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Love that's forbidden

Bella laughed softly as she nodded and smiled at her son. "He is isnt he? Mom hoping he won't be a handful." She said with a laugh as she smiled at Andrew who continued to look at Nick.

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"You'll have to wait and see." Releasing the little one'd hand he turned to the groceries and started prepping things to make breakfast for her. She more than likely needed to eat and he was just glad to be back where he needed to be.
"So how was your trip Nick?" She asked him as she walked over and smiled at him as he began to cook. When she heard a knock she was curious and walked over to the door only to find David. "What are you doing here?"

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"I came to see our son." He says in a soft whisper not wanting to admit he wanted to see the infant and perhaps wanted to be involved in their son's life. His eyes soon resorted to the bundle in her arms. Nick, still in the kitchen tensed when he heard who it was, it would be a good thing no doubt if this man he never even spoke to stepped up and accepted his responsibilities but Nick wasn't so sure what he would attempt with Bella and that made him uneasy. However, whatever occurred it needed to be what was best for Andrew and suddenly Nick felt as if he was intruding someplace he shouldn't be.
Bella looked at David as she laughed sarcastically and looked at Andrew. "I thought you didn't want him to be your son." She admitted as she rocked the baby back and forth. She loved him so much and she honestly didn't want David to come only for a little bit then leave.

(Idea! What if David makes Nick leave Bella or he will leave Andrew?)

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David sighed and put his hands in his pockets impatiently. "We need to talk Bella, but not here. We need to work some things out if this is going to work." David was being serious with his ex fiance as his parents voices got inside his head, he needed to be a part of his son's life, after all he always had a soft spot for Bella and truly loved her. They were supposed to be a married couple and they would be if Bella hadn't fallen for Nick and decided to run out right before the committed to one another.
Bella looked over at Nick then at David as she sighed and shook her head. "Okay. Let's go walk." She told him then looked at Nick and said she would be right back. As her and David walked, she kept her eyes on Andrew. "So what do we need to talk about?" She asked him with a sigh.

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"Isn't obvious? Us, we need to talk about us Bella. You're the one who made the choice to go our separate ways, that was your choice but now you have a son to think about now, it's not just you and don't you think it would be best for our son to have both of his parents together?"When there was a long silence he continued with persuading. "Bella, you never even gave me a chance as your husband and I thought we had mutual feelings but I guess I was a fool."
Bella sighed as she looked down at Andrew and listened to what David had to say. She looked at Andrew then at David. "I get what you're saying but Andrew will be fine whether we are together or not." She explained then looked at Andrew again. "David, I've always loved Nick..... I just.... I'm sorry if you feel like I just used you but I'm not going to be yours again... I'm just sorry. I can't do its."

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"How would you know? You didn't even give it a minute's thought." Truthfully David didn't want Nick to have any part in his son's life, he wasn't his child and he wasn't going to allow his son to become close with another man that wasn't his father. "If you wan to do this the hard way then we will but getting lawyers involved is not ideal but that's the only way to work this out fairly if you want to be selfish about it. He's my son too and I should be as equally involved in his life as you are and that means I don't want him around any men you choose to be with, especially not a man like that who has so much outside attention brought to him because of the career he chose."
At those words, Bella became infuriated. Now she knew what this was about. "Now I know what this is about." She said as she laughed sarcastically. "I'll get my lawyer and you get yours. Things will be worked out through the court and from there we will go on but you will not have a say on whether I bring Andrew around another man or not. Nick is a wonderful man for Andrew to be around and you just don't want another man in his life. I'm going home but I will get a lawyer ready." She said as she shook her head and walked back to her house beyond infuriated.

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"How typical Bella," David calls after her, she always became easily offended and defensive whenever anyone brought up Nick in a negative light. He was a mistake and she was too love sick to admit her stage of denial. However David knew her chances were small of overcoming him in any custody battle they would find themselves him, simply because he could afford a better attorney who could provide a better argument against Bella and the environment she wanted their son to grow up in.
Bella rolled her eyes as she went back home and slammed the door shut behind her as she went to lay Andrew in his crib and cried against the wall as she looked at Andrew. "He's going to take you away from me..." She whispered to him as she sighed and cried. She had forgotten Nick was here so she tried to cam down and went downstairs where she smiled weakly at the food. "Thank you..." She said as she kissed his cheek, her face still wet from the crying. She didn't stand a chance against David's lawyer. She wouldn't be able to keep Andrew and that killed her.

