in there." The doctor said then looked at Bella then Nick. They may lose yet another child if they didn't act fast. They gave Bella pain relievers and hoped the baby would move on his own but that wasn't likely. Not yet at least.
Nick's heart began to race when he heard his wife's screams. He didn't know which feeling was worse, the thought of yet another loss or the fact that he couldn't come to his wife's aide as much as he wanted too. Not to mention she didn't tell him the truth and he felt as though he could just collapse with how exhausted he was.
Bella couldn't help but continue to scream from the pain. The doctor gave Nick the look. The one they received twice. The one where all hope was lost in another baby. Bella could see it in the way the doctors acted their son wasn't going to make it and soon her screams turned to cries. She was going deeper and deeper into her hole and she didn't know after this if she could find a way back out.
Nick knew that look but he refused to accept it. Even when Bella began to cry, he didn't move from his spot in fear that if the baby had s chance of making it still she would catch what he had and then definitely lose their son. This was by far the most awful situation he found himself in but all he could do was keep his consciousness. .
Bella continued to cry from both pain and lost hope but soon after, she felt their son move and all the pain was gone. She let out a sigh of relief but then looked at the doctors and Nick with a weak and exhausted smile. "Go home Nick..." Bella whispered to him because she knew he needed the sleep.
Nick shook his head. "I'm not leaving Isabella." Despite what they had just been through he was still upset with her for not telling him where she had truthfully gone. She knew he loved her dearly and it was a frightening thought to think of the possibilities of what could have happened. He was glad she pulled through but still felt horrible he couldn't comfort her in her time of need. After Bella was cleared a nurse turned her attention to Nick in concern. After discovering he had a severe case of strep as he had been dig nosed earlier she called a doctor to do future examination and it was discovered his tonsils had swollen severely and had to be surgically removed.
Bella sighed as she looked over at her husband and knew he was beyond upset with her. She didn't want to worry him while he was sick but shes actually really glad he came because he was able to get a second examination. "Good luck on your surgery. I'll be here waiting for you." Bella whispered as she smiled at her husband and watched them take him away.
Nick smiled faintly towards his wife and sighed as he began prep for surgery. It was a family affair in the ER tonight. While Nock was away in surgery Amelia's parents came to check up on her and wait for Nick to be sent to recovery,
Bella smiled as she talked with her parents and awaited her husband to go to recovery. This wasn't how she expected tonight to go and she really wished it didn't.
When Nick woke he was drowsy and felt the the irritation in his throat but it was a different kind of sore, one from simply having surgery., better than before. Letting out a sigh he looked around the room.
Bella was in the room since she was released and smiled at her husband as his parents ran in and huddled around him. She let them have their time together and merely stood back, to afraid that he was upset with her so she watched the three and smiled, though she was surprised his mother hadn't told her anything.
Nick wasn't pleased by his mother's presence. Turning to his wife when they felt he smiled. "Feeling better?" He asked in a scratchy voice as he took notice to her natural beauty. Even in his own time of medical recovery he was more concerned for his wife.
Bella simply nodded and looked over at her husband with a smile. "Yeah. You need to rest." She told him and then began to yawn. "I called Amelia and she wants you to take care of yourself here."
(Excuse me while I post something while sobbing from watching TFIOS)

Nick nodded and laughed for a second before his throat began to bother him."I'll take note our toddler is the parent now." As he began to succumb to his slumber he never moved his gaze away from his wife. In his eyes she was a perfect human being, even when she occasionally upset him.
(omg that movie kills me)

Bella smiled at her husband and laughed along with him and then began to yawn. She watched her husband the entire time he began to fall asleep and soon, she fell asleep on the couch with a pillow and a blanket.
Nick didn't wake until the next morning and his gaze happily rested on both Amelia and her mother, who by the looks of it went home by the change of her clothes. "Hey Princess." Nick whispers to their daughter who looked to be frighten to approach her farther. "Come here." He says holding out his arms to their daughter. Fortunately, after the surgery his fever disappeared and was no longer contagious but still had to recover from the infection and the surgery.
Amelia looked at her mother as if she needed an okay to go to her dad and when Bella nodded, Amelia got up and ran over to her dad where she laid in bed with him. "You bwetter?" Amelia asked her father as Bella slowly began to fall asleep again. She didn't get much rest last night on that uncomfortable couch and Amelia was a handful for her this morning. She just wanted to sleep and find ease.
Nick kissed Amelia's forehead and nodded. "Almost," Looking over to Bella he saw she was falling asleep. Hopefully soon, their life would be back on track when they made decisions for their family and got things in order.
When Bella fell asleep, she woke up a few minutes after so she could watch her family. She was trying her hardest to stay awake and smiled at her husband as their daughter fell asleep against him. "She loves you so much."
"I love the three of you more," Her husband replies with a bright smile. In the following days he was released and feeling much more like himself but was still in slight pain but it was bearable. As the family got back into a routine Nick got back to arranging their future. Sitting out in the back patio after Amelia was put to bed Nick turned to his wife. "Alright Mrs. Cambridge, we still need a home." His voice for the most part was back to normal but still slightly scratchy. Holding the tablet in front of him he pulled up their options of homes.

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