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Love that's forbidden

Bella watched as Nick was leaving and she sat up as she grabbed his hand. "Nick don't go." She said quickly as she giggled again and leaned forward to kiss him. When she met his lips, it was like electricity was sent down her body. She loved it and she closed her eyes as she slowly let go of his hand and pulled away. "I've been wanting to do that for awhile now."

(I do too. No shame at all.$

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Nick didn't know what to say so he didn't speak. Instead he simply responded by moving closer towards her and cupping her face before he kissed her in return, it was like nothing he never felt before and even if in his impaired state he knew it was wrong, again, he didn't care, it made it that much more thrilling.
Bella was shocked to be kissed in return so she closed her eyes and held his arms as she pulled him down in bed with her and held the kiss for as long as possible before having to breathe. She looked at Nick and smiled. This was wrong but she didn't care. She wanted this and nothing more so she kissed him again and eventually wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his hair.

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It didn't take long before the award winning author found Bella's hands move from his blonde head of hair down to the buttons of his shirt. The bad part was he didn't even make an attempt to extol her from what she was doing, instead he leaned in forward to kiss her neck as she ran her hands along his now bear upper body. It was wrong, was all he kept thinking but he was just as quick to push the thought away as things heated up. It was too late now and no matter how bad it sounded, he didn't regret it even if it was because they both had had too much to drink
The following morning, Bella woke up with a groan as her head was pounding. She looked to the side of her as she felt an arm around her and noticed Nick was next to her, naked, and so was she. She quickly got up and wrapped herself in a sheet as she just stared at Nick. She couldn't believe she gave into that last night. It was so wrong and she just wanted them to forget it ever happened. She turned around and looked at the time as she gasped once more because they were going to be late if they didn't hurry, so immediately she threw on Nicks button up without noticing and looked through her luggage for clothes. "Nick wake up." She said.

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Nick himself quickly woke and when he comprehended what had occurred his face went bright read for a moment. He was embarrassed by what transpired. Mumbling a few choice words to himself he quickly got up, noticing Bella was in his clothes was enough to make him laugh and for some strange reason the urged to kiss her returned. composing himself he covered himself and headed to his own room to get dressed. Eventually he would have to tell her what was going on between him and his wife or he knew the guilt would eat at her that she had had intimate relations with a married man. Nick wasn't going to admit it but he still didn't regret what had happened, as far as he was concerned he had been missing out. Brushing his teeth he choked slightly on his toothbrush at the thought. Karma.
Bella couldn't believe this was happening at all but as she got dressed, she thought about last night. Was she an idiot? She gave into her desires and wants and she slept with a married man. Nobody was going to find out about it and sadly, the guilt already started eating at her. She met Nick at the car and stayed quiet the entire ride. She didn't speak because she couldn't. She stared at her lap the entire ride and even at the signing, she staged in the back and watched. She was zoned out, like she was in deep thought. She. Screwed. Up.

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Nick noticed her out of character behavior but there was really nothing he could say to her right now. Occasionally at the signing he looked up and offered her a sympathetic smile, he really was truly sorry that he made her feel the way he did. If it ruined somewhat of a friendship they had before he would understand. What he did was wrong in not going the right thing. He wasn't even really sure how to approach her about it after the area vacated for now he left it at silence.
Bella didn't know what to say anymore after what occurred that night. When they finished with the event, she stood and awaited for him to walk to the car and at the hotel, she merely told him she'd see him tomorrow and went up to her room. She felt guilty but also she felt like an idiot. She knew he just used her that night. They just got caught up in the moment and nothing real was there. He didn't like her like she did him and she needed to realize that.

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Nick watched her walk off and rubbed his neck uncomfortably. He had screwed it up with her and for that he would never forgive himself. She was a good friend and didn't deserve to feel as though she was being used. He wasn't sure how to make it up to her but he would have to think of something.
Bella sighed as she sat on the bed and stared at herself in the mirror. "What are you doing to yourself Bella?" She asked herself and put her head in her hands as she began to cry into her hands. She couldn't stay with him she just felt so used. She wanted to stay but things were so awkward and she just needed to get things off her chest. She went to Nicks door and when he answered, she let out a sigh. "Look, yes I feel guilty about what happened but I also feel used but Nick, I can't keep this from you anymore. I like you. More then a friend and I know that's bad because you're married but I just had to tell you...."

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Nick answered the door, surprised to see who was behind it he layered to what she had to say, letting her into the room he closed the door behind her. Walking to the table he picked up his drink as she talked. Taking a sip of his drink he nodded and tapped his fingers against the glass table. "That's an interesting confession." When she looked at him confused he continued. "I don't regret it." He answered honestly. "I am sorry you felt used though, that's not what I intended by any means and as for your feelings, I already knew that." Sighing he sat down and out his head in his hands for a few moment before he rubbed his face and looked back up to her. "Amber and I are separated." He says plainly there was nothing other to say then that. Picking up his drink again he curled his tongue into his cheek before he took the last sip never taking his eyes off of Bella.
Bella froze at what she was told. She didn't know what to do, let alone day. She just stared at Nick in utter shock but soon went to looking at her feet. "Oh." She said meekly and then sighed as she looked at him and shook her head. "That still doesn't mean what we did was right." She said and sat on the bed as she sighed. "Honestly Nick, I'm trying to get over these feelings."