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Nick pulled away from her affection in concern when he felt the wetness of her cheeks. "What's the matter? Why are you crying?" He asks gently wiping the tears with his short. He was concerned with the words the two exchanged but he was going to stay out of it if that's what Bella wanted, the situation didn't concern him unless harm was being afflicted upon with her or her son he would make it his business.
Bella couldn't to cry and when Nick asked her, she cried harder. "H-he's taking Andrew away from me." She said as she looked at the ground. "I don't stand a chance against his lawyer. I-I can't hire one of the best out there. I don't have a lot of money." She said, not wanting to tell him about how David didn't want Andrew around Nick.

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"Bella, that's crazy, he's ignorant if he thinks he can completely take away your rights. The worst he can do is split your time up in a way that doesn't cause Andrew distress, even if he tried you have done nothing to prove you unfit of caring for your son. He's not going to take him away anyone in their right mind knows that." Taking her in an embrace he held her tight for a moment. "Things will work out, you just have to have faith and know that you are a great mother."
"He's fighting for Andrew because he doesn't want Andrew around you..." She finally said as she stayed in his embrace and continued to cry. She couldn't believe this was happening and she just wanted to cry even more. Andrew wouldn't be with her anymore because of David and that alone caused Bella distress.

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That was when everything set in and made complete sense to Nick now that he had the complete picture. Letting out a sigh he rubbed hi neck and looked at Bella with a sympathetic glance, he now felt guilty it had something to do with himself. "Well, despite the fact he's an immature jerk who wants to act childish when it comes to being in his son's life I can't blame him, I would feel the same if the tables were turned. He doesn't know me and he knows if I am a part of your life I am just as equally a part of his son's and he doesn't want his relationship with Andrew to be jeopardized, it makes sense." Biting his lip and simple frustration he didn't know what to do to fix this.
Bella simply listened as she sighed and stayed looking at the ground. She looked up at Nick and saw the frustration in his eyes and she held his hand. "You can leave Nick." She said as she looked at him seriously. "If it's what you truly want you can leave."

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"Bella, that's the thing, I don't bit if he really wants to be there for you both how can I say no to that? It's what's best for your son." With a defeated sigh he gripped her hand tighter and leaned into kiss her. Pulling away he whispered into her ear. "I love you."
Bella couldn't help but feel tears streaming down her face. He was going to leave her. She was going to be alone again. She merely shook her head as she pulled her hands away. "You do what you want Nick... If this is where we go our separate ways again then I wish you the best of luck. I'll always love you." She said as she silently cried and walked back up to Andrews crib. She was alone again. She would always be alone.

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Two years had passed and just like the first separation Nick eventually got back on his feet giving up both his teaching and writing cared and to everyone's surprise made a new career for himself as a police officer. He had his reasons but he would never admit to them, the important thing was he was good at what he did even though he was considered new in the field. Work was what kept him distracted and he was looking forward to the opportunities and growth. Occasionally though, certain people he helped remixed him of Bella and he wondered how she was but quickly pushed the thoughts of her aside. He convinced himself he made the right choice for both her and her son.
Over two years, things only became harder for Bella with no one as her back bone. The fight in court was difficult, especially when David's lawyer used the fact that Bella stated she only used David to fill a gap over the year of them being together. Bella didn't stand a chance, and sadly majority of the rights were given to David. Even if Nick wasn't in her life anymore, David still took it to court. He didn't care about her, he was just doing it all for his parents. So Bella only got to see Andrew on weekends and every other holiday he spent with her. Bella was a wreck and even gave up her editing career and opened up her own bridal shop. She would never get to walk down that aisle in a dress and say I do but she loved helping other women find their dress. Today Andrew was with David but Bella was oblivious to where David took their son. She didn't know David took him to his friends house was sadly was a drug dealer. Andrew was scared and stayed close to his father but the smoke caused him to feel sick. "D-d-daddy.... I-I want to g-g-o home..." The two year older stuttered out. "Want m-m-mommy!"

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"Not right now, go sit down." His father said irritably. He really don't want to have to watch Andrew today, usually he left him with his parents but they were out of town. He was by no means the ideal father for his child, he only did what he did to get to Bella.
"B-b-but daddy!" Andrew said as he stayed close against his father and coughed. "I s-s-scared!" He added as he saw someone walk over so he hid behind his dad as he cries silently.

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