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Love that's forbidden

Bella smiled as she looked at Andrew and followed her son over to where there was a giant sandals castle. Bella laughed at the sight but upon seeing Nick come out from behind, she smiled and followed him. Seeing those two words caused her to gasp as she put her hand over her mouth and watched him get on one knee. Tears streamed down her cheeks and when she met Nicks eyes, she laughed softly and nodded. "Yes.."

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At her simple one word response everyone appeared and clapped and cheered as Nick stood and placed the ring on her finger before he kissed her passionately. "Promise me you won't run this time?" He whispers, even now he couldn't be completely serious.
Bella smiled at the kiss and she couldn't help but laugh at what he said and shrugged. "I don't know. Depends if I'm feeling the wedding or not." She teased as she threw her arms around him and kissed him again. She absolutely adored him and was glad she finally was engaged to him.

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Of course everyone was capturing the moment but Nick was too focused on Bella to pay it any attention. He loved hr and after everything they had been though he finally made a decision and he knew it was the right one, he was going to be his wife and they were going to be a family together just as it should have been from the start. Andrew eventually came over and hugged both of his parents legs and giggled happily. Nick laughed and picked him up. "Oh by the way, everyone knew but you, including him." Nick says with a laugh when he saw her expression.
Bella gasped as she looked at Andrew and saw him giggle. She shook her head and kissed his forehead and then yawned. "I can't believe you kept this from me Andrew." She teased as she looked at Nick and kissed him again. This was so perfect and she finally had her happy family. It was all so perfect.

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It was happy, as they had begun their planning for he wedding and deciding who was moving where Nick decided to take it a step further and begin the process to officially adopt Andrew as his son, he didn't have to think twice about it, it was the obvious decision but no one would have guessed what would have happened next. One night while working the night shift with Jake they had come in contact with a dangerous individual who was attempting to run from them in a hot pursuit after trying to break into a home. In effort to cause distraction the suspect pulled out a weapon and shot it directly at Nick before he had time to react he fell to the ground, his hand already covered in blood from the shot, it hit right below the bullet prove vest and into his lower rib cage. For right now he was too much in shock to be in pain but by the time Jake ran for him it was starting to set in. All he could think about right now was how upset this was going to make Bella, he had to make it through for Bella but it felt like something was broken, or ripped internally. His breathing became heavy and he heard Jake's voice fading as he noticed a large amount of blood.
When Bella was notified of the event, her heart began pounding against her chest. She looked at Andrew and fought back the urge to cry. She couldn't handle this. She needed Nick to survive. They were supposed to get married in only a few months. They were all supposed to be a family. She couldn't do this. She went to drop off Andrew with Sarah and Jake then went and rushed to the hospital where she ran in and the doctors tried their hardest to calm her down but she wouldn't. She needed to see him. "What's his condition." She said as she continued to cry. She couldn't do this. "I need to see him please." She whispered and continued to cry. When she saw Jake walk over, she ran and hugged him close. "This can't be happening..." She whispered.

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"I know Bella but you need to calm down, he'll pull through. Right now, he was in surgery to get the casing to removed. He lost a lot of blood but based on where he was hit he should have been alright. When JSKE left to go give his statement of what occurred Sarah walked over, Rachel had come for Andrew so Sarah could be with Bella. "How are you holding up?" Sarah asked with a faint smile.
Bella looked over at Sarah and sighed as she shook her head. "I can't lose him." She said simply as she walked over and hugged Sarah as she tried her hardest to stop crying. She needed Nick. She couldn't lose him when she just got him. She knew his new job was risky but it made him happy so she supported him. She just wanted him to be okay. For her sake and Andrews. Andrew would be torn if he lost Nick.

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"I'm sure he'll be alright." Sarah reassured her. Though it was a shock for everyone to hear, even if the job was risky you could never prepare yourself for when it occurred. X"it is hard to accept that one day he might walk out the door and not come home but we all make sacrifices."
At those words, Bella cringed slightly as she sighed and nodded. "I know.." She whispered softly as she sat in the waiting room and slowly began to fall asleep as she dreamed of her and Nick. She needed to understand he would be okay. She knew he loved this job so she was supportive. They would be okay.

