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Love that's forbidden

(That's why.)

Isabella enjoyed this lunch and really didn't want him to leave now but she knew he had too. Maybe she shouldn't have admitted her feelings? He was going to be so far away for so long it killed her inside and she tried not to let that show. "Drafts finished by the way." She told him with a soft smile.

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"Already?" He asked surprised. It had only been a few days. "You really are one hell of an editor." He says with s laugh as he paid for their lunch.
Isabella laughed softly with a smile. "Well, I had a lot of free time and I read really fast." She said and then got up with him. "Where to now?" She asked him and then followed him out of the restaurant.
"Unfortunately I have to head back home," he says taking her hands and pulling her closer towards him. He wanted to kiss her but he fought the temptation and instead took her into a tight embrace. He didn't want to go, but he has to and they were both avoiding the conversation of what was going to happen between them.
Isabella sighed as she nodded and looked at Nick. She leaned up and kissed him softly. "I had to. Nick I want you to be mine forever." She whispered. She didn't want to talk about this but she did at the same time. She just wanted to be his..

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"I know," He says bringing her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. He wanted her too but he wasn't going to come between her and her family. It was complicated, he was still legally bonded to Amber until he got the papers and everyone frowned upon these types of relationships.
"Then be mine." She whispered as she looked him the eye and sighed. "I love you and I would choose you anyday." She whispered and squeezed his hand. "Please. I don't want to lose you."

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"I wish it was that easy, but I'm not going to take you away from your family which is what I would be doing." If they were going to be together he wanted her to come with him to the home he was making for himself and that was too much to ask, thinking ahead that wouldn't be ideal if they had kids, they would have neither one of their families to watch their kids grow up, it wasn't as perfect as she was picturing it to be.
Isabella sighed as she nodded. "Okay. Then this is where the intimate relationship ends. For good. I'll stay as your editor but strictly business. I hope you find a girl who's perfevt for you Nick." She whispered then smiled. "Call me if you have questions on my red inking." Se added then walked off.
When he watched her walk away he sighed. "I already found her." He whispers more so to himself. Once she was out of view he drove off and headed for home.
Upon arriving home, Isabella tried not to let this get to her. All she wanted was Nick but she couldn't have him. There was just to many obstacles in the way. She went home and sent him the draft with a note saying, "looking forward to the third book! Keep me posted! "
After the long drive home Nock carried his things inside and went to the kitchen to open a bottle of wine. It was a long day and he needed this drink. Setting down the wine glass after sipping on it he read the email and smiled faintly. He wanted her and it was hard to accept he couldn't have her. "No promises Ms McClain." He replies back before finishing off the glass.
"You have to have a 3rd Mr. Cambridge!

P.s. Don't leave me by myself too long "

She responded as she sighed and then began to go outside and fix up her garden to keep her entertained. She was exhausted and emotionally exhausted. She just wanted Nick even if she couldn't have him.
Nick set the glass in the sink and retreated to start making his lesson plans for the up coming semester. When night fell he went to admire the stars and their beauty, this is where he wrote most of the time, it was peaceful and a foregone view.

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A few weeks later, Jace went to the mountains to talk with Nick that morning. When he got there, he sighed and walked up to the front door knowing he wouldn't want to see him but his sister needed him. She needed Nick. Isabella on the other hand, tried to go on with life but always thought about Nick.
Nick never meeting Jace face to face before didn't know who he was. Answering the door he looked at the man with a confused expression but offered a smile. "Can I help you?" He asks wondering what the man may have wanted.

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"Mr. Cambridge correct? I'm Jace, my little sister's Isabella." Jace explained as he sighed and looked away. "I brought you this spiral, it's my sister's. She's been writing in it ever since you left and she still hasn't been the same Bella she was, and now I know why. She needs you Nick. I know you're concerned about our family and how the papers for your divorce haven't gone through yet but, I'm not lying when I say my sister needs you. She needs happiness in her life again. I hate seeing her like this. It's like when.. When our mother passed away." he whispered.
Nick greeted his teeth at Jace's explanation, he had some choice words for this man but he held his tongue. This was about Isabella and for that reason only he kept his composure. "I understand your concern but I don't think it's your place to get involved, my personal issues are none of your concern." This was by far one of the hardest things he had to do. "But I'll check on her."

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"Checking won't be good enough." Nick said as he shook his head. "But fine. Make up your mind though. Don't give her hope of you know nothing will happen. She needs you and i can't see why you don't see that." He said then left the spiral with Nick and left to his car and drove off.

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Nick huffed an aggravated sigh at Jace he didn't know what he was talking about. Picking up the spiral he carried it to the couch and opened it where he began to read its contents, rather curious to know what was inside.

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"I love him but our love is one that's not allowed. Loving a man that's technically still married but wanting nothing more then to be with him. Weird isn't it? I just want him to be mine. I want to wear that flowy wedding dress and say my vows to make him mine though it'll never happen. It can't so my dreams will forever be dreams." Read the first page of her spiral.

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Nick sighed at the sight of the first page and just kept going until he reached the end. "Damn it." He mutters under his breathe. He couldn't let her go now, not that he knew everything, it was like he was torn, he had to do something. Pulling out the computer he bought the first ticket home and headed straight for the airport.

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Isabella was at home and going day by day like usual. This however was just her going through the motions. Nothing phasing her. She went to sleep and when she woke up, it was already another day. Time to move on with the day, motion through motion.

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(So sorry.)

Nick arrived by late evening, knowing the possibility of Isabella being a sleep was a great one he decided to check into a hotel for the night. When morning rose beyond the clouds he rose from his slumber and quickly got ready for the day. Shortly after breakfast he made his way to Isabella's front door, knowing she wasn't expecting him he smiled brightly and placed his hands in his pants pockets as he waited for her to answer the door, the thought of her beautiful face excited him.

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Isabella was making herself a cup of green tea when she heard a knock on the door. She wondered who it could be so she went over and opened the door and when she saw Nick, she was at a loss for words. "N-nick?" She asked him as she wanted to cry.

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