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Love that's forbidden

When she handed him her card he almost choked on the air itself. This was it? He was expecting rejection by default. "Thank you," He says with the brightest smile and out the card in his pocket. and saying good bye before he walked off.

Going home he set the card on the dresser and sighed as he went to shower and dress for tonight's caroling event. He hated these really because it was almost always a wealthy gathering of stuck up snobs. But of course he would support Amber. Dressing in a nice suit he grabbed the keys and headed for the car again.
It just so happened the company Isabella worked for was hosting this event so she was required to go. She went home and put things on her coffee table as she went to show once more and put on the dress a fellow author helped her pick out. It was a beautiful lilac dress and Isabella fell in love with it. She fixed up her hair nice and up and smiled as she put on make up and her glasses. She didn't like these events but it was all part of her job.

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Upon arriving Nick pu his hands in his pockets and headed inside. Hopefully he was dressed to meet Amber's expectations she was big on what everyone else thought and he understood it was all a part of her job. When he saw her he ran over to help her carry trays to set things up.
Isabella sighed as she arrived and walked inside, already recieving compliments from those around her. When she saw the food, she was asked to go and help by their CEO, so she quickly ran over in her dress and heels and smiled at the male. "Here, let me help you." She said but then looked up and realized it was the author from earlier. "Oh hello again." She said with a soft smile but then heard Amber yelling. "Here, I got this. You go help her." She said with a laugh.


(Because it's beautiful [emoji7][emoji7])

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Nick nodded simply in thanks for now and ran off to go finish helping Amber carry out the trays she needed. When the last were carried out he began to help her set everything up for the large crowds that were starting to linger in the dinning area. When everything was set up and ready for the guests he let out a satisfied sigh and walked over to his wife to ask if she needed anything else.

(Yes it is!)
Isabella watched as Nick finished helping his wife, Amber, and she smiled contently as she went to the bar area to get a cosmo. She was in dire need of one at the moment because she still had tons of paperwork that needed to be finished for the newspaper article. Isabella sat down in a couch as she took a sip of her cosmo, then saw one of her ex-authors, with his new editor, walk over. She of course stood up and introduced herself to be polite and sweet. She was supposed to be nice when representing the company.
While things seemed to be under control for now Nick tried to tell his wife the news he had wanted to share with her she was pulled away by her fellow colleagues, it was no surprise that was normal at these events. Letting out a sigh he headed back to the many tables of food to find something appeasing to eat. Most of this was stuff he never tried before and by the looks of it he would rather not try it. Finding some pasta he had recognized from one of Amber's many experiments he took a small portion. Looking around he saw a swarm of activity which was a good thing he assumed.
When Isabella was able to pull herself away, she walked over to Nick and smiled softly. "Hey there." She whispered and offered him a glass of champagne. "So all of this food is food your wife made?" She asked him with a raised brow as she took yet another sip of her Cosmo. She was very picky on what she ate and didn't bother to try the food because of her pickiness. "It looks good." She added with a smile.

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Nick shrugged. "I'm more of s burgers and fries kind of man." He says with a soft laugh setting the champagne aside he turned back to his pasta. He didn't ever drink at these events Amber found it distasteful. When she asked if his wife made everything he nodded. "Yes indeed." He says with a smile.
Isabella smiled softly and nodded. "Well, it seems to be pleasing everyone." She said and finished up her Cosmo then put the empty glass on a tray and noticed an author walked over. "Bella darling, how are you?" The male asked as Isabella smiled. "It's always nice to see you Mr. Lelieve." She said as the male nodded. "Who is this fine fellow?" He asked and Isabella smiled. "My newest author Nicolas." She explained and Mr. Lelieve nodded. "You have yourself one hell of an editor." He said ten excused himself. "He writes english lit." Isabella exclaimed with a soft smile.

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Nick smiled at the man's comment and nodded. When he walked away Nick nodded. "Interesting." He remembered earlier that she mentioned she had a likening for that. He was about to start a conversation when his wife called him over. Setting down the empty bowl he excused himself from Isabella and made his way over with a sigh.
Isabella laughed softly and went to go and converse with others that arrived. "So who's that gorgeous eye candy you were talking to earlier?" One of her friends asked and Isabella laughed softly. "He's names Nick. He's one of my newest authors. He has a wife so back of Chelsea." She explained and Chelsea laughed as well. "Okay. He's all yours." She said and Isabella shook her head.b

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([emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] He is good looking.)

Nick approached his wife with a smile and stood with her as she introduced him to some new workers. Greeting them politely. When they all disappeared again he sighed and looked at his watch. Still too early to leave and he he was bored and actually quiet hungry. Watching everyone else mingle he went back for more pasta, he would much rather have been anywhere but here but it wasn't worth the argument.
([emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]he really is)

Isabella wondered back around to Nick and smiled softly as she saw e was bored. "Hey, want to go grab a bre to eat?" She asked him with a smile, hoping he wouldn't get in trouble with her offer. She didn't want him and his wife to fight.

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While her offer was intriguing he knew he probably shouldn't. He didn't want to make the wrong impression but instead he went against his morals. All he knew was he was hungry and it would be at least another tow hours before Amber was ready to leave. Holding up a hand for her to wait a minute he walked off in the direction of his wife. Grabbing her by the arm gently he got her attention before he whispered in her ear he had to leave. Hopefully she didn't mind it too much since he told her it was for work, which it was but more so for appeasing food.
Isabella nodded as she sat there and then waited for Nick to come over. When he did, she left with him and walked with him to a close by restaurant there. She smiled softly as she walked in and then the two got a booth in the back. "So how are you?" She asked him with a soft smile.b

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"Starving," He says with a light laugh picking up the menu from the table and again to look it over. Deciding quickly on a double bacon cheese burger and fries he turned his attention back to Isabella. In that moment he noticed innocently how much of an attractive woman she was. Of course he wasn't going to mention it though. "I don't know how people can function at those gatherings they're too much for me," He says with a shake of his head and a soft yawn.
"You and me both but you get used to it." Isabella said as she smiled softly and then began to look through the menu and decided to just go with the simple chicken tenders. "You'll have to get used to it considering you'll be going to a lot of them once we get you published." She said with a smile.

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Nick laughed at her confidence in his dream of a career and nodded. "I suppose, but they could at least offer normal people food,He comments with another laugh. He was glad he had someone else to relate to, Amber always wanted to fit in with the upper class preferred to keeps his distance. "You said you liked horror right?" When she nodded he smiled. "That's funny I would have pictured you to be more of the romance type, it must be that red hair."
Isabella looked at Nick and laughed softly as well as she shrugged. "I can be a helpless romantic." She admitted but then smiled. "I hate my red hair to be honest. I honestly wanted it brown but I'm not allowed to dye it." She admitted and ordered her food when the waiter came back around. She was honestly so happy to eat actual food for the night. "I hope Amber doesn't get mad at you." She admitted with a sigh.

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"Oh she'll be alright, she's in her own little world over there," He says with a wave of the hand. "Why would you want to change it? I think it makes you look nice." He compliments with a simple smile as their food was delivered to the table. As the two ate together he was intrigued by her small talk and noticed how similar they were in their interests, that wasn't something he was used too.
"So tell me about you and Amber. You were a frat boy and she was in a sorority, so what's yalls story?" She asked him with a smiled as she dipped a piece of chicken into ketchup then leaned over to grab the pepper and put it in her ketchup and mixed it with her fry. She came to realize the two were actually really similar and that was something she'd never had before.

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"There really isn't one." He wondered why Isabella was so curious to know about him and his wife, truthfully it was nothing like he pictured it to be but being they loyal husband he was he was always trying to make things work between them. "We're a college couple that rushed into things before either of us really knew what we wanted." He wasn't so sure why he was spilling this to basically a stranger his relationship with Amber was kept for the most part behind close doors. When they married each other they were in love but they were foolish to rush into things,
"Oh, I see." Isabella said as she smiled and then began to finish up her food. When she did, she laughed and then looked over at he phone as it vibrated. She decided to just ignore the call and she stayed looking at her lap for the rest of the time. It had gotten awkward and she didn't really like it.

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Nick felt bad after because he knew he mad the situation awkward for her. When they finished their real dinner h paid for it before she could protest. "Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who was looking for an escape." He says offering her a smile before he slipped the card back into his wallet and got up from the booth offering her his hand to help her up. "Ahhh so that's what lilac looks like," He says teasing "I can see why it's your favorite color, it looks nice on you."

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