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Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

"That's true, I am a healer and as long as we keep are weapons to our selves I would love to come. What was that Fate? Kane said happily.
Kane walked slowly so him and Fate could talk without the others hearing "what is it" Kane whispered iritantly.
"I'm not sure yet. Your groups violent side frightens me, but As we go along I am finding more and more reasons to stay with your group. So until I know for sure I will tag along. Thank you for asking." Kane said, pleased with the new group he has joined.

"Let's catch up with the group." Said Kane hurrying along to reach the other members of his group.
Sora scowls and then starts to walk as he mutters silently to himself and then keeps following the group who are Now slightly ahead of him.
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"I know Skelly can keep up with me, what about you three?" Jack asks Fate, Kane and Sora. "Can any of you call over a horse? I don't see any over here, especially since this is Orc territory. " Jack continues, "One of you can ride on Skelly's back, maybe two, and before you say anything, you're not riding on my back."

"We could just walk, but that might take days until we get to the Holow.
"Looks at Jack as I say" im not sure.... You vampires are renouned for your speed... Anyway I should be able to keep up with you, we samurai are trained in speed but its been a while since ive trained properly so I might be rusty....and consodering im a human means im at a disadvantage..." Smiles at Jack

((Im at school so will have late replies ^_^ ))
"Well then you two ride on Skelly's back." Jack says to Fate and Kane (is she ever gonna respond?)

"Ready?" Jack asks, ready to take off. (Im at school.)
Jack bears his fangs and pulls out his sword ripping Matthews stomach open. "Heal him Kane." He says as he turns away.
Stands there with Jack as I look at Mathew, "Who the hell are you?" has my hand wrapped around the hilt of my katana in case of attack
Kane quickly drops down and starts to heal Mathew. "Why did you attack us!" Kane says shockingly.
Lets go of my katanas hilt as I then turn around and continue walking as I dont sense any threats coming from the strange guy
Looks ar Jack, "God. I never knew you vanpires are so... Vicious.... But still, that was pretty cool... Anyway, how far North are we going? Im trying to avoid something. Its not to far from here, its safer if we stay clear.."
Looks back to Kane as I say"just leave him Kane... Its not worth wasting your energy over... Just heal him up and let him stay there..."
Fate says "we need some information on the sword of haven you got any" fate says smerking at Mathew
"Fate is right, we should wait for him to get up to see if he has any information on the sword of haven. Also we did this to him, we should at least make sure he wakes up." Kane responds.
Sora sighs as he walks over to them and sits by a rock located beside the unconscious Mathew "very well... We do need someone to come off if we are gonna have any hope of finding this sword"

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