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"I never said it was right, but everyone makes mistakes and I'm not one for pointing fingers but Amber's had her fair share." Setting the empty glass down there was nothing in the room but silence until he broke it again. "What do you want to do?" It was a simple question but he knew to her it wasn't that easy.
Bella looked up at him as she soon looked away. "What kind of question is that Nick?" She asked in all seriousness as she sighed and put her head in her hands. "Honestly? I want to be yours but I know it won't happen." She admitted truthfully.

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Nick laughed softly. "It's a simple one." Sighing he got up and went to sit across from her as she sat on his bed. "Sometimes Bella, things are just that simple." He says lifting her head to make eye contact with him. Leaning in he kissed her gently again. "I've wanted to do that for a while now." He says mocking her from the previous night with a laugh.
Bella didn't know what to say with his kiss. Her face turned red from embarrassment as she laughed softly. "I see you were sober enough to remember that." She whispered as she smiled and leaned in to kiss him again. She loved the taste of his lips and she couldn't help but continue to kiss him.

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Nick laughed devilishly. "That and maybe a little more." He says teasingly. Hopefully she knew he wasn't trying to take advantage of her the night before Right now he was rather enjoying her company and continued to return the kisses, not to anyone's surprise things were happening in a pattern as they were the night before. This time it wasn't evident that either was guilty.
After it all, Bella laid with her head against his chest and smiled as she let out a content sigh. She drew circles along his chest and yawned. "You amaze me Nicolas Cambridge." She whispered as she closed her eyes. "Be mine?" She whispered as she slowly began to fall asleep against him.

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In that moment was when Nick realized just how torn he had made himself. While he knew there was now no potential with Amber she was still his wife and naturally he had an obligation towards her, even worse he just became the type of man he scoffed at. Loyalty was a big thing for him and he just broke one of his biggest morals and as much as he wanted to care the scary thing was, he didn't
Bella knew they were both partaking in something they shouldn't but she just couldn't help it. She liked this man and she wanted to be with him but when reality hit her again, she would come to er senses and call it off. Partaking in this was something that could cost both of them their jobs and she wouldn't let this ruin his reputation, even though she didn't care about hers.

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For now though, they both avoided the subject and enjoyed their time together in secret There passionate relationship only escalated as they became closer and got to know things about each other, this was going to be a disaster when they came back to reality., and it happened in the worst way possible. While at a sighing his mother in law called him in urgency and when he didn't answer Sarah called the book store. When Nick got the message he couldn't believe what he was heading, hanging up the phone he stood there for a moment and folded his hands into fists to control his now whirl wind of emotions. He couldn't continue now, he just couldn't do it. Walking out of the back he walked straight out of the building and when the store manager tried to stop him he noticed Bella had pulled him back and told him to let Nick go. As the crowd was confused they follower him out as far as they could. Luckily today they had a driver today with two separate cars for both him and Bella. Without thinking he simply left, leaving Bella to handle the chaos he had caused. He just needed to be alone right now. The next time he felt Bella was when he was sitting on the beach staring blankly into the horizon. However the moment he felt her presence he lost it, tears streamed down his face. This couldn't be happening.
Bella was able to calm down the chaos and when she looked at Nick, she sighed and sat next to him on the sand of the beach. She looked at him and hugged him as he cried. "Sarah told me what happened.... I'm so sorry Nick." She whispered. She honestly couldn't believe this was the reality check they got and she couldn't deal with it. Nick and her we're now strictly business. Nothing more but right now he needed comforting. "Go home Nick. I'll handle the rest of the signings, cancel them, I'll handle the chaos." She whispered and handed him an envelope with a weak smile. "Your plane leaves in the morning."

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Nick but his tongue to keep the pain as a distraction from releasing anymore tears. Amber was pronounced dead this morning, the worst part, she took her own life but Bella didn't know that much. Nick of course couldn't help but feel the guilt eating at him like flies on dead flesh. Trying his best to compose himself despite feeling sick to his stomach and on the verge of passing out he nodded and finally found words to speak. "Thank you." He whispers inaudibly.
Bella sighed as she nodded at him and stood up soon after. "I'll let you be for now. Call me when you're ready to finish things up, of course no rush. I'm really sorry again Nick." She whispered as she walked away and fought back tears. Why did this hurt so much? Because she enjoyed the time with Nick she got and their intimate relationship was one she loved but she would be able to move on, hopefully. She was able to just get on with life, despite the hardship and as weeks past, Bella was losing a grip of herself. She wasn't the same and day by day, she felt used and the guilt she had was one where she just wanted to end it all.

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