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Love that's forbidden

"The mountains? They're beautiful. I've gone every summer with my family. Why?" Isabella replied as she smiled and stayed looking outside while the wind blew. She loved being outside. She always had. She thinks better outside.

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"I suppose I'll have to see you there then, I'm taking my leave and moving up there." He replies hopefully she didn't take it the wrong way.

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Isabella blinked at what she read and simply smiled a soft smile. She tried not to let it bother well. "I see. Well I guess majority of our communication will be over the phone and email. Exciting."

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Nick sighed at her reply, he always had sensed there was something more with Isabella but he by far didn't even want to think about taking anything father than Business at this point. He was still waiting for divorce to be filed and still trying to cope with the idea Amber would have gotten away with murder.

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Isabella sighed as she stared at the text and eventually put her phone away and hugged her knees to her chest. She didn't like this but she understood everything Nick was going through. She didn't want to go anywhere other than business with him. She knew he needed space and she was okay with that. He needed a fresh start and sadly, she wondered if his fresh start would be better without her around.

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Nick really didn't want to go alone but asking his family to move as well when they built lives for themselves here was too much to ask of them. He was a grown man and could handle himself as long as it was far, far away from here. As of right now it was still uncomfortable for him. In the following weeks he made the move and fixed the house Ho to make it feel more like s home but he couldn't help but feel lonely so he did as he always had, he turned to his writing. He started a knew story but this one was based off a true story, he just changed some things. In this time the first book was in the process of its publishing debut and of course Nick was excited but he wouldn't have come this far without Isabella and he wanted her to know he appreciated her efforts in helping him. In return he bought her lavender shaded lilacs. It was. Small gesture but he knew it would mean a lot.

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After the final meeting with the publisher, Isabella went home and laid in bed as she let out a big sigh. Things were hectic but Nicks book was being published and that's all she cared about. She was glad she could help him achieve his goal and when she heard the knock, she walked over and smiled at the lavender shaded lilacs. They were beautiful and she immediately put them on her dinning table. She quickly typed up a text and said, "Thanks for the lilacs. They're beautiful. Hope you're enjoying the mountains! :) " She sat at the table and smiled at the lilacs for several minutes. It was small but she loved it. She missed him honestly but she was giving him space.

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Nick smiled at her text and replied promptly. "I would be if I was there, I'm enjoying this instead." he says sending her s picture of Emily laying in te sand at the beach near by. He decided to come home for a little while, it had been a few months and truthfully he missed everyone.

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Isabella laughed softly at the picture and smiled. "Tell Emily I said hi!" She replied and let out a content sigh. Things were going just right. Nick was able to start all over again and that alone made Isabella happy. He deserved that and his book was selling like crazy. She was editing for Mr. Lelievre on one of his english lit books. It was easier but she didn't enjoy it as much. Maybe she should let Nick go so he can find him an editor close by.

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"Will do, but I was hoping to meet with you while I'm in town." He replied back, he started working on the second book like she suggested and he wanted to show it to her, but more so he was using it as an excuse just to see her. Over the months she had really grew on him and he considered her a friend.
Isabella was surprised by what the message said. She smiled as she typed back, "I like that idea. Meet at my house?" She asked him as she smiled and made sure her house was cleaned up and perfect. She didn't want him to get a bag impression.

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" if you want, or you could meet me for dinner." He says before he went to grab Emily from the water and took her to the showers to rinse off. He had to get her home soon so he could get ready.
Isabella blinked at what she read over and over but a smile spread across her face. "Sounds great. Where?" She asked him and then began to shower and get ready for this dinner. She didn't even know what to wear or how to fix her make up.

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Putting Emily in the car he put her in her car seat and buckled her before he replied. "You pick, just let me know." Fringing off her drove back to Sarah's.
Isabella laughed softly as se thought about it and realized she could get a table at the La Terrazza without a wait. "La Terrazza. Dress nice." She told him as she dressed in a short black dress with simple silver heels and of course a charm bracelet, her ring and a necklace her mother got her. She smiled contently as she put on her make up and fixed her hair curled. This was perfect. She got in her black Audi and drove to the restaurant.

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Nick laughed at her response but agreed. Dressing in a light blue dress shirt and gray dress pants with matching shoes, he fixed his hair and headed for the destination she had chosen. He really was looking forward to seeing her face to face for the first time in months and wanted her thoughts on his new developing storyline for the sequel.

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(The dress^^^)

Isabella was excited to finally see Nick after these months of him being away. Video chatting was always nice but face to face was better. She sat there at their booth and waited for him and when he arrived, she stood up and hugged him right. Something they had never done before. The heels made her as tall as him.

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Nick smiled brightly when he saw her and accepted her hug. Stepping back he looked at her with a soft laugh. "You look great, did you get taller?" He asks teasingly before the two sat down at the booth. She really did look nice.

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"Defiantly. I grew three inches." Isabella said as she laughed and then sat down with him. "Looking sharp yourself." She admitted with a smile and then ordered a water. "Best Italian food in town." She admitted and looked at the menu.

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Nick tried his best to pay attention to concentrate but he couldn't help but keep his glance mainly on her. "That's for sure," He says looking over the menu before he decided on chicken parm. When the waitress came to take their orders and cleared the table of the menus he turned to her. It was so strange being home, being here, he had grown used to the quiet and it was anything but quiet here. "So, I wanted to show you something," he says "But you'll have to wait until after dinner, I left it in the car."
Isabella smiled a soft smile and began to look over the menu. She decided to go with simple spaghetti and meatballs. She looked over at Nick when the waitress took their order and cleared their table. "Oh really? What is it?" She asked curiously with a soft smile. She was happy to just be sitting here with Nick. It was something she enjoyed and she missed him terribly while he was away.
"You'll see." He promised her before he found himself admitting her once more. "It seems so different here, but maybe I'm just used to this peace." He says with a soft laugh. The only thing he missed about this place was the people, he was tired of being alone and sitting here proved that.
Isabella laughed softly at Nick and then smiled. "Well, you get used to peace and quiet out in the mountains." She admitted as she took a sip of her water then looked over at the author in front of her. "Oh, you have fan mail at my house by the way. I didn't want it going to your house out in the mountain. I also made you an email. Apparently a lot of teens really enjoyed your book." She admitted. "I responded to most of the mail and emails by saying you would get back to them soon. I can help you with it all of course."
Nick smiled brightly at her and shook his head. "You're unbelievable." He says with a laugh. Everyone he has talked to was right, Isabella was one hell of an editor. "Thank you," he says with utter most sincerity. Everything she was doing for him meant a lot to him.
Isabella smiled softly and nodded. "Of course. It's my job." She admitted and then heard her phone go off, another email from another fan. Nick was so successful and that alone brought her happiness.

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