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Love that's forbidden

Isabella sighed because she knew what he was thinking. He didn't want to stay because of Jace and that alone mad her sad. It upset her really. She looked at him and shook her head. "It's best if I stay here. I'll see you tomorrow." She whispered as she pulled away and walked up to her room. She was trying not to cry but soon the tears fell when she was in the closure of her room. Nothing would happen between them because of Jace and Isabella needed to realize that. She needed to stop having false hope.

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Nick sighed and nodded reluctantly, moving in he kissed her cheek in farewell before he felt. He knew he upset her, he could tell by her body language and he felt bad but he couldn't trust himself around Jace. He didn't want to hurt him. That was the man who stole his wife from him and upon further prying Nick knew why Amber did was she did, she wanted to be with Jace. That wasn't something released to the public audience and he wasn't planning to tell Isabella because none of this was her fault and he didn't want to jeopardize her relationship with Jace but Nick couldn't help but feel an overwhelming disliking for him just because he was the reason Nick was supposed to be dead right now. Whether Jace knew that or not he didn't care if was enough that he knew Amber was a married woman.

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Isabella sighed as she stared at the ceiling and thought about this trip to London. Maybe she shouldn't go. Maybe she should cut all ties with Nick, including work. It would be easier for him then having to worry about Jace so much. Maybe Nick was angry because Jace took Amber from him. Did that mean he kept Isabella around to fill the gap? It was all her fault and she hated this. She got her phone and decided to text him saying, "Nick, i think it's best we stay on a business level until j can find you another editor who can support you. I'm sorry. I won't be going with you to London either. - Isabella McClain."

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When Nick got back to where he was staying her saw her message and sighed, he saw this coming but he chose to ignore it. He couldn't blame her, she probably felt used and he would never expect her to tarnish family ties to be with him. It was too good to be true and for s split second he felt as though he wished Amber succeeded in her goal. However, he soon pushed it away and replied back. "Understood, thank you, for everything." It almost killed him to send that message but he did, he couldn't deny her what she wanted and that was to be far away from him, he was trouble and he never should have gave into her temptation anyways.

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Isabella looked at the message and sighed. She really shouldn't have fallen for a guy who was married. Nothing worked out in the end and honestly, she was giving up with herself. Once word got out that Ambers motive was to be with Isabella's brother, nobody would want Isabella, and she had to face that that was reality. She laid in bed for a week. She didn't eat, she didn't move, she didn't do anything. Just listened to her music and stayed in bed staring out the window. She didn't reply to anyone, not Nick, not the fan mail. It was like she fell off the earth and no one noticed.

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Nick didn't go to London, as he intended he gave them to Sarah and took Emily for the week. After that week he decided to head home, there was really no reason to stay anymore, Isabella didn't want him and he had to be a man and accept that. Besides, he had lessons plans to start creating for the upcoming fall semester.
Isabella stayed in her bed for about another couple days until Jace came and saw his sister so dead. She wasn't like herself and when Jace asked what was wrong, she simply shook her head. The fan mail began to pile up and everyone who knew Isabella personally worried. It wasn't like her to do this. Someone finally called Nick to see if he knew what happened with Isabella. Everyone was worried and even Jace was because his sister didn't want to get up. It was like the life was sucked out of her.

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Nick blamed himself when he heard the news, he did this to Bella and she didn't deserve it. He had to fix it no matter if her brother just happened to be there or not. After packing the last of his things he made a detour to her hours to check on her. Finding the spare key he let himself in and collected all the mail from the over flowing mailbox and varied it inside. Setting it on the table he called out to her and walked into her room.
Jace had left by now and it was just Isabella laying in bed, staring at the poem she wrote about Nick. Nothing would happen. She didn't know why she had such faith and when she heard Nick, she looked over at him and sighed. "Why are you here?" She asked him. She lost quite some weight just from not eating but she didn't care. Nothing could fix the hole in her heart.

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"The real question would be why I didn't I come sooner?" He says. Walking towards her. "Come on Bell, you got to get up, everyone's worried about you, come on we'll go get lunch. You have to be starving." He really hoped she wouldn't argue and just accept the offer, she needed it and they would worry about themselves later.
Isabella shook her head and stayed in bed. "I'm not hungry. You get used to not eating." She said and then looked at him. "Go find another girl to fill the gap with." She added and turned to where her back was facing him as she silently cried. It hurt to say those words. It hurt to realize he really didn't care about her. She just wanted to die at this point because nobody would want her when word got out.

