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Love that's forbidden

Bella agreed then went over to Amelia and gave her stomach kisses. "Amelia Bedillia, wake up." Bella said and laughed softly at her daughters reactions.

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Amelia laughed at her mother and wrapped her arms around her neck and nestled into her neck. Looking up to her she giggled and kissed her cheek. "Breakfast?" She asked tilting her head with a bright smile and sparkling eyes.
Bella laughed softly at her daughter and shook her head. "I have my appointment, remember?" Bella said as she kissed her head then stood her up on the bed. "What do you want to wear today?" She asked her as she went to her closet and looked around.

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Amelia shrugged and sat down on the bed as she let her mom pick her outfit for the day. Though she wanted to go with her mom she was more focused on her hunger which in turn made her naturally grouchy.
Bella laughed softly and picked out jeans and a cute shirt with a pair of Amelias sperrys and laid it on the bed. "Get dressed and I'll make you colored pancakes real quick before we leave." Bella said and kissed her daughters forehead then walked out to start her breakfast.

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Amelia gasped to her mom excitedly and did as she was told. When she got dressed her hurried down the stairs and sat at her table. She was excited for these pancakes.
Bella laughed softly at her daughters excitement but she always got excited over her colored pancakes. She smiled and placed her plate in front of her. It contained a pink one and a purple one then she got a glass of apple juice for her and placed it in front.

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Amelia thanked her mother sweetly and began to eat her breakfast happily. Looking down she giggled at Milo at her feet and shook her head. "No." She says as her mom brushed her hair.
"How do you want your hair today?" Bella asked her daughter as she brushed out her beautiful red hair and had a ponytail ready incase she wanted it up or in a braid.

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"Braid!" She exclaims excitedly as she reached for her Apple juice, Milo still at her feet wagging his tail quietly against the floor in hopes the fur toddler would drop something that he could claim
Bella laughed softly at her daughter and nodded as she began to split her hair and did two French braids but made the remaining hair into a bun. "There you go love." She whispered and then went to go grab an apple to eat.

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"Fank you." She says with a bubbly giggle and a warm smile as she happily confined to eat her colorful breakfast. Paying close attention to her mother she noticed she wasn't so small anymore and that made her laugh excitedly. At the fact.
Bella smiled at her daughter as she watched her watching her. She looked over at the clock and then went upstairs to fix her hair quickly then went back down. "Let's go love. You ready?" Bella asked Amelia as she fed Milo and gave him some water to have.

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Amelia nodded and jumped up excitedly from her chair and followed after her mom to the car. Meanwhile Nick got things ready for his second three hour class of the day.
Bella laughed at her daughters excitement and then drove them to the appointment and laid down as they began re sonogram. "Look Amelia, that's your baby brother."

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Amelia sat in the chair and swung her legs excitedly as she looked to the screen, looking to her brother in fascination she smiled towards her mother. She was excited for her little brother and she wanted him to come sooner.
Bella laughed softly and smiled again as she looked at the screen and smiled. "Okay Amelia, you ready to hear his heartbeat?" She asked and then the baby boys heart beat was heard around the room.

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Amelia nodded, the bright smile on her face never fading, when she heard her brother's heartbeat she gasped and giggled. She was too young to completely understand it but she was still excited.
Bella loved the excitement from her daughter and then stayed laying as the nurses cleaned up her stomach and Bella sat up. "What do you think? Are you ready for your brother?" She asked.
Amelia nodded and hugged her mother's legs when she stood up. Amelia liked spending time with her mom but when she didn't see her dad all day she was curious as to where he was. "Where's daddy?" She asked as they arrived home
"He's at work my love. He will be coming home soon, I promise." Bella said to her daughter as she put her keys and purse down. "What do you want to do my love?"
Amelia shrugged Ashe she took off her shoes and raj to chase Milo. Nick on the other hand began to feel his cold getting worse. It had been lingering for a few days but now his throat was starting to burn snd he felt s fever catching on. Pushing through the last hour of class. Once he was our he decided to go go the doctor to make sure it was nothing Amelia or Especially Balla could catch. However, the odds weren't in his favor. He caught Strep. After picking up his medicine and some things Bella asked for all his energy was drained and it was evident when he walked through the door. When Bella walked up to him he shook his head and couches into his elbow. "I don't need you getting sick."
Bella looked at her husband and sighed as she looked at him and knew automatically, he was beyond sick. When Amelia ran to her dad, she saw him and Bella pulled her back against her. "Your daddy's sick my love." Bella said and Amelia sighed but looked at her father. "Daddy, go lay down." She said to him because she wanted her dad to get better quick.
"I will Princess." He says through his scratchy burning throat. Walking past them he set the things Bella asked for on the counter before he grabbed water and took his medication. At this point he was completely drained and exhausted, his fever had yet to go down. He was miserable and it was doubly awful because he had to be cautious around both Amelia and Bella. Walking up the stairs he decided to lay in the spare room to keep himself separated. The fact he had strep wasn't helped by the fact he lectured for six hours today and now he was regretting it
Amelia nodded as she watched her father and made sure he went to go and get some sleep. After he was in the room, Amelia saw her mom on the floor holding her stomach and back in pain. "Mommy, whats wrong?" Amelia asked but Bella shook her head and told her daughter to be quiet because she didn't want to scare Nick. This had been happening a lot lately.

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