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Love that's forbidden

After dinner Nick of course took care of the costs, his excuse was it was to say thank you for all she had done but he genuinely wanted to do it. Getting up from their seats he offered her his hand as he did before and smiled at her when she stood. "Do you want to see what I brought you?" He asks as they walked out to the car he unlocked if and pulled out a new tablet. "Open it," he says with a laugh once she unlocked it it had the draft already opened. "Upon request, I decided to take your advice."
"This is great to hear Nick!" Isabella said as she smiled and hugged him close. When she pulled away, she skimmed through a few pages and smiled. "Can't wait to start red inking this." She admitted with a laugh. "I'm proud." She added as she locked the tablet again and handed it back to him. "Oh right! Here." She said and dug into her purse where she pulled out the paper with his log in info for his fan email account but her small spiral fell out and it landed on the page of a poem. A poem about Nick.

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(I'm going for the feels [emoji23][emoji23])

Nick was flattered by her excitement, he has a desire to please her unlike he had with anyone before. When she went to hand him the information he watched the spiral fall and he picked it up. Organ ally he was going to hand it back but something he saw caught his attention, his name. Quickly he read the poem and began to blush slightly before he looked up to her with a bright smile. He didn't have words for what it was he just read but it made him happy and content. When she reached for the small spiral that still was in her hand he surprised her by pulling her into him by her arm and kissed her softly, her lips were sweet, something he never experienced before and when he pulled away he laugh softly at the shock apparent on her face. Biting his lip he realized the risk he just took. His heart began to race, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He whispers now looking at his shoes.
When she saw the spiral go down to the floor, she was going to get it but when she saw Nick read it, her heart froze. She looked at him worriedly and then reached for it quickly but upon feeling him pull her close, she was confused and the kiss was unimaginable. She felt sparks everywhere and when she pulled away, she blinked and smiled. "It's fine." She whispered as she cupped his face and kissed him softly as well. She smiled against his lips and when she pulled away again, she smiled. "That poem was embarrassing."

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Nick shook his head and laughed softly. "No it's not, I found it to be flattering," he says looking into her eyes while he rested s hand on her cheek he kissed her again. As much as he knew he probably shouldn't he could resist the temptation, he couldn't get over the feeling and suddenly he wanted all of her but he wouldn't dare admit that. That was taking things too far:
Isabella smiled at the feeling of his lips against hers again. She held it for as long as possible and when she pulled away, she smiled. "You taste like chicken parm." She said with a laugh and then yawned softly. "So when do you leave again?" She asked softly, not wanting him to leave her alone again.

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Nick laughed at his own embarrassment of her comment and then shrugged. "I don't know, I don't do much of anything there really." All he did was write and he picked up a job as an English professor at the local college but that didn't start until the beginning of best school year in the fall. "I wasn't planning to leave any time soon."
Isabella smiled brightly at the news and leaned up to kiss him once more. "Good." She whispered and then pulled away and held his hand. "Well I think I should get going. I have more red inking to do." She said with a smile.

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Nick sighed and fought the urge not to grab her hand again when she let go. "Fine, I guess I can let you go," He says teasingly with a disappointed tone. He would have gone with her but he didn't want to be anywhere near her brother and he felt bad for that, how could he dream of making somthing of themselves and make her choose between him or her own blood, he couldn't and that's why he might as well let go on the possibility of them ever amounting to anything.
Isabella laughed softly as she smiled and nodded. "I'll see you later?@ she asked him as she smiled and walked to her car and soon left. She thought about her brother and knew he would never approve of Nick for her. She didn't want Nick to meet a part of his past again so maybe it was best if they just saw other people. That's what was best and that's what she came to realize was what she will do. Upon arriving home, she sighed and stared at the ceiling. Why? Why did all this have to happen and make her life difficult?

