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Love that's forbidden

Bella laughed softly as she shook her head and followed him out and to their rental car. She got in and sneezed into her arm as she heaved a heavy sigh. "I really hate being sick." She said and looked to Nick as she smiled.

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"I can tell." He says before putting the car into drive and began driving around looking for something appealing. At a stop he began tapping his wedding band against the steering wheel out of habit and signed thinking about her.
Bella heard the wedding ring and glanced over as she smiled at him and stayed with her head against the window as she closed her eyes and fell asleep again. Nick invading her dreams once more and she couldn't help but smile in her sleep.

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Once arriving Nick laid a. hand gently on her shoulder to wake her up. When she opened her eyes he smiled. "Wake up sleep head." He says before getting out of the driver's side.
Bella yawned as she shook her head and got out of the car with him. She looked at him and walked with him into the restaurant but then felt dizzy so she held onto his arm. "Everything's spinning..." She said and groaned.

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Nick stopped instinctively when he felt her grab his arm. Turning to face her he looked to her in concern. Staying with her he didn't move her grip from his arm until she let go. "Change of plans." He says walking with her back to the car. Getting back in the car he made sure she was alrighr before he found a grocery store to buy utensils and things to make soup he took her back to the room and started cooking it. Naturally, this was his character, he cared for everyone and couldn't turn them away.
"No Nick. I'm fine." Bella said as she tried to get him to go back to the restaurant but he didn't listen and soon they were back at the hotel and back in their room. She sighed and laid in the bed as he began to make the soup. She wrapped herself up in blankets even though she was really warm. She hated being sick and she needed it to go away before tomorrow. She just needed to eat then drug herself up with medicine so she could get better because after New York was Rhode Island and she couldn't afford to mess up any signings for Nick.
Finishing his cooking he bowled the soup and carried it over to her. One good thing about his wife being a chef was he picked up a few things himself. Leaving Bella to eat her soup Nick called his wife to let her know he was alright, if she cared, at this point he wasn't sure but he did still love her and wasn't ready to give up.
Bella smiled at the soup he made for her. She immediately began to eat it and when she finished, she laid on the couch and slowly began to doze off. Her phone constantly ringing. It was the manager of the book store making sure Nick would still be able to come for the signing. Bella didn't even bother on answering it. She didn't want to move a single muscle because she was exhausted.
After a brief conversation with Amber Nock stepped back into the room. Leaving Bells to her sleep he headed back to the computer and answered an email from the store manager to confirm his appearance in the morning.
Bella stayed asleep majority of the night except when she woke up from being uncomfortable due to her fever. She went over to the thermostat and lowered it so the room would get colder. She wasn't looking forward to the signing if she was still going to be sick.
The following morning Nock was up rather early out of habit. Leaving Bella to her sleep he headed downstairs for coffee and breakfast which he carried back up to the room. "Feeling better?" He asks as he sipped his coffee when he saw she was awake.
Bella sighed as she looked at Nick and shook her head. "Not really but we have a signing to get to." She said as she stood up and coughed into her elbow as she stretched and went over to the fridge and got a water.

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"You know you don't have to come with, I promise I'll behave." He says setting down his coffee cup and turning to his breakfast. He would rather Bella rest up and kiss one signing then be miserable for the trip. She was a main part in his success and she deserved to enjoy the trip as much as he did.
Bella laughed as she shook her head and looked at Nick as she smiled. "You're crazy. I'm not missing any of these." She told him as she took some of the medicine again and then began to get dressed after she showered. She was exhausted but ready for this signing.

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Nick smiled slightly and shook his head when she turned away. She was the most stubborn person he ever met. While she finished getting ready he finished his breakfast and went to brush his teeth. He was ready for this day despite the fact he knew it would end in a major hand cramps.
Bella laughed softly at him as she finished up as well and then walked out towards the door. "Nicolas Cambridge, you have 5 minutes!" She called and went down to their rental car and began to yawn. She was exhausted but today should be a good day. She was feeling a tad better anyways.

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Nick quickly followed after her grabbing the room key. By the time they arrived s large crowd had already accumulated, when he saw it that's when the natural nerves began to set in. He was always nervous at first at these events. Over all he was excited to see the outcome, to know he had all of this support provided an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.
Bella smiled at the amount of people already there and she let Nick get out first and took him straight to the inside where the signing began. She smiled as Nick smiled at all his fans, it showed her that he was so grateful to know he had so much support. She stood behind in the back as she just watched. It was beautiful to watch.

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Nick gladly stayed until everyone had their turn but by the end he was blinking to keep his vision from going blurry. The first day was done and deemed a success . "One down, I don't know how many more to go." He says to Bella with a laugh as he took a sip of his water.
Bella looked over at him and laughed. "Roughly about forty. Not including the Europe tour." She said as she laughed again and walked out with him as she began to yawn but soon after coughed. She sighed and groaned as her throat started hurting again. She looked at Nick and smiled weakly.

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Nick couldn't help but shake his head at her. "You need Sleep or I'll get you replaced." Forty more stops. He had his work ahead of him but accepted it with open arms. This was what he dreamed of for years.
Bella looked at Nick and couldn't help but bust out laughing. "You? Replace me. Funny." She said and continued to laugh. "No hun, that's not possible. You won't find anyone to handle this chaos like I can." She told him because it was true so she walked to the car and got in.

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(I'm laughing Bella xDD)

"Oh really? Someone's both confident and cocky in their reply, but a confident cocky editor is no good to a brilliant author like myself when she isn't at her full potential." Nick loved how witty Bella was, it matched his personality well and he appreciated her sense of humor, it made communicating a whole lot easier when he had someone who understood him not only as a writer but as an individual.
(I know me too xD )

Bella looked over at him and laughed before she grinned with all her pearly whites showing. "If you know you're good at something, don't be afraid to get cocky." She told him truthfully then looked at him and shrugged. "Whether I'm sick or at my full potential, I'll be fine." She told him and then began to yawn.

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