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The next morning Nick fully woke and for a few moments was confused as to where he was and the sounds surrounding him. When the pain became apparent again he was reminded what happened and winced as he felt the bandage against his skin. It hurt to breathe, that was because the casing had cracked a rib but that was all, there was large amounts of blood because of all the tissues sround ing the area.
Bella stayed asleep in the waiting room all night, even when Sarah and Jake offered her to go home. When she was woken up by the doctors, she went straight to Nicks room and smiled at the sight of him, tears brimming her eyes. "Hey love.." She whispered as she walked over and kissed his forehead.

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"Hi," he whispers softly before he kissed her lips softly. "I'm sorry," he says instantly. "I know you much of been scared out of your skin, I'm okay, I promise." He says shoring his hand away from his wound.
She couldn't help but laugh as she shook her head and cried. "I thought I lost you Nick.." She whispered as she rested her head against his shoulder and tried to stop crying. She held his hand in hers and after a long moment of silence, she looked up at him and smiled. "I'm just glad you're okay." Sacrifice. Him and his job were all about sacrifices for her.

(What if like way later on, more incidents like this happen and Bell finally tells Nick she can't keep doing it, like going everyday worried sick he wouldn't come home?)

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It broke Nick's heart to see Bella cry. Stroking her hair gently and smiled at the feeling of his hand in hers, he felt comforted and safe. "I'm glad you're here." He says looking up at her before he kissed her again but winced slightly. "I love you."
"I love you more." She whispered as she leaned over and kissed him again. "Don't strain yourself officer." She told him with a laugh as she sat in the side of the bed and stayed holding his hand in hers as she smiled. "Don't do this to me again okay?"

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(It could work.)

"I'm sorry you're just a tease." He says with a wink before she sat next to him. Letting out a sign be looked go bed sigh and a smoathy if glance. "As much as I would like too, no promises in that one."
At what he said she bit the inside of her lip and smiled weakly. "I know. I love you." She whispered as she kissed his forehead and then told him to sleep as she sat there and watched him sleep, she couldn't help but cry into his hand. "Why Nick? Why such a risky career?" She asked him silently knowing well he wouldn't hear.

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"I could answer that, but I don't think he would want me to be the one to tell you." Sarah said ss she walked in the took and smiled at her sleeping Brother. "He loves you Bella, you and Andrew both and to him, it's his way of protecting you but I'll let him be the one to tell the rest.
Bella looked over at Sarah as she smiled weakly and nodded. "I'll ask him a later time." She whispered weakly as she took what she said and stored it. She was curious now.

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"Don't worry Hun, this isn't a normal thing, they Mostky due paper work, so exciting." Sarah says with a soft laugh. "So, what things do you already have planned for the bid day?Sarah asked trying to distract her from what was happening.
Bella laughed softly as she looked at Sarah and the smiled. "Well he wants to say our own vows so that but I've got the hall and we are having a beach ceremony. It only seems natural." She said as she laughed but then felt her phone go off. She excused herself to answer it and she received ugly news. She had to go to Brooklyn for an emergency meeting, right this moment. She couldn't leave Nick and when she tried to explain they only ignored her and said it was mandatory to keep her position. She sighed and walked in to ask Sarah for her opinion. If she lost her job with this company, another would pick her up quickly.

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Sarah sighed, how could they be so inconsiderate? "You know he could want you to go but you do what you want, you're both equally stubborn." Sarah says with a soft laugh. "I can hold down the fort here and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid if that's what you're worried about." Sarah was only teasing but she was sure Nick would be alright if she decided to go.
Bella bit her lip. She couldn't leave him like this. She laughed as she shook her was and sigh. "No it's fine. I'm not leaving." She said as she sat back down. Later on she was expecting them to call saying she lost her job there but it was fine. She was worried about Nick plus she still had her bridal shop to rely on. She would be okay.

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