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Despite the fact they both knew they were probably partaking in something they shouldn't, Nick sound himself spending s lot of time with Bella. Nothing serious ever did really occur though they did occasionally have intimate moments when they couldn't resist. It was wrong, he was still technically a married man but he didn't care it felt right and the fact no one suspected it or even has a clue made it even better. He found himself committed to her and eventually he would have to admit it, but for now he didn't admit anything he was too busy rushing to get to her, he hasn't seen her in a few days and he had an important question to ask her.
Isabella was back at home, doing some cleaning as Frank Sinatra blasted through her house. She sang along and enjoyed the peace and quiet to herself but she missed being with Nick. She felt as though she could spend her whole life with him but she would never tell a soul that. Just the fact that no one knew made her happy. Especially because she didn't want her brother to find out. When she heard a car door close outside however, she stopped what she was doing and walked out the house to find Nick. "Hey." She whispered as she hugged him.

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Nick smiled and greeted her with a long compassionate kiss. Perhaps it was a risk in coming here but he couldn't take it anymore, he wanted, he needed to see her. When he pulled away he smiled. "Hi." He says in a whisper before he followed her back inside and laughed when he heard the music playing. Taking her hand he started dancing around the room with her..
Isabella smiled at the kiss she was given and upon going inside, she smiled as he took her hand and began to dance with her. "You dance pretty good." She admitted with another laugh and smiled. "I missed you so much." She whispered and kissed him again, softly get compassionate.

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"Hmm, I missed you too," He says resting his hands on her waist before he went back to kiss her some more, he would never get over the taste of her lips, it was nothing like with,, Amber, the woman who tried to get rid of him. He tended at the thought but quickly pushed it away. Moving away from her lips he loved to her neck leaving a trail of kisses to her collarbone and back up to her lips again, it was going to kill him when he had to leave her.
Isabella smiled at the kisses she was recieving and when kissed on the neck, she smiled and closed her eyes. She loved being with Nick and she hoped he would never leave her again. She kissed him back passionately and when the song ended, she smiled but stayed with her arms around his neck. "You give me butterflies you know that?" She whispered and kissed him again with a laugh.

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Nick laughed happily, "Oh stop, there's no need for cliches here," he says getting lost in her eyes as he often did these days before he kissed her for the countless time in the past few minutes. When he finally pulled away and released her he could feel the feeling of her pressed against him still lingering. "I really came here to ask you something but you're just a distraction."
Isabella laughed softly and smiled as she looked at him. "Sorry I'm just a distraction. What's up author?" She asked with s smile and leaned up to kiss him again as she yawned and then looked as the music stopped. It meant her playlist was over.

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"Do you want to come with me to London?" He was spontaneous he understood but he had bought the tickets so long ago and was supposed to go with his ex wife. It was a long shot he knew but it was worth the shot, if not he would give the tickets to Sarah and her husband and he would watch Emily for the week they were away.

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Isabella blinked at what she was told and she smiled softly and nodded. "Of course." She whispered and kissed him softly as she smiled against his lips. "When do we leave?" She asked as she yawned from exhaustion. She was excited for this and was excited she would be going with Nick. Nothing could make this better.

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Nick but his lip and laughed softly at her excitement, grabbing her hand he interlocked their fingers together and kissed her nose. "Two days." He says excitedly. As she told him before he had always wanted to go to London, it was on his bucket list.

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"I should start packing tomorrow.." Isabella said with a laugh and then smiled at Nick. "You make me happy." She whispered and kissed him on the lips then the jaw. She smiled softly and rested her head against his chest. "London with you. Nothing will get better then that." She whispered

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"You don't know that." He says with a daunting smirk before he kissed her in return. When she pulled away he groaned because he knew he should probably go. She never knew when Jace would show up at her door and that was always something that bothered Nick. Pulling her closer he kissed her for a long while. "You know you don't make it very easy to leave."

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Isabella laughed softly as she leaned over and kissed him again. "Well then don't. Stay with me." She whispered as she kissed him again for a long while and when she pulled away, slightly bit his lip. "Your answer Nick." She whispered as she smiled and kissed his jaw one last time.

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Nick let out a frustrated sigh and kissed her again, "Not tonight, I don't need you getting into trouble." He whispers with a soft smile. If it wasn't for Jace he would stay no doubt but he was still having trouble being around him, a man he never met because he played a part in the horrible plot against his life. It was amazing how much more different Isabella seemed from her brother, so kind and selfless. He wanted to stay, he really did but he couldn't bring him elf to do it. "You could always come with me."'he suggests with hopeful eyes.

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