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Love that's forbidden

"My pain medication. All of it was gone so I figured you took them." Isabella said as she sighed and decided to go to the hospital and see what she was supposed to identify. She honestly had no clue what was happening. "Next time, don't come over with a married girl you more then likely had sex with while drunk. It's embarrassing." She added and grabbed her keys. "I'll be back. Don't touch anything while I'm away." She said and went to the hospital where she was confronted by the police and asked one simple question. Why was her medication at Nicks house and why did he take the pills. Isabella was so confused. "I haven't been to nicks house nor has he been to mine officer." She explained.

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The police officer really wasn't buying her story as of right now. "Really? Because this bottle is prescribed to you and was found at Mr. Cambridge's residence." When he saw his confused she was he clarified. "This is an investigation Ms McClain, Mr. Cambridge overdosed and the medication he took belongs to you."

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The police officer really wasn't buying her story as of right now. "Really? Because this bottle is prescribed to you and was found at Mr. Cambridge's residence." When he saw how confused she was he clarified. "This is an investigation Ms McClain, Mr. Cambridge overdosed and the medication he took belongs to you."

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Isabella blinked at what she was told. Nick overdosed?! With her medication?! How?! "Officer, I promise you I don't know how this happened." Isabella said as she looked at him. "Is Nick okay?" She asked, she knew this officer wasn't buying anything she was telling him but it was all true. She didn't know anything about this.

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"I'm not allowed to inform you of the victim's condition." The officer says with seriousness. "Are you sure there was no way he could have gotten a hold of them." They still hadn't ruled out attempted suicide since he hadn't woken up yet.

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Isabella looked at the officer and shook her head but then remembered her brother. "My brother. I assumed he was the one who took my pills. He came over with a girl this morning and when they left, I did as well and when I came home, my pills were gone." She admitted. She hated to bring her brother into this but it was serious.

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"Does your brother know Mr. Cambridge?" The officer asks as he took out his notepad and began to write things down. He was still suspicious of this woman and her involvement.

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Isabella thought about it and shook her head. "No sir he doesn't." She admitted and sighed upon realizing how ridiculous she must be sounding right now. It worries her. She couldn't go to jail and have her job taken from her.

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While the officer was talking to Isabella Amber walked past and for a brief moment made eye contact she quickened her pace inside.

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When Isabella looked at her Amber and made eye contact, she blinked because she looked familiar. She noticed the ring too and it all clicked. "Officer! She was with my brother." She explained as she pointed to the girl who walked past them. "That's my brothers friend." She admitted.

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The officer turned and looked and saw Amber and ran after her. Grabbing her by the arm he stopped her. By this time Sarah asked out of the room and saw this happen. "What's going on officer?" She asked confused. "She's allowed past, she's his wife."

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Isabella looked over at the two and watched as the officer went after Amber. Soon Jace came to make sure nothing serious happen but upon seeing the officer holding Amber, he became upset. "What's going on?" He asked and Isabella sighed. "Which one of you took my pills this morning?" She asked as the room feel silent.

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Sarah over heard their conversation and intruded. "I'm sorry, who are you? And what is she talking about her pills?" She asked Amber. Sarah never did like Amber and had a feeling she was involved. When there was silence Sarah crossed her arms. "Someone needs to start talking because my little brother was almost killed!" Sarah exclaimed both frustrated and upset.

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At the word killed, Isabella froze when no one wanted to speak up. She looked at her brother and then Amber and noticed none of them would budge. She sighed and held her arms out to the officer. "I did it. I'm just trying to make excuses. They were my pills. I slipped them to Nick." She said and Ambers eyes grew wide. Isabella would take the blame for her? Jace didn't say anything either. He couldn't believe what his little sister was doing.

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The officer sighed to Isabella and shook his head. "No you didn't, you're just taking the blame I could tell by your surprised face." At this time a nurse came over to Sarah and whispered that her brother was awake. Sarah nearly leaped from the room and back over to Nick. When she saw him awake she felt the tears fall when she saw he was awake. Running over she hugged him closely. "What happened Nick?" He asked in a whisper. "I don't know," he says looking at her confused. "What's the matter?"

"Nick, you overdosed." Nick gave his sister an expression of pure shock. "What are you talking about I didn't take anything." Nick was confused. "I had a headache but Amber just gave me some water.." He says trailing off from his thoughts. Would she really have tried to kill him? The frightening thought wasn't that he was considering it but because he would believe it if it was her.

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Isabella sighed as nobody believed her. She wanted this all over and honestly just wanted someone to fess up. "Officer, I can assure you I didn't take the pills." Jace said and then Isabella looked at Amber. "So you took them? What kind of sick wife are you! You have one hell of a husband! He's an amazing guy and it's sad I've come to realize that in only two days of knowing him!"

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"Oh right, I'm sure you know everything about him in forty eight hours right?" Amber replies curtly to Isabella. "And even if I did it, you can't prove it." She replies with crossed arms.

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"You're sickening." Isabella said as she looked at her then at Jace. "My brother is not taking the blame for you! Own up to your mistake!" She said as she noticed Jace hold Ambers hand. "Get a divorce with Nick. I'm sure you'll be happier without him." She added then left to go to the cafeteria at the hospital.

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After a long four hour interrogation back at the station Amber Cambridge admitted to her crime and was arrested and booked into the system. Though she wouldn't admit why she did it. When Sarah heard the news she wasn't surprised and let the tears fall when her brother was asleep. She was sure Nick wouldn't take the news well, that was his wife, he was supposed to be able to trust her and instead she tried to rob him of his life.

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Upon hearing the news, Isabella let out a sigh as she looked at the draft and took a break from it. She was going to put it all on hold until Nick got better and when she began to fall asleep, she noticed that her brother stayed over. She sighed and couldn't sleep after awhile and got up to go and sit outside. She couldn't do this.

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Of course when Sarah finally had the courage to brake the news to Nick he immediately requested divorce papers to be filed. His wife was awaiting sentencing for attempted murder of course he didn't want anything to do with her. That was for sure the last straw. Suddenly he didn't want to go "home." Or be anywhere near here. Like he was afraid to live a life here now, he knew it would be all over town.

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"Hey nick! Just wanted to let you know that I'm holding off on the draft until you get better." Isabella sent him in an email as she sighed and looked up at the stars. She wanted to know why Amber did it. To Isabella it just didn't make sense. Nick was a wonderful guy. What did she not see in him?

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Nick didn't answer her email for a few days. After he was released he stayed at Sarah's and has his things packed and moved for him since he couldn't walk back into that house. He drives shortly after he decided to move to the mountains, he always loved them and he decided it would be nice to start new. Of course the family understood, after what he he had through he deserved it. For the first time he opened his email and smiled when he saw one from Bella. "I'm ready when you are," he answers back simply.

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When Isabella finally got an email back, she smiled at it and nodded. "I'll send you draft. Call me on your thoughts." She told him and smiled softly as she sat outside while drinking a glass of green tea. She loved this weather so much.

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"You got it, what are your thoughts. On the mountains?" He asks curiously in his next message before he finished packing the last of his things. He was going no matter what but hopefully he wouldn't lose her as his editor.

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