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Love that's forbidden

Isabella laughed softly at his compliment as she took his hand and sat up. When she was standing, she smiled and yawned softly. "Thank you. Lilacs a really nice color and one of my close friends bought this for me." She explained with a smile and then realized she was still holding his hand. She slowly pulled it away and smiled. "So I'll see you around?" She asked him.

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"I'm sure you will, I'll send you the draft tomorrow," he says with a smile. "It was certainly nice meeting you Isabella and I promise I'm not just saying that." He really did get a great first impression from her and was excited to work with her.

(Omg please have ginger babies. [emoji23][emoji33])
Isabella laughed softly and nodded. "It was nice meeting you too Nick." She told him as she looked around. "I'll be looking forward to your draft. Sorry if I red ink it a lot." She added with a small laugh and then walked off.

(Omg yessss [emoji23][emoji7])

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"I would hope you wouldn't," Nick says before he waved food bye to her and walked off to the car and drove home. He was so exhausted he fell asleep on the couch but woke with a grown when he felt Amber's lips against his own, her hands resting on his chest meaning she wanted him. He shook his head his eyes still closer. "Not tonight."
Amber looked at her husband and sighed as she pulled away. "Like always." She said and got up as she walked to the kitchen and grabbed another water. "So how was your date with your other girlfriend?" She asked and walked up the stairs to their room.

Isabella went straight hime and barley got any rest as se began to think about the papers she needed to red ink. She honestly was exhausted however but as she laid in bed, all she could think about was Nick and she didn't know why.

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Nick sighed and got up to follow after her. If she would have listens earlier she would have known who Isabella was "oh stop, she's an editor, one who agreed to polish." He honestly was excited but didn't show it because he knew Amber never had an interest.
"It's about time you find someone. Honestly, being an author is not a stable career." Amber said as she shook her head and walked to the bathroom to shower up and then came back to lie down. "Care to join your wife for tonight or would you rather leave her like earlier?" She added as she huffed and pulled the blankets over her.

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Nick sighed and kept his disappointment to himself, that was nothing he hadn't heard before. Biting his tongue he didn't day anything and agreed to join here where in the end he let her have what she originally wanted because he knew it was the only way to avoid an argument,
The following morning, Isabella was up bright and early for her morning run. When she arrived back at her apartment, she showered and got ready for the day. She was exhausted but the run made her feel energized. She was waiting for the draft from Nick. She was excited to see his work.

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The following morning when Nick woke Amber was already gone. That was no surprise that was normal. Groaning he got up with a sight and went to make his morning coffee, letting our an over exaggerated yawn he ran his fingers through his hair. Once his coffee was made he went to his computer to send the draft as promised before he walked out to the back porch to admire its tranquility. T
When Isabella got the draft, she smiled as she sat there and began to read it. She laughed at a few things here and there the red inked it in her tablet as she sat out in the porch and she decided to email Nick.

"Sawyer? Interesting name. Interesting name indeed." She sent him with a soft laugh as she continued to read on, awaiting a reply.

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Nick was enjoying the peace and quiet with his coffee when he saw her email and smiled. "I've always liked it, it seems to fit." Truthfully it was the name he had picked for his son but after Amber rejected both the name and the idea of children he thought it could be useful in his writing.
"Fits perfectly." Isabella told him as she smiled and continued to red ink it while listening to Frank Sinatra and then of course her classical music. That music helped her work and it was perfect music. She smiled as she continued to read and then, she decided to invite Nick over. "Care to join me for some lunch at my place?" She emailed him with a smile.

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Nick was already out of the shower and dressed for the day. When he saw her email and opened its. Letting out a sigh he bit his lip, he really shouldn't unless she has a reason for him being there. "Don't you have some reading to do?" He really hoped she made a valid excuse for him to go because he enjoyed talking with her.
Isabella looked over at the email and laughed softly as she sighed. This was going to be an awkward time. "That I do sir but I do have a few questions. I'll just send you the draft with my red ink when it's all finished." She sent him again and then began to continue reading as she sang along to Frank Sinatra.

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Nick laughed at her response and emailed her his number for her questions. He was wondering where his wife was, she had been gone whole now and he didn't think she has work today. Where could she be?
Isabella laughed softly as she got his number then decided to call this man and put it on speaker so she could continue to edit and listen to music. Upon hearing him answer, she couldn't help but laugh softly. "So, downtown London with a man named sawyer? Can I ask your inspiration?" She asked him with a smile.

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"I've always wanted to go to London and I just always liked that name, sorry my inspirations aren't that interesting." He says with a laugh as he went outside to enjoy the nice weather.
Isabella laughed softly as she shook her head. "It makes sense. I like it." She told him as she continued reading then came across yet another thing. "Okay so explain to me his love interest. Yes I'm that far I read fast."

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"Well good to know I'm not the only one, but I can't tell you that, what about her?" Of course she was inspired from the younger Amberat first but the ending for her was dramatic. In the end she had in fact been murdered and that symbolized for Nick their love, how he unfortunately thought it was killed off long ago but be would never tell anyone that.
"And why can't you tell me? Describe her too me. What is she like. You're lacking detail on her. Is she a blonde or brunette? What color eyes? What's her personality like? Things like that. The simple things your lacking." She explained and laughed at how she sounded. "Sorry. Didn't mean to be that passionate."

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"Never apologize for doing your job." Releasing a sigh he thought about it for s minute, he couldn't make it too obvious or she would catch on. "Brunette with green eyes, her personality is described further on, just keep reading.
"Brunette with green eyes. She sounds pretty." Isabella said with a a laugh. "Alright I'll keep reading then. What's her back story?" She asked him wanting to know as much as she can so she knew what to red ink.

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"I'll answer your questions once you finish." He didn't want to give away too much and as always he was self conscious of his writing. Was he good enough? He wasn't sure, Amber never took it seriously so he gave up on asking her opinion. Amber, where was she?
"That's not fair." Isabella said as she laughed and continued to read the draft and began to edit things. "Your writing is actually very good Nick." She explained. "I love how you write honestly. I could tell you are self conscious about your writing so I hope you don't take my red ink to serious."

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