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Love that's forbidden

The house raid was successful, all the drugs were taken into evidence and Nick placed David's friend under arrest where he had no problem admitting what had happened on the day of the accident if it meant a lesser sentence. Nick then forwarded the case to an attorney who was able to get a hold of Bella's Financial status and presented a case to the judge and Bella was easily rewarded her full parental rights back
Bella stayed at her work and stared at the dress practically all night. She didn't know what to think anymore and she honestly hoped she could keep Andrew. She really wanted full custody. He deserved his mom. Jake asked Nick to go and tell Bella the news but when Andrew was told, he wanted to go but his grandparents wouldn't allow it.

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When David's parents refused it Nick and others were called to the home. Nick sighed as he walked inside but smiled when Andrew ran over to him. "Hey there." Nick says with a smile. He was leaving here with Andrew and his things regardless if they wanted him to or not. Bella's rights had been fully awarded and now they didn't have a say.
Andrew smiled at Nick and hugged him close. "M-mommys at w-work!" He said excitedly and ran up to grab all his things then ran back down. "Let's g-go!" He said excitedly and his grandfather pulled him back. "G-grandpa stop!" He exclaimed and pulled away.

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Jake took Andrew's things and carried them out to his cruiser. When his grandpa advanced towards him Nick quickly reached for the toddler protectively. "He's no longer your responsibility." Nick says before he picked him up. And carried him out before things got heated, leaving his colleagues to explain Bella was now fully responsible. Setting him down when out of the home Nick waited for his caraway to be removed before he buckled it in to the cruiser and buckled him in. This was the right thing, Nick had done the right thing and he had to learn not to let David's parents anger get to him. He was reuniting a mother with her son.
Andrew was extremely excited to finally just live with his mom. It's where he always wanted to be and when they arrived at her shop, he got out quickly and opened the door as he ran to the back to find his mom. "M-mommy!" Andrew said as he ran over and hugged her as he put his head in her lap. Bella blinked at the sound of her son and when she saw him in her lap, she couldn't help but cry even more and hug him close. "Andrew.." She whispered and have his cheek kiss after kiss and when she saw Nick, she smiled at him.

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When Nick met eyes with Bella he smiled brightly at the sight of her with her son. "Hope you don't mind Ms. McClain I came to drop off your number one."He says with a soft laugh. He still had yet to tell her the news. He hoped she wouldn't be angry that he did it without her knowing.
Bella couldn't help but laugh as she smiled and nodded. "Thank you but it's the weekday... He should be with his grandparents.." She said confused and Andrew laughed. "N-not no m-more!" He said excitedly and Bella blinked and looked at Nick as she set Andrew down and hugged him close as she kissed his cheek. "Thank you so much." She whispered when she heard the door open and a voice say hello. "Over here Alyssa. You're dress is all ready to go." Bella called as she asked Nick to watch Andrew and ran over to show the soon to be bride her dress.

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(Lol nice to see you Aly.)

Nick nodded and went to watch Andrew for a moment. "See, I told you I would get you back to your mommy didn't i?" Nick says in a whisper and a bright smile. Andrew's excitement was enough for him, it made his job worth it. So many times he felt with people who had no respect for himself and other officers but things like this reassured him he did the right thing for the safety of the public.
(Lol agreed.)

Bella finished up with Alyssa and did a final fitting with her in case anything needed to be fixed. Andrew smiled at Nick as she nodded and hugged him then saw Alyssa walk out and he blinked. "Pwetty." He said and Alyssa laughed nervously. "I love it Bella." She said and Bella smiled as she nodded. "I'm glad." "Now the day I can see you in one will be exciting." Alyssa said as she glanced at Nick and laughed.

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Nick looked to the young woman with a confused smile but let it go. When Alyssa left Nick stood snd smiled again when Andrew clung to his mom. He was glad to see the little boy back with who he truly belonged. "Here." He says handing Bella the official paper that granted her full custody of her son, that's when he noticed things start to click for her, her shock made him laugh as she glanced towards him confused. "A friend of mine took the case after I was able to provide him with the things he needed, he's all yours."
Bella didn't know what to do but cry and hug Nick again as she held him tight against her. She looked at him and kissed him softly. She let her desires take over and Andrew watched with his hands over his mouth as he giggled playfully.

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Nick wasn't expected that and wasn't sure how to respond. When she pulled away he laughed nervously his hands starting to sweat. "You're welcome." He says almost inaudibly. "Jake has his things he'll bring it by when you get off." Turning to Andrew he sighed. "You behave for your mom, " he says pointing a finger with a soft laugh.
Bella felt like she messed up with kissing him so she nodded and looked at the ground. Andrew nodded then ran off to go play with his toys in the back as Bella fiddled with her fingers. "T-thanks again N-Nick." She said and smiled.

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"You're welcome but it's Officer. Cambridge to you." He says with a teasing laugh before he took her into a reassuring hung. It was obvious the two still had some sort of chemistry. "I'm sorry things didn't work out for you Bella, Nick now felt guilty for make the decision of leaving when he did.
Bella looked up at Nick as she shook her head and smiled that same fake and fragile smile. "I got used to being left alone..." She admitted sadly as she sighed and looked at the ground. "Thanks again, Nick." She said and walked him out.

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"Bella, you can stop saying thank you," Nick says pulling out his notepad and writing down his new number. "You can call if you need anything." He says handing her the folded paper. "Or you want to go to dinner," he says with a casual shrug. "Whatever seems most fitting I guess." His comeback accompanied by a mech joys smile. If there was one thing he missed it was teasing her.
Bella couldn't help but laugh softly at him as she took the paper and nodded. "I'll be sure to give you a call, officer." She said as she smiled and put the paper on the counter as another bride came in and Bella had to excuse herself to help her with another fitting. She enjoyed this job but she never pictured herself in one.

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Nick waved goodbye to Andrew before he left him with his mom. He was satisfied with today, he was glad he was able to help but he wasn't sure if he would ever see either of them again but he was okay with that, the important thing was he brought positivity back to Bella's life
Bella didn't want to bother Nick with anything but Andrew absolutely wanted her to invite him to dinner with them. Bella sighed as she looked at the paper with Nicks phone number and called him as she waited for a bride to come out while Andrew colored at a table.

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Nick had just gotten out of the shows when he heard the phone ringing and went to quickly answer it. "Hello?" He answers while he continued to get ready, today he was off from work but he had errands to run for the day.
"Hey Officer." Bella said playfully as she laughed softly and looked at Andrew as he helped the bride with her train. "Andrew wants you to grab dinner with us. Are you free tonight so we can steal you for an hour or so?" She said with another laugh that was so full of life. She missed Nick and she only hoped their relationship they had would flourish.

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Nick laughed when he heard her voice. "Well, I was busy but since he's asking and you're not, I would be happy to clear my schedule for him, he has more guts than his mom it looks like." Walking into the kitchen he fed and refilled the water bowls for the two dogs."
Bella gasped at what he said. "Is that a challenge Officer Cambridge?" She asked him as she looked at Andrew and smiled at him. "Care to grab a drink with me after then? I'll try not to scare you away with me drinking straight whiskey." She told him with another laugh as she looked at Andrew. She knew he wanted to see Rachel after dinner so maybe Rachel would watch him for the night. Rachel was really the only family he would have.

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"It's not really a challenge when I'm just being honest," he points out as he pet Scout, the black German Shepard and looked down at Rose, the French Bulldog. "I don't know, will it end how it did last time?"

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