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"What are you talking about? What gap? There was never a gap." He said reassuringly. It was the truth while he wasn't happy with Amber he never used Bella to fill a "gap." He gave her the attention he longed to give her because she was everything Amber wasn't, she was perfect for him. "I never meant to hurt you Isabella I just don't want you to have to chose, that's all, of course I care about you." He explained."we don't have to talk about this now but we are going to find food." He says holding out his hand for her to take, he hated seeing her in this condition, more so because he felt the guilt for being the reason. He didn't deserve someone as perfect as she was not after what she put herself through.

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Isabella rolled her eyes and stayed in bed. "Do you really care about me Nick? Do you really?" She said and finally sat up. "Because if you really cared you wouldn't have cared about my brother. You wouldn't have worried about me picking you or not, you should already know that I would pick you. I'm sorry you can't get away from you past because of my brother. I'm sorry he was involved with that but dammit Nick, he isn't me! I would have chose you over him anyway but now I just don't know anymore. I don't what I want anymore."

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"'No oms'd asking you to make a decision right this moment, if can wait." He spoke in serenity, the gentleness he had towards her helped himself from getting upset. She had reason to feel that way and her understood but right now he needed her to take care of her needs and then they could go into a deeper conversation.

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"I'm fine Nick. Just go. You were leaving back to the mountains anyways right? I'll be fine." She whispered as she hugged her knees and hid her face as she cries silently. Why was this so hard? Why did she get involved with a married man? Why did she have to be a reminder of his past? It all just sucked and wasn't meant to be. "I found you an editor by the way. Her names Alexandria Cortese. Her cards on the kitchen table." She added. She knew Alex would take care of Nick.

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New editor? He suddenly became overwhelmed and panicked internally. He didn't want a new editor, he didn't trust anyone else. "I'm not leaving until you at least eat something." She was being adamant about him leaving but he was even more about not.
"Why do you care so much?" Isabella asked as she sighed and sat up. She stood up and went to her kitchen and ate a banana. "Happy." She said before going to sit on her couch and got her tablet. The first thing to pop up was the draft with red ink all over it already. She wasn't his editor for this one anymore. She sighed and turned her tablet off and cried silently into her knees.

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"Why do you care so much?" Isabella asked as she sighed and sat up. She stood up and went to her kitchen and ate a banana. "Happy." She said before going to sit on her couch and got her tablet. The first thing to pop up was the draft with red ink all over it already. She wasn't his editor for this one anymore. She sighed and turned her tablet off and cried silently into her knees.

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(Someone's up early[emoji23])

Nick wasn't going to admit to her the real reason why he cares so much, because it seemed like it didn't matter now and he felt guilty knowing he was the reason she was crying. She didn't deserve to feel this way and it was his fault for giving in. "I care because you're an incredible person who does so much for everyone else." They was the truth and he needed her to know that. They knew when they started this the intimate moments Nick felt were love was forbidden.
(I've been up since 2. I don't know what is wrong with me[emoji23])

"Why do you have to be married?" She whispered with a sigh as she stayed crying in her knees. This was so complicated she hated it but she didn't want to lose Nick. Just the thought alone scared her and she never wanted to face it in reality. "Nick I...." She fell silent. Was this an appropriate time to tell him? Tell him she loved him? "Nick I..... I..... I love you." She whispered and stayed hugging her knees, scared for what might happen next.

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([emoji23][emoji23]I'm on the bus.)

Nick blinked at the question she asked him. As far as he was considered he wasn't married he was just waiting to be legally freed from the woman he thought he could trust. However, what he heard next was even more shocking and no amount or quality of words could describe what he was feeling now. She felt the same way, he couldn't shut let her go now, he didn't care what anyone else thought he needed her in his life after everything he had been through. Walking over to her he took her in his arms and made her look at him, wiping away her tears he leaned in to kiss her, pulling away he ran his hand along her cheek -&: whispered. "I love you too."
(So early?[emoji23][emoji23] what time is it there?)

What happened was something Isabella wasn't expecting. She needed Nick in her life and just hearing those three words made her heart flutter. She smiled softly and kissed him once more and when she pulled away, she let out a content sigh. "I love you so much you don't understand Nick." She whispered as she looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting." She added with a sigh. She acted ugly and she was ashamed of herself.

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"Don't apologize for having emotions." He was so used to Amber not expressing hers it was a relief to know Bella wasn't the same way, really she was a complete opposite and that's the kind of person he pictures himself with. Kissing her forehead he smiled at her. "But you do have to eat something more than that," he teased.
(God that's early.)

Bella laughed softly as she smiled at him and nodded. "Okay. I need to get dressed and shower." She told him and slowly stood up but kissed him in the process and when he pulled away, she smiled. "You pick where unless we order pizza and hang out here." She added as she walked to the bathroom to shower and change.

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(School starts at 7:05)

Nick shook his head at her suggestion. Once she was showered and ready he took had to a small cafe where they ate lunch together. He really didn't want to leave now but he had things to get to back at